Friday, August 5, 2011

The Academy for Psychic Studies - A Class Act

I perused the Academy for Psychic Studies current class schedule the other day.  At each location, they are listing only one class.

Uh...  one fucking class?

The rest of the classes listed have no schedule but you can still give them $125 for it, even if you can't take the class.

All they have at the San Jose location is Meditation I.  

And check it out carefully.  Does it read to you like it costs $125 for one goddamn day?

We who've been there know it's more like $125 for six weeks (which is still stupidly high considering you are paying for a 90 minute nap every week) but who among the public knows that?  Who among the public would even bother to call and ask if that price is for real after seeing it and getting sticker shock?  No one's going to bother to call them up - as the public is just doing what the Academy for Psychic Studies keeps asking them to do: take all this crap at face value.  The public is just taking the Academy's announcement as fact, even if it's not really.

So, looks like Meditation I will be yet another class with no students not because of this blog but because of the Academy for Psychic Studies' own stupidity and carelessness.

As for the rest of the classes, they are still off the schedule.  Again, stupid.


Even though you might not have enough people to cover every single one of the classes, should there be that much interest, you need to schedule them all anyway.

Again, why?

Because, in business (as it is at the Academy for Psychic Studies) appearance is key.  If you are listing all the classes you might conduct but show only one of them as available, you are telling the consumer either:

  • we're so short-handed and business is so crappy we can't offer what you want
  • we're too stupid to offer what you want
  • we don't want to offer what you want so go fuck yourself
I think the Academy for Psychic Studies is saying the last one.  What do you guys think?

A smart business would list all of their classes, so they have a better chance of getting someone interested in one of them.  Since there is 
no possibility of having so many people interested in your classes they would all have students simultaneously, there's no real downside.  Even if they are as shorthanded as they are, they should still offer every goddamn class because it's no-lose.  They'll probably have only one class (maybe two) anyway.  Besides, if you do have every class filled up, that's a problem you want to have.

And if you are offering every class in the list every time you can offer it, you are telling the public you are open for business every day and are eager to receive them and be at their service.  Even if you can't fill any of your classes, you'd have to offer all of them all the time or the public will think you are out of business.

So, for all the talk of prosperity, for all the droning on and on about prosperous thinking, for all the invective about the ex-members losing the prosperous attitude and prosperous activities, who would you believe is thinking more prosperously in this instance - me or them?

We already know who has a better legal mind between me and Robin Dumolin but who among the Witches of Ellsworth Street and me would have more of a business mind?

Of course, no one there (especially Bill Duby and his Witches of Ellsworth Street) had much of a business mind - or a mind of any kind.  Stupid, vengeful, unproductive, impulsive, illegal and immoral decisions were commonplace.  Smart and reasonable ones were nowhere to be found.

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