Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Academy for Psychic Studies - Total Fucking Bullshit

Yeah this is a recycled article.  So sue me.
However, you do get a bonus.  I've added a piece on how the creed of the Academy for Psychic Studies resembles none other than the BPI - the Berkeley Psychic Institute's own creed.  Look for it at the end of this post.


OK, so grab yourself a big bottle Pepto and the hangover-pack of Tylenol before you read this thing.  It would help to be near the bathroom or a bucket, too.

It's the idiotic "Divine Creed" of the Spiritual Rights Foundation - which is now masquerading as Academy for Psychic Studies in Berkeley and San Jose, CA.

Now, this creed is allegedly the foundational document, the cornerstone, the fundamental doctrine and belief set of the Academy.  There are only a few problems:
  1. It's incomprehensible to anyone with a normal mind.
  2. Reading it causes motion sickness.
  3. The Biblical references are totally WRONG
  4. No one recalls any leader at SRF following any of this fucking bullshit, much less understand it sufficiently to explain it (which is impossible per reason 1).
So, after downing the appropriate doses of Pepto Bismol and Tylenol, I'll make a quick de-construction of this collection of vomit and other body waste.

To start, here is the entire Diseased Demonic Deranged Dilapidated Divine Creed, courtesy the Internet Archive (which means I didn't link to your website because it isn't there, you fucking SRF troll).


Our Divine Creed

(The Divine Creed of the Spiritual Rights Foundation, Inc.,
a California non-profit religious church organization
 located in Berkeley, California, USA.)

(1)  We the children representing the Church of God, believe in principle our motto that FREEDOM IS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE.

 And, as an ordained ministry of His Worship hereinafter referred to as the SPIRITUAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION, do joyously adopt in absolute acceptance that no person, place or condition upon this heavenly planet has intellectual, philosophical or moralistic right to interfere with the DIVINE PROVIDENCE granted unto us by the supreme authority of ALMIGHTY GOD.

(3)  Furthermore, no Country, foreign or domestic, entities of this earth planet, solar system, or any other extra-terrestrial system shall prevail in bearing false witness against us or intervene in the mission which our FATHER-MOTHER GOD has willingly talented us to unfold for the benefit of HIS GRACE in all human kind.

(4)  WE the children of HIS LIFE are ordained by HIS GRACE, to worship in HIS LIGHT of reality and come to personally experience the eternal freedom of limitless space, timeless endurance, never-ending acceptance, everlasting patience, and continuous comprehension. First, seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and its righteousness, and then all things shall be added unto you, says Jesus.

(5)  To a mystic with eyes turned inward to infinity and cosmic consciousness, His words are not only simple but veiled in great meaning. Spiritual freedom creates no ideologies, no isms, no dissenting philosophies, no moralistic interpretations which divide, corrupt and destroy communication between human souls.

(6)  No governments are upturned, no faiths cut down by the sword, no sects or types eliminated. Only a personal revelation between the cosmos and a living soul, which flames quietly, bringing a lifetime of contentment and a realization that nothing in this world is worth exchanging for that attainment.

(7)  This is our meaning of serenity which peacefully surpasses All human understanding.


(1)  Now, maybe a couple of followers believed "Freedom is the essence of life" but not a damn person understood it enough to explain what the fuck that pithy motto means, no leader could explain it either.  I think you can also say, no matter if they understood it or not, they didn't believe it anyway.

(2)  Basically, this paragraph says to anyone outside SRF:  FUCK OFF.  Anyone who does not fall for the con game Bill Duby played on so many had better stay out of the way or Angela Silva will come threaten you, dehumanize you in front of as many people as possible, defame and debase your character at every opportunity before slamming you with a baseball bat and laughing as Robin Dumolin goes through your pockets to grab loose change and your grand-dad's gold watch, dances on your body then takes a piss on you.

(3)  Basically, this paragraph says to the government: FUCK OFF.  No court of law representing an earth-bound government shall challenge the sacred halls of the Spiritual Rights Foundation with allegations of illegal activity!  No court or government can say we kept children truant, that we induced children into trance for nefarious purposes , that we push forward unfounded lawsuits and interfere with the family court, that we engage in dangerous and illegal construction practices and, and, and... oh shit, that all really happened, didn't it...   and I guess we had to pay a lot of fines and attorney fees because we lost every legal action we got involved with and we have to pay a lot to fix the illegal construction, sooooo.... Well, FUCK OFF anyway.

(4)  Well now... first, the cats who wrote the Bible didn't exactly say what Bill wrote in his idiot missive.  In fact, Luke said (basically): don't worry about eating or getting a set of duds - get an understanding of God and all of that stuff will be there for you.  So, that's why people at SRF went hungry, had old and bad clothes, crap cars, lived in ghetto housing, and basically scraped and scrimped every day for every thing - they were chasing physical stuff because Bill told them to do it while God was looking down saying "SERIOUSLY?  CAN'T YOU PEOPLE FUCKING READ?"

(5)  Apart from the clear paradox of having a church whose teaching includes the ideologies of ancient Hindu and Christian theology, Bill Duby was not exactly a man of simple words.  Well, I guess when he cussed someone out for the umpteenth time that day, it's pretty hard to maintain a rich and varied vocabulary.  So, routinely calling women "bitch", "whore" and "cunt" while giving them a good slap to remember their place shows an economy of words and a meaningful purpose.  Besides, how many of us had Bill and the Witches of Ellsworth Street give us one set of information and our spouses something completely different so they can be sure to keep our marriages divided?  OK, put your hands down.  I can't count past a thousand.

(6)  Considering what has been happening to SRF the past decade or so (see #3 above), Bill Duby and the Witches of Ellsworth Street learned the hard way they couldn't possibly go up against the government, parents determined to keep their children safe, practitioners of free speech or the building inspectors.  However as far as their hapless followers go, anyone not of the spiritual demeanor required by Angela Silva, anyone not demonstrating the appropriate obsequious attitude demanded by Bill Duby and anyone who doesn't arrive with enough money in their pockets for Robin Dumolin to pick will find themselves at the point of a spiritual sword handing over their worldly goods and giving their physical labor to the leaders.  Well, at least no government, sects or faith have been upturned, eliminated or cut down by this CULT - the CULT does get cut down pretty well, though.

(7)  This idiotic and utterly incomprehensible missive certainly surpasses all human understanding.  Oddly, though, if what you wrote surpasses all human understanding and you are presumably human, I can see how you came to write this crap (by way of chemical enhancements) but how would you understand enough of your writings to not only teach it to others but use it as the fundamental doctrine of your psychotic church?  Oh, it's because you're psychotic.  My bad...

That's enough for now.  If you need me, I'll be taking some extended throne time.

If you listen carefully to the lyrics in Viva la Vida, there might be some kind of similarity to the events embroiling the Witches of Ellsworth Street and their current travails:


Creed to Creed

Here's the official creed of the Berkeley Psychic Institute courtesy Psychdoctorate's blog (and I'm the guy who added the emphasis):

We of the Church believe in limitless space, timeless endurance, never ending acceptance, everlasting patience, and continuous comprehension.

"What if a man gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" asks Jesus.

To a mystic with eyes turned inward towards infinity and cosmic consciousness, his words have great meaning.

Psychic freedom creates no ideologies, no isms, no dissenting philosophies which divide, corrupt and destroy communication between human souls.

No governments are upturned, no faiths cut down by the sword, no sects or types eliminated; only a one to one contact between the cosmic and a living soul, which flames quietly, bringing a lifetime of contentment and a realization that nothing in this world is worth exchanging for that attainment.

Now, here's the Defecation the Spiritual Rights calls it's "Divine Creed":

We the children representing the Church of God, believe in principle our motto that FREEDOM IS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE.
And, as an ordained ministry of His Worship hereinafter referred to as the SPIRITUAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION, do joyously adopt in absolute acceptance that no person, place or condition upon this heavenly planet has intellectual, philosophical or moralistic right to interfere with the DIVINE PROVIDENCE granted unto us by the supreme authority of ALMIGHTY GOD.
Furthermore, no Country, foreign or domestic, entities of this earth planet, solar system, or any other extra-terrestrial system (WTF?) shall prevail in bearing false witness against us or intervene in the mission which our FATHER-MOTHER GOD has willingly talented us to unfold for the benefit of HIS GRACE in all human kind.
WE the children of HIS LIFE are ordained by HIS GRACE, to worship in HIS LIGHT of reality and come to personally experience the eternal freedom of limitless space, timeless endurance, never-ending acceptance, everlasting patience, and continuous comprehension. First, seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and its righteousness, and then all things shall be added unto you, says Jesus.
To a mystic with eyes turned inward to infinity and cosmic consciousness, His words are not only simple but veiled in great meaning. Spiritual freedom creates no ideologies, no isms, no dissenting philosophies, no moralistic interpretations which divide, corrupt and destroy communication between human souls.
No governments are upturned, no faiths cut down by the sword, no sects or types eliminated. Only a personal revelation between the cosmos and a living soul, which flames quietly, bringing a lifetime of contentment and a realization that nothing in this world is worth exchanging for that attainment.
This is our meaning of serenity which peacefully surpasses All human understanding.

Of course, the ambulatory colossal turd serving as the Witches of Ellsworth Street's sycophant, hit man and yap dog would point out that several of the paragraphs are different, the identical paragraphs are such only in language (so their meaning would be completely different because of Bill Duby's superior psychic powers and con man abilities) and besides, only the spiritually aware of the Academy for Psychic Studies would be able to understand it.

So, the fact that none of the spiritually superior ministers of this mentally deficient cult could explain the deteriorated creed no matter how many times they were asked should not indicate this creed is a steaming pile of shit.

Nor would the fact that Bill Duby stole all the scripts and fundamental philosophies of the Berkeley Psychic Institute give rise to suspicion that he also stole their creed, despite the incontrovertible evidence.

No, as the Academy for Psychic Studies unleashes a continuous barrage of tall tales describing Bill Duby's dubious psychic achievements and memories of Bill's imaginary relationship with Lewis Bostwick (BPI's founder) there wouldn't be a problem calling BPI's creed just an early version of the Academy's.

I mean, if the Academy stole all the things BPI taught and if Bill and the Witches perpetuated the lie that Bill was like a son to Lewis Bostwick (rather than the pest and psychotic he was perceived to be) why not steal the BPI creed while you are at it?

1 comment:

  1. Are you Jeffery, the guy who does the BPI blog?


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