Friday, July 29, 2011

Who's Truth is it Anyway?

So maybe this post is the same old shit
The pic is new...

I've been thinking about some stuff lately. One thing came to mind. It was in relation to the contentious divorces and child custody cases that happened while I was wasting time at the Academy for Psychic Studies. While my decade at this dysfunctional and idiotic organization had its moments, it's certainly a decade I'll never get back.

Anyway, I remember the leaders chattering away about one of the cases. In that case, the issue of the Academy's influence on the people involved came up in court. The Academy decided they would "support" one of the parties to the divorce. At the direction of Robin Dumolin, a group from the Academy for Psychic Studies appeared at a hearing. During the hearing, the Academy for Psychic Studies members proceeded to wave their hands in the air to ensure a "fair" hearing. "Fair" to them was any outcome that would make them look good. Unfortunately, this appearance blew up in their faces. The judge saw them waving their hands in the air and had the bailiffs heave them out of the courtroom saying the presence of the SRF psychotics had a very un-fair influence in the courtroom. Later, the Witches of Ellsworth blamed their failure on a party to the divorce. Obviously, that party was the male ex-member.

Later, the famous "Nievod Declaration" was filed in Superior Court in support of a divorce and custody action. This declaration stated that the practices at the Academy for Psychic Studies not only amounted to the practice of psychology without a license, the hypnosis and trance of adults and children was harmful and created an environment where the will of the leaders could be imposed onto the followers without the consent and conscious knowledge of the followers.

The declaration concluded that the child in question was in clear and present danger of psychological and emotional harm by being exposed to hypnosis from unlicensed persons and that the court should not allow the child to be hypnotized or tranced.

This declaration was not presented to us at the Academy. I found out about it much later when I was preparing my anti-SLAPP defense for the Academy's failed lawsuit against me. What I was told was a declaration was filed in response to the Nievod Declaration. This response was as you might expect: it told a completely opposite story. Again, this document was not presented to us to make our own conclusions. Instead, the leaders interpreted it for us and they told us what it meant.

Among the leaders at the time was the resident legal genius Robin Dumolin . She told a combined class of the Clairvoyant Training Program that a party to a divorce and child custody action filed a stupid and bogus declaration from a discredited so-called expert. She went on to say their opponent's declaration was quickly and easily dispatched by their favored party's expert. She gave herself a great amount of credit and congratulations for helping their party defeat the forces of evil.

If they located this expert or paid his fees was unsaid. So, I can't speculate if they did or not.

What is not in dispute is the actual outcome of that divorce and custody action.

Despite the psychic intervention by the Academy for Psychic Studies and despite the expert legal analysis of Robin Dumolin, the divorce was decided fairly - that is, the court ordered the child spend equal time with both parents, that neither parent insult or otherwise denigrate the other in the child's presence and most important: that the child not be hypnotized or be brought to the SRF HQ to be placed alone in a room or in the "care" of the leaders without the child's parent present. Further, the child was to be enrolled in a real school and was not to be "home-schooled" in the psychotic doctrine of the Spiritual Rights Foundation. There were many other points the court ordered. All of those points were within the bounds of law and was consistent with precedent.

Those important facts were not given to us. In fact, I didn't know much about it until Steve Sanchez's book (Spiritual Perversion) was published many years later. I shouldn't have been surprised. Telling the truth was never one of the Witches' strong points.

It's wasn't that the news of the Academy's defeat wasn't important to them. They were outraged at the unfairness of the decision - well, actually they were outraged to see it was a fair decision. My bad.

The leaders of the Academy were highly angered that anyone would have the gall to stand up to them. They were even angrier that the court system would decide fairly per law rather than unfairly per the whims of the Academy leaders.

That hasn't changed in the nearly ten years since that watershed event. The Witches of Ellsworth Street wail and cry out whenever anyone speak out against the abuse and exploitation of family, finances and loyalties. I have found out first hand that the Witches still rule through fear and intimidation. They tried to sue this blog out of existence. Not only did I defeat them I made them pay for their folly.

Fairness doesn't matter to the Witches of Ellsworth Street. All they want is what serves them.

It's easy for someone outside the mentally deficient environment of the Academy to recognize that selfish and harmful attitude. I guess that explains why the court prohibited a child from the healing and helpful trance and hypnosis practiced at the Academy? I guess that's why my defense left no doubt this blog has every right to exist. I guess that is why every legal action engaged in by the Witches of Ellsworth Street has failed and has come back to haunt them for years and years.

Really, though, think about it.

The truth as told by the Witches can be interpreted as folly, a delusion, a lie, a spin, a hallucination - anything but accurate or complete information. But since all truth can only come from the Witches, truth is only what they tell you. Your truth, the truth you discover even the real truth, doesn't matter.

And in time neither will you.


  1. Lol! The more they try to scare people from writing blogs, the more writing and blogs there will be. The blogs start to grow like mushrooms.

  2. I agree with Nievod and theres nothing that the witches can do to intimidate me into their way of thinking I am not in the cult anymore no more staff meetings where you have to listen to them


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