Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Horsing Around at The Academy for Psychic Studies

We all know the Academy for Psychic Studies maintains a farm in Bethel Island, CA. Actually, the Academy for Psychic Studies doesn't have a farm in Bethel Island - Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin own it. Look it up in the property records, if you don't believe it. That's what I did.

Anyway, at Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva's farm, there are goats, horses and other livestock. Actually there aren't any more horses.

Those horses were intended to provide some riding pleasure for whoever coughed up the dough to stay a weekend at the Blue Sky Ranch or provide inspiration to those who were coughing up blood performing ranch construction work or other physical labor for absolutely no pay.

What was envisioned was a horse retreat, where the people paying $300 a weekend can go enjoy shoveling horse shit and getting kicked in the stomach by a horse pissed off about being tethered to Angela Silva's reins.  Angela began to fantasize about boarding horses and whatever illegal immigrants in the makeshift horse quarters on the Blue Sky Ranch.  She even spoke of operating a home for wayward youth where they would be given the a warm and nourishing healing at the business end of Robin Dumolin's cat 'o nine tails and being forced to sit in a windowless room while the corpulent turd expels his bean burrito lunch, breakfast and dinner.

As, as with all of Angela's hallucinations, none of that came true - thankfully.

However, as the ranks of the faithful in the Academy for Psychic Studies began to thin, and the number of annoyed and otherwise pissed off members began to climb, the members willing and able to perform the daily tasks of operating a livestock farm (like providing food, water, exercise and veterinary care) was meager indeed.  Angela needed a solution but quick as her botox appointments left little time for her to be a farmer.

Of course, that solution was downsizing.  The farm animals were quickly dumped on the auction floor for whatever they can fetch.  All but the horses.

Horses have more value than the common chickens, goats and other such animals.  They are also one hell of a lot harder to tie up, stuff into an airless van and hauled to the nearest dumping ground.  She needed a different plan for the horses.

Besides, some of the horses belonged to a couple of her followers.  They were told quite directly to remove their animals immediately before Angela implemented her final solution.

I can't say what happened to the horses, but I do know where Angela intended them go:

You see, the animals were a liability to Angela. I mean, they have to be fed and the vet has to visit and all that costs money and the one thing Angela hates is when she has to spend money on stupid stuff like, you know, keep a faithful animal alive and healthy. So if an animal doesn't have a value to Angela Silva, Angela Silva will just turn that lemon into lemonade - for as much money a glass as she can squeeze out of the weary followers.

Humanity is just plain unknown to Angela Silva. And that is the main principle guiding her presidency of the Academy for Psychic Studies - inhumanity.

The timing of the animal eviction and horse hockey concocted by Angela was anything but a coincidence.  It all happened shortly after the Bishop resigned her post - and some of those animals belonged to the Bishop's daughter and other persons related or sympathetic to the Bishop.

So you might say, in addition to inhumanity, Angela Silva is vengeful, spiteful, utterly unsympathetic, selfish and otherwise just plain nasty.

But you knew that already.  To Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin the bottom line of any relationship is how that relationship profits them personally.  When the Bishop's resignation cut off any chance the Witches of Ellsworth had of a comeback, the Witches cast a spell of retaliation upon all who dared be anything but entirely supportive of their evil agenda.  As with all retaliation, the blowback left them with more than a little soot on their faces and the frustration they face from watching their misbegotten schemes sink into the Delta ooze drove them to press their remaining flock harder and harder.

Judging from the major defections of late and from the absence of farm animals at her farm (animals that by and large were paid for by others) I would have to say there is every intent to squeeze more and more money out of what little is left of the Academy for Psychic Studies.

The most recent defectors were thriving (well, as much as can be done within the limitations of Angela's shakedown attempts) and were being shaken like a fruit tree for whatever lunch money, wallets and other valuables Angela could pick up from the ground. Without disclosing too many details, the victims here were so close to the top of this spiritual garbage heap, the leaders could reach into their pockets regularly.  Their proximity made it easy for Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin to waterboard those whose pockets weren't as full as they wanted.

Now that the ranks have thinned, there are only a few options left for poor, impoverished Robin and Angela. They could:

  • Shake down the remaining faithful few for even more of their meager assets and wages.
  • Start selling off assets and turn them into cash for their Swiss bank accounts.
  • Work for a living. (oh stop laughing, I said "they could", not "they would")
  • Schedule a permanent retreat for themselves.  Hell would be appropriate.
  • Make the necessary investments for marketing and PR to revive the Academy for Psychic Studies.
  • Do a smart consolidation to keep the operation going (and there is one very smart consolidation they could do, if they had a business brain - but it requires a small investment of money and their own effort. Yeah, you're right, they won't do it).
  • Re-org the Academy so they can abscond with the assets and put a trusted but ultimately stupid lieutenant in charge so they can blame their failures on someone else. Maybe that's why the corpulent turd is sticking around?
  • One thing I would be absolutely shocked to see would be a complete closure of the Academy for Psychic Studies - no matter how much it would make sense and no matter how much it would profit the Witches of Ellsworth Street.
You may disagree, and I would love to hear your opinion on this if you do. However, I think the temptation of keeping a non-profit entity for the purpose of laundering and concealing personal funds, to have a "separate" entity to disburse "donations" made to a "church" to pay for the Witches' personal wants in a manner that can be hidden from the IRS is too much to hard to resist.

I think they will do all they can to keep the Academy for Psychic Studies alive and to keep as many people as they can trick, pummel, intimidate, and just plain loot and pillage as they can. It helps keep the "church" alive and it allows them to maintain the appearance of being spiritually inviolable and beyond the reach of the law.

I think the Witches of Ellsworth are walking on the edge of the knife. Well, actually it's the followers who are walking on the edge. The Witches are being carried on their shoulders.

It won't take much more for the poor, weary followers to break. At least, that what I think. However that group seems to be a hardy lot who can take more abuse, punishment and exploitation than anyone I have ever met.

That doesn't change the situation: the Academy for Psychic Studies can't last much longer, not in its present form. But that form is exactly what has provided the Witches with so much fulfillment, joy and spiritual growth. Just think about the joy Robin took in counting the quarters collected from her vending machines, the fulfillment Angela felt when she handed a thick envelope in the tithe tray, then fished it back out on the sly, the spiritual growth they both received as our donations, tithes, class fees, rents and purchases were handed over nearly every day.

Yes, the Academy for Psychic Studies is surely at a crossroads. I guess that is why the leaders are on a three-week religious retreat to oh-so-spiritual Hawaii.

In Hawaii, they can soothe their tortured souls with spa treatments on the beach and massages from tanned and muscular young men. They can recharge their depleted bodies with warm and nourishing luaus nightly. They can forget the monetary woes of the Academy by spending the special donations and class fees on beachfront hotel rooms.

It's a great environment for the kind of deep thought, profound soul-searching and spiritual revelation that will guide the Witches of Ellsworth Street to the spiritually correct decisions to maintain the vision of the founder by keeping the con game going on and on.

We will see what happens in the next few weeks. Maybe the Academy will live, maybe not. I say it will mutate and the con game will be fully abandoned into a form kind of like, the Nazi Party.

So maybe we can all write to the warm and nourishing people at certain regulatory agencies? Maybe one with the letters I-R-S in their name could help us form questions to ask? Maybe they'd want to ask questions themselves? They really don't care if you don't want to leave your name - they'll settle for the names of those who are not paying their fair share like the rest of us.

I do know someone from IRS has been reading this blog. Now, it's time for them to read some articles of a different kind - a kind that reveals the inner workings of an organization that is not only dedicated to a spiritual con game, they are dedicated to evade the responsibilities of honest citizens and to exploit not only decent people, but the government as well.

I've done my part in ways I can't say online. Let's just say I have done far more than write this blog and create a vigorous, zealous and effective legal defense against the Witches of Ellsworth Street. Now I would like to ask you to make a small but important effort in the campaign to restore fairness and regain the balance in life we all value.

Please make a statement regarding any kind of improper actions to the appropriate agencies before the Witches take a permanent retreat.

One thing I'd like to say as well: a short time before I started to bug out of this worthless and dysfunctional cesspool, I was summoned to a special meeting with the Witches of Ellsworth Street. In that meeting they spoke of a few different things. Angela then said: "Do you know what Reverend Bill wanted for you? He wanted you to teach the year class and join the board of directors."

A lie? Well, maybe. Would they follow through if it wasn't, who the fuck knows? However, it wasn't long after that I started thinking it would be a good time to think about keeping my distance. It really helped that Steve Sanchez's book "Spiritual Perversion" was available. That opened my eyes. I mean, who the hell wants to cozy up to those two? OK, so I know as well as you but I certainly won't spend my days licking their smelly feet and getting my face shoved in their armpits.

To this day, I cringe, shake and break out into a sweat when I think about what might have been if I had stayed. No, that is not a sense of longing - it's a sense of abject fear.

It's a fear I hope none of you will have to face.

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