Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The dried-up women at the dried-up well
Now that the Academy for Psychic Studies is melting down like a Japanese nuclear power plant, I wonder just who's left there.
When I started, there were nearly 40 regular, devoted members.
Now, after all the defections there are maybe, like, what - EIGHT?
What happened here?
There aren't enough people to teach the introduction to mind control classes the Academy for Psychic Studies would faithfully and regularly make available every eight weeks.
There aren't enough people to keep Robin and Angela's farm from sinking into the swamp.
There aren't enough people to recruit new bodies to replace the old and worn ones.
The Witches of Ellsworth Street are reduced to picking the same pockets over and over again, hoping to get more than a pinch of lint. When they go out to the well of public support, they find it dry.
They might think about holding a sign that says "Will Work For Psychic Readings" but that would mean they would have to work for it. What they need are the willing bodies and pliant minds to carry out their mission of evil. What they need even more is attractive, pleasant and enthusiastic people who the public would identify with. Unfortunately, they aren't getting it.
They are running out of options.
What we are hearing on this blog, is that two of the Academy for Psychic Studies most enthusiastic and trusted lieutenants have flown the coop.
It's an unthinkable development no one could have predicted. Maybe one of them would have bailed out, but both of them?
What does that say about the warm and nourishing environment of the Spiritual Rights Foundation?
And what about those two women at the top?
How much longer can they keep dipping into that dry well?
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So The two leaders gang up to throw the bishop under the bus, even though. she has been there for ages, They want all the money for themseelves and can't see that they should pay her a small pension, even though she was the real drive in the organization, in my opinion.Let this be a lesson to anyone remotely connected to these two, they will take whatever they can from you and they expect you to thank them for it, they are a good example of how rotten it is possible to become. Until you get their fangs off of you will never have any peace. NOw that they have a big bag of loot, in my opinion they are are closing this down so that they can have more money to themselves