Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Psychotic Psychics
As Mike and Jeffry imply the psychic format is a deeply faulted form of spirituality. For one person to presume to psychically read their classmates over and over is spiritually incestuous. It is not of the Holy spirit. It is unconsciously tethered to the emotions of the reader, far more than to a spiritual source. In this way it is deceptive to oneself and others, and feeds the impulse to dissociate, which is what cults bank on. The psychic format does not tie people to God, but to a salvation fantasy.
Instead of doing the rigorous work of self-examination, repentance, and forgiveness, they go for the salvation fantasy, or the 'high' of group dissociation. There is a distinct pleasure in this high, there is no doubt. The pleasure was much greater when the 'leadership' of Bill was there to whip the energy into a frenzy. But in the end he was only deflecting and putting off the pain.
What is worse is that this chronic dissociating distances people from the ground of their being - God. This is why so many BPI and APS and other psychics tend to have kind of a glazed look, and an odd social manner - they are to some degree chronically dissociated. They think they are unique, and superior in their delusion.
This is what Bill often called 'turning people's minds to mush'. You see the same kind of thing happen with extreme liberals who adopt a relativistic ideology that distances themselves from the ground of their being, and completely talks themselves out of 'in God We Trust'.
Extreme conservative dogma can do the same thing when their ideology is primarily motivated by anger. The huge emotional gap of unresolved anger has to be justified by an elaborate dissociation, using ideology whether it be liberal or conservative.
The psychic format is tailor made for dissociation. All this applies perfectly well I would think to BPI. Psychodoctorate can let us know on that. But with Bill it was more sinister.
While people were deeply dissociated Bill would take their money, their kids, and whatever else he could, and then drive them to rage. But he would make them think all their anger was a profound fault in their own self, so that people were driven deeper and deeper into inability to see themselves, and to discern the real source of the abuse.
In his own words he wanted people souls. This was the natural end of his perverse master manipulating. He made it work for a long time on a lot of people, but this highly destructive power play could not sustain itself as some people left and fought off the mind control, and revealed levels of it to others.
Bill himself basically committed suicide because he was unable to stop himself and face what he was doing. He couldn't keep up the con even to himself, but had to keep on trying. It finally crushed him.
-- Steve Sanchez
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I remember the talk that went on when Steve came into SRF. Seems like the leaders really wanted him there. They started to love bomb him badly. He was very popular with the leaders. The leaders would talk about Steve and say that he was really invalidated by people around him. They did work hard on breaking up Steves life and isolate him from everyone outside SRF. I dont know why they was so eager to get Steve, there where others as well, but they did not work so hard on them. Mabye rev. Bill saw that if he could get him into SRF fast, he could have total control of him. Mabye Steven situation was not god to start with.
ReplyDeleteWhat J says is true. Bill came in to the ffirst reading I had and made a big deal how 'capable' I was like they always did. then they invited me to the year class and Bil read me with everyone around in a big circle. Major love bomb that I totally fell for. In the reading he said I was very near my true soul mate. No-one else knew this, but A few days later one of the ladies called me and said mysteriously that she was 'the one' while I was at work. She kept after me, but I didn't like her. Very devious. Shortly thereafter that lady left and Ang said with her sweet motherly smile, "you are very capable, the spirit is making room for you to be here"
ReplyDeleteHello Jen, I did not know that you were there when I was there. God I wish I could of got out when you did. I cannot remember you there though you face is familiar. You must of known all the original people, like Lisa and two Linda's, Rhondi, Mason, and Mike. I remember the first huge crisis I saw was when Mike Anast left and took Linda A with him. Bill tried desparatly to keep Linda A, but didn't. Thanks for your support.
Yes I remember, I worked for Linda and Michael Anast. I know that Linda wanted to stay with rev. Bill and mabye she would have been his third woman, another big misstake for her. I left because of the way we where living in poverty, I got a new job, where I would get payed. I had already stayed for too long time. I did come back though for some more classes, but rev.Bill was pissed at me of course, by the way that was at the same time as Angie had left and I asked for her and they just said she went to live with her dad.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I remeber someone told me that Linda had taken some money from SRF, and I think that is what made rev. Bill get cold feet for Linda and she was sent away, even though she and her ex husband had given them almost everything they owned I suppose and they had a lot of money from the start.
I also remember Debbie, the one that went after you, Steve, all of SRF know what happend, or thought they did, and rev. Bill and Angela where upset. Rev. Debbie was married to an old man. She was sent away because of personal problems. I got a little pissed, becuase she was kind, but not very attractive and I think that that was the reason rev. Bill got rid of her in the first place after having used her on money.He was such a user and sexist. He had all the power to decide over everyone so he could have done it differently, finally I guess it saved her from a lot a problems. Of all the men at SRF rev. Bill was the most unattractive man and I never could understand that many of the women fell for him, personally I was very interested in the teaching.
Dissiociation is a natural defense mechanism of the mind. I think it is present in all living beings regardless if they are sentient or not. In human beings it takes its has reached it pinacle of evolution wherin we can actually have a complete dissociative experince from our normal reality. There are triggers in the mind and one way to reach the dissociative trigger is through hypnosis.
ReplyDeleteIs dissiociation natural, hardly. It is a defense mechanism designed to protect the mind from things it cannot reconcile. To put a person in dissociative states on a continual basis is not only immoral it is highly unethical and illegal as well. Can we prove this, I suspect we could, but the effort to put both BPI and SRF on the spot would be extremely time consuming and costly. We would ultimately win, but at what cost? Our best bet is to continually reinforce the message that BPI and SRF are utilizing hypnosis as a means of manipulating people without their knowledge. Slowly but surely they will die a slow death from rational and sane criticisms they do not respond to on any level.
As a studen of psychology and having read tremendous amounts of scientific journal articles based on hard core research, I can tell you that the efficacy of hypnosis as a means of treating problems is limited and its abuses are not well know. I know from experience what it did, but I will have a hard time proving it. Still I will continue to educate, examine and dissect the BS these places proffer.