Recipe for a pusillanimous sycophant:
add 200 pounds of fat
scoop out brain and fill with garbage
beat until fully softened
I had a chance to watch "Join Us" - a film about a wacky cult led by a screwball pastor who started screwing his followers out of every dime they had. After seeing that description, I figured it was all about SRF and the Witches of Ellsworth Street while Bill Duby was alive enough to cause trouble.
Turns out it was about a church named Mountain Rock Church located in a place I can't remember.
That church, where it is, what it does and who's in it doesn't matter, actually. What I saw in it did.
Those of you who were around the spiritual cesspool we called the Academy for Psychic Studies at about the mid to late '90's might recall a certain jiggling turd who married (presumably at the advice of the psychotic founder - which was all the rage at the time), fathered a child (which was also presumably at he psychotic's urging) then divorced his wife which was pretty much also at the psychotic's urging.
In between the marriage and divorce, this heap of unbearable and indescribable detritus had to face charges of domestic violence as well as whatever other idiocy this worthless piece of human debris got himself into.
As for the domestic violence charges, I have no idea what the hell happened there. I just know he wrote about the incident in the SRF newspaper and it was spoken of among the followers - generally because the Academy psychotic kept bringing it up and commenting on how it was the wife's fantasy she was beaten and that certain spirits in the wife's "space" conspired to keep the turd from his true spiritual calling: licking Angela Silva's boots and accommodating Robin Dumolin's special strap-on boy-toy.
As far as some other violence is concerned, I saw a good deal of it.
This violence was of the most horrible, mean and utterly cruel kind. This violence was directed at one unable to defend. It was violence engaged in for no real purpose other than control and domination. It was the raw, unrestrained and unnecessary beating of a toddler.
In the film "Join Us", several parents described how the pastor used pipes, belts and any available hard object to beat children from infancy to teen age. They also described how several adults joined in the fun and forced children to engage in long runs (until they fainted), extended torture sessions and severe beatings so extreme, I just don't have the stomach to repeat.
The aftermath of these beatings was far more than physical. With few exceptions, the young children who were severely abused began to act out the aggression they experienced on each other. Far from the usual kiddie slaps you see among little kids, these children were not only beating each other with closed fists and objects, they were using insults, taunts and the kind of language that you'd hear from ME towards each other and to adults.
So what the fuck do those kids have to do with the angelic, spiritually pure and otherwise perfectly raised children from the Spiritual Rights Foundation?
I recall one little guy I saw there early on. He had the cutest damn expression on his face all the time and after a while he ran towards me with his arms wide apart all the while calling my name. Now, if you can picture that, how can you not smile?
Well, I guess his corpulent father didn't.
That father was the same turd who faced domestic violence charges and gladly carried out all the perverse, demented and utterly psychotic demands to execute punishment on Bill Duby's hapless and wretched followers with all the gusto of a Nazi Death Camp Commander.
That beautiful and truly angelic little guy began to turn. He turned in a truly scary and saddening way, threatening to beat other kids, taking objects and clobbering people with them, having uncontrollable, inconsolable outbursts that featured threats to cut, maim, bruise, burn, shoot, poison and otherwise abuse whoever happened to be nearby.
Of course, this boy's travails were blamed on the mother's "spirits" and other parts of her body. The psychotic prescribed several spiritual remedies and psychotic treatments - none of which did a damn thing. The threats, taunts, obsession with violence went on, and on and on.
I wondered from the time I first saw that amazing little face to today what the hell caused such a radical and horrifying change.
I still can't say for sure but I have a theory.
Since I mentioned the jiggling blob of wasted flesh and human potential, you probably know where this is going.
The turd's habit of ignoring his own son while engaged fulfilling the warlock's evil and un-achievable demands was legend. We came to expect it. So of course, we did our best to keep our eyes out for his child, while his own eyes were locked on a prize we all knew he would never receive.
We saw how this useless and valueless pile of sewage sprang into action only when the leaders said something to him to force him to act.
So, that external force, that need to please his perverted and psychopathic idols was the only thing he needed to beat the living shit out of his own flesh and blood.
I saw it.
I saw how the turd grabbed his toddler by the arm and heaved him into a chair so hard the child got the wind knocked out of him. I saw the fat bastard pick up his toddler and fling the little guy clear across a room. A slap to make an incomprehensible demand or to reinforce a psychotic delusion in a toddler's mind was routine.
Not to be outdone, one of the male members of the cult described to me in loving detail how he took that same little toddler out back for a demonstration of what a strong male can do in the little guy's life. Using pantomime and trailer trash vocabulary, this unrestrained psychotic showed how he delivered a loving spiritual healing to the boy's bare butt, back, legs, arms and face.
The women were all too eager to get in on the action but somehow, the prospect of using a fireplace shovel on a toddler didn't appeal to them. So they just grabbed the boy by the shirt, pants, shoelaces or whatever else they can pull so tight it would leave a deep mark and toss him in a metal chair as hard as they could, then keep him there for as long as possible or for at least the four hours it took to pull the turd from the throne he installed in front of his computer. If a metal chair wasn't around, they would just mock him, curse at him and taunt him.
Now what came first? The abuse? Inappropriate and unacceptable behavior by the child?
Well, if you think a child is inherently infected with evil spirits that are hell-bent on disrupting Bill Duby's spiritual concentration camp, Angela Silva's psychic work house and Robin Dumolin's evil cash flow, then I guess either you still have that wacky and stupid trailer trash thinking of the Academy for Psychic Studies or you are still a part of it.
If you think like the civilized people of the civilized world, you'll know infants and toddlers are the most innocent among us and are the most able to assimilate the speech and expressions and imitate the behaviors of the adults around them. You'll also have a deep belief and knowledge that if a kid does something un-kid-like, he's doing what he saw among the adults around him.
If you have left the ugly state of mind the Academy for Psychic Studies demanded you adopt and you are not that corpulent turd or either of the dominatrix's he reports to, you have to be one of the good and decent people in mainstream society who has maintained his decency and retained his humanity.
And you have to believe, that child's bad behavior was nothing more than than the deep-seated meanness of the turd and the Witches relentless quest for absolute control at any cost brought up to the surface in the most cruel, humiliating and damaging way possible.
So while this psychotic kindergarten was a living hell for we adults, any child who was on the outs with the Witches and the Psychotic were subjected to treatment that was no less brutal.
What happened after all this is all too predictable and I won't talk about it. It was all avoidable. There was no reason for the physical torture of a toddler and no reason for the cretinous and otherwise stupid adult followers of the founding psychotic to join in to continue the torture. Well in a cult, all things are possible and all things desired by the leaders was possible. Even if that thing was to keep a toddler quiet by beating him senseless.
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