Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Poll Seasion!

You'd better vote
because Auntie Sam wants YOU.

In honor of the presidential elections, I have an idea.

The latest comment left here basically says he's bored as fuck with this blog and its usefulness is long over.  Apart from other allegations, that is.  

Honestly, I can't really tell if he's right or wrong.  On the other hand, I wouldn't be the most objective either.  I have my opinions on the whole thing but I'll just let that stand for he time being.

So, I will leave it up to you folks.  I'm going to take a poll.

Yup, just like Gallup, Fox News and everyone else at this time of year are doing, I will be running a poll of my own and use that data to determine the future of all you find here.

It's a simple poll.  Frankly, there are only two outcomes for the life of this blog: life or death.

Sure, I could completely change this blog and start writing about unicorns and rainbows.  I can write bullshit stories about my non-existant personal pain and angst (actually, I had a wrath of angst deciding how low to cut an overgrown shrub - and tremendous personal pain after discovering it wasn't low enough).  That's just not me.  I am much more comfortable being a complete asshole.

That's what the poll is really all about.  I would like to know if anyone reads this blog and if they indeed appreciate the sometimes irregular but always reliable assholiness.

Click on your answer on the right.  The more you click, the more votes you have.  It runs until Octover 15, so vote early and vote often.

Until then, any new articles will appear underneath this one.

Oh, and if the votes say "kill this shit", don't take it as an automatic poison pill.  I will need to check to be sure the votes aren't coming from behind iron fences on aging computers used by people wearing dirty bi-focals tapping away mindlessly.  If there are a preponderance of legitimate votes in the negative, I'll close this thing down.

However if you want this to live, you need to check the box.  It's up to you.  As they say, one vote can make a world of difference.

There's no SuperPAC involved in this poll.  It's all you and where this blog goes is all up to you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a former cultie and I NEVER tire of the assholishness! Keep it up!!


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