Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bent Over and Punked

Well, the Witches of Ellsworth Street have been thrown over a barrel and given the punking they deserve.

As disgusting as that image may be, it's not a bad thing.

Take a look at this recent printout of the Contra Costa County building inspection records - records that are PUBLIC, which you and anyone else can look them up and read them you fucking SRF troll.

The confusing structure had to be gutted of all illegal items.  As I read the law, that means all wall board and studs must be removed, the floor coverings must be pulled up, the lighting (such as it is) will have to be removed, the ceilings will be torn down, the baths completely removed and the walls creating the San Quentin dorms will have to be cut down.

That leaves only the outer walls as an allowable item.

What's worse is that the plumbing will have to be sealed and the electrical service reduced to a few outlets guarded by GFCI protection circuits.

Angela Silva's pride and joy, the idiotic ground floor will have to be completely torn down.  Even the walls and ceiling will have to go.  Because the finished oak staircase is not constructed from flood-resistant materials nor is it build to withstand a 100-year flood (which is the standard) it will have to go as well.

Many of the older male members of SRF (which I guess WAS all of them) recall a time where they dropped a couple of Benjis in the Witches cauldron to spend a weekend in the Lake Tahoe retreat center for a relaxing weekend of removing the floor coverings and doing a hell of a lot of other work.  As the Witches were too cheap to obtain a dumpster for the removed parquet wood floor coverings, they resorted to igniting a pile of flooring in the fireplace, feeding a few pieces of parquet at a time as the fire blazed until the entire heap of old flooring was burned to ashes.

There's similar parquet flooring in the now former Blue Sky Ranch but I think it will not face a cremation ceremony officiated by the now former ministers of the SRF cult.  However, I think most of them will be happy to light a match to that fucking oak staircase as it is emblematic of the bizarre thinking, wasteful ways and excessive entitlement displayed by the Witches - Angela Silva in particular.

In fact, I'll bet they'll add Angela and Robin's effigies to the pyre.


  1. I was reading in Matthew and the passage below reminded me why I had such a passion to write Spiritual Perversion. The passage takes place after Jesus has died and resurrected. The Pharisees had made sure to put a guard on the tomb where Jesus was laid because they knew that he had spoken of resurrecting in three days, and they wanted to prevent his disciples from removing him so it ‘looked like’ he had resurrected. But their devious plan worked against them, because Jesus really did ressurrect, and they could see this in the eyes of the guards that came and reported to them. When Jesus resurrected there was an earthquake, and an angel appeared that had the ‘countenance of lightning’.

    Matthew 28:11-15

    The Soldiers Are Bribed

    11 Now while they were going, behold, some of the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests all the things that had happened. 12 When they had assembled with the elders and consulted together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, 13 saying, “Tell them, ‘His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.’ 14 And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will appease him and make you secure.” 15 So they took the money and did as they were instructed; and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.

    No matter how intelligent and devious the pharisees tried to be, their efforts backfired, and worked for the Lord’s providence. In this passage the depth and ultimate futility of their devious motivations is revealed. As maddening as their reign was for most of their subjects for a long time, the Lord made it right, and revealed it in the end. Yet to some degree their deception is shown to persist among some people, when the verse reports, “and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day”. This underscores the importance of the need for the continual presence of the Word as the source of the truth, and for combating evil. The author of this is not subject to the Pharisees machinations at all. With passion and steadfastness for truth the author demonstrates the compelling facts of the story, so that all generations that follow can see, and untangle themselves from the deception and ill will of the leaders. What he wrote was especially for the Jewish followers of the Pharisees. It was time for all to be revealed.
    In reading this I could see and feel the motivation of the author, because in writing Spiritual Perversion I sought to do something similar. In each scene I strove to reveal all the circumstances so the reader could see the full depth of the deviousness of the leader. In writing it I was dis-embedding my mind from the mind control, and the fear of looking at the depth of my rage, and how my mind had been trapped by compounded levels of deception. By demonstrating all the circumstances and the internal will of the players I was able to extract myself from denial, and reveal to the reader in creative and dramatic fassion what is was like to be in and come out of mind control.
    In the story above the Pharisees are trying with all their will to keep the people in the dark, to keep their place of power over them. They want nothing less than to take the very soul of the people into their evil. The cult leader, and his unrepentant followers were, and are still doing to some degree, the very same thing. They desperately need to keep people in the dark or their power plays do not work.
    (continued in next comment)

  2. The wonderful thing about the passage above is that the author perceives clearly, and is unmoved by the obhorant nature of their evil. This does not mean he is without feeling; he has deep passions and anger, but he is not possessed by these. He is possessed by a passion for love of his fellow man and a thankfulness to the Lord for freeing him. This gives him true intelligence, for it is a universal principle that intelligence is not really intelligence unless it leads to good. In other words to become wisdom innocence must be present with intelligence. Deviousness from ill will may be very clever and require a high IQ, but it is not intelligence. It is not so because it ultimately leads to hell, and it is plain stupid to willingly do that which leads to hell.
    In truth the author of the passage above and all the scripture is the Lord himself. He gives to authors such as Matthew by providence and revelation what to say, for he is the living Word and the source of all good.


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