Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Draining The Snake
As the one thing the Witches of Ellsworth Street covets more than anything else is money, money, money, the best way to give them indigestion, high blood pressure and insomnia is to make them spend more of it than they prefer. Since they have no stomach for an expense of more than zero, I'd say it's a low bar to hurdle.
Of course, I pounded them hard with a winning lawsuit. I pounded them again by tipping off the Contra Costa Building Inspection Division there was something fishy going on at the Blue Sky Ranch. That right there cost the Witches of Ellsworth Street tens and tens of thousands of dollars.
I say it's high time to push them up to the six-figure space.
Now, these expenses don't need to be grand slams. It was one hell of a lot of work to crush them in court and even more work to create a complaint that compelled the building inspectors to act. There's some ways you can help the public, potentially even your own neighbors: get the word about this dangerous cult out to the world and keep it there.
That's right. It's called supply-side economics Witches of Ellsworth style. They demand their tributes. We prevent their supply.
The current trajectory of the Academy for Psychic Studies is such that they are dumping (dribbling, actually) their cash reserves downward bit by bit. That the Blue Sky Ranch cost them plenty in fines, engineering studies and repairs is just the latest in their travails.
Now is the time to press forward to prevent the Witches of Ellsworth Street from obtaining what they want to restore their perverse glory. It's time to tell the public of the toxicity in the Academy for Psychic Studies. It's time to ensure those who would be ensnared in this web of lies and exploitation are never trapped.
Take a moment to do something. Make a comment - anonymously would be great as there is no damn way the Witches will be able to know who you are. I defeated their attempt to force me to identify anyone who posts a comment and strengthened my commitment to your freedom of speech.
If someone asks about the place, pull them aside and give them the lowdown. If you can make a rating on Yelp!, all the better. Marilyn has done that already. Again, there's nothing the Witches can do to you.
We all know there are things the Witches are doing that fall outside the law. Some of it is just outside. A lot of it is well outside.
Blow that whistle. Take that one step forward. If you are knowledgeable of any potentially illegal actions, write to the appropriate agency. As a whistleblower, you will be protected if your report is made in good faith. All things considered, your knowledge there is something that even feels a little shady, you would be protected even if your report turns out to be not actionable.
Since the Witches (Robin Dumolin in particular) have brayed loud and long about "the spirit of the law" over "the letter of the law", they'd have to admit your report in the spirit of the law is nothing more than doing exactly as they taught.
So tell the government. It's not vengeful. It's more like telling the cops there one hell of a lot of people speeding down your street. It's a report. Law enforcement will decide what will happen and they will be the ones the Witches will have to face.
It is more like Duby's perverted sense of karma - which was exactly like penance or setting the scales right. Only for you, it's more like setting your own scales in balance while society benefits.
I for one, am glad to have done my part. I also know there is more that should be done to right the wrongs the Witches of Ellsworth Street have perpetrated. Your one step forward will be the one step backward the Witches will take to the gates of Hell.
That's something we can all look forward to seeing.
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Sounds like you are beating a dead horse while working hard to not look like you are beating a dead horse, and at the same time trying to convince others to beat the dead horse, so that beating the dead horse will seem like an important activity so that you can beat the dead horse some more. But you have already done enough. The dead horse doesn't matter much of anything anymore. The world has long past it by. There are bigger fish to fry. Recovery doesn't require beating the dead horse ad naseum. You have become a one note pony. Recovery is much more, including letting go of the rage-rush of beating on the enemy. It can become an addiction, that threatens merging with their ugly emotional quality. Recovery moves from fear, intimidation, rage, anger, powerlessness, humiliation, shame, seeing through, letting go, new interests, defining ones own faith, forgiveness, self reflection, forgetting, humility, moving on, and whatever else. I have followed this blog for a long time. You are a good writer, but this blog has become boring, predictable, unreadable; exagerated to the point of unreliability. Writing is interesting when their is something new, suprising, something deeply honest, and self revealing. We are all at different stages, but stages imply changes and movement. There is little emotional change in tone in this from 5 years ago till today. You can do it.
ReplyDeleteLet's take a look at this comment:
Delete6 references to "dead horse" - 5 of them in one goddamn sentence!
Following the sextuple usage of the phrase "dead horse" is a phrase referring to a pony (made after a fish reference) just before launching into a list of, uh, some manner of items ending with the catch-all phrase "whatever else".
Is this comment one of irony and satire, deliberately used as a literary vehicle to illustrate a point or is it one that is just a boring, predictable, unreadable, exaggerated to the point of unreliability example of boring, predictable, unreadable and exaggerated cultic bombast?
...or maybe I just answered my own question.