Thursday, March 31, 2011

Who's The Fairest Of Them All?

What am I gonna do when the season ends?

Hey if you are seeing this again, give it another read.  I cleaned it up and did some editing.  It's much better this time - honest!

Those of you who like a good scandal ought to like the Great YouTube Comment Scandal.

To refresh your memory, about this time in 2008 the blogs Joy and I have been writing were discovered by a certain person affiliated with the Spiritual Rights Foundation.  Later, Joy began her vlogs on YouTube.

As usual, it spread around like wildfire within the wrought iron gates of SRF and as usual, the young people were put in action to carry out the evil mission and demented messages of the leaders of SRF.

While the SRF youth somehow didn't make an effort to post their parent's and godparent's vile and evil waste products on my blog, they did make an effort to blast Joy's YouTube channel and blog with the kind of hostile, verbose, poorly thought, sophomoric, base and useless commentary you'd hear of in your local inner-city high school.

I am sure they did their masters proud.

They didn't stop online, though.  Several of the youth complained to several adults about things things they believed Joy and I did to them.

Unfortunately, they lied.  None of the transgressions the youth complained of ever happened.

That the supposed incidents were untrue never stopped the youth from acting as the pawns of the leaders of SRF - they acted on orders and spat venom at anyone in their way.

They claimed Joy spewed even more horrible venom causing personal trauma to those disaffected youth, the leaders of SRF and all the warm and nourishing psychotics who reside there.

They claimed Joy was akin to the devil himself - that a statement Joy made on YouTube (which explained the reason for removal of commenters was in response to threats made by the SRF disaffected youth) was a full admission of her vile and cruel nature.

So, it should come as no surprise that the imaginary incidents and the statements that were never made brought the youth of SRF into a weeks-long screaming tantrum.  Those same unfounded and untrue allegations found their way into the merit-less and defeated lawsuit against us.

The Spiritual Rights Foundation held their belief in their own falsehoods so strongly, they compelled two of the young people involved to write legal statements claiming personal trauma and indignation as a defense against my petition to compel SRF to pay my legal costs.

What in hell a rambling and ill-conceived statement from those two youth had to do with a legal issue was beyond anyone.  Especially the judge who was none too pleased to receive it.

The lawsuit brought by SRF complains that comments written by people from SRF on this blog and on Joy's were removed and that SRF commenters and only SRF commerters were banned from Blogger in a deliberate attempt to restrict the free speech rights of the warm and nourishing psychos behind the SRF wrought iron gates.

Unfortunately for SRF, not only does Blogger not allow the banning of any particular individual (making banning utterly impossible), they got it totally wrong (as they usually do).

Besides, all comments left by the SRF disaffected youth as well as comments left by suspected members of SRF have remained on our blogs.  Not a single one - even the most vile, hostile, juvenile and threatening (which I guess, they all are) was ever removed from Blogger.  The claim that only SRF members were excluded from our blogs was not only idiotic, it was at best a distortion. More likely a lie.

Why do I feel this way?  Simple - SRF has blogs of their own.  On Blogger.  They know better.

YouTube was a different story.

There were extraordinarily vile and hostile comments left on Joy's YouTube channel.  Those comments were removed for cause (they incited even more hostile replies and they threatened the personal safety of Joy and other ex-members).  As a result, those commenters were excluded from writing on Joy's YouTube Channel.

Sure, those people were banned and their comments removed.  They were also offered reinstatement if they promise to refrain from the personal threats and attacks they engaged in earlier.

SRF was of course incensed the SRF youth were publicly spanked for behaving like spoiled brats on YouTube and never accepted their own culpability in exploiting their follower's children.  As they always do, the SRF leaders exaggerated and distorted the events.

Those leaders didn't care that the assertions they made were blatantly false and the use of young people and children to carry out the personal whims of the leaders was reprehensible.  They and their attorney had no concern they were distorting and misrepresenting the features of Blogger and the dangerous comments left on YouTube by their own people.

If any outfit should know what Blogger and YouTube can an cannot do it has to be SRF.

So, it made their lawsuit against us appear to me exactly as it was: an attempt to frighten and intimidate Joy, me and all of you into silence.

I knew I had to fight for the basic rights and freedoms of the victims of SRF and for those who may encounter SRF or any other awful cult.  Ultimately, not only was our attorney convinced SRF was conducting an intimidation campaign - not a lawful assertion of legal rights, so did the court.  The court made them pay for their deliberate unlawful action.

Winning was sweet.  Not vengeful, as I made no personal gain other than my lawful assertion of my freedom.

I did force them to pay for my legal defense.  That's not monetary gain, conspiracy-heads.  It's simple fairness under law.

And that crushed the Spiritual Rights Foundation like a cockroach.   It's pretty clear: SRF has a short time left on the planet.

That is fair.


For your own personal database, here is the response Joy made to the abusers who desecrated her YouTube channel.

Before I get to that, I have to add: my opinion on the whole YouTube comment scandal was to leave all comments on YouTube as they contained the real names and real email addresses of most of the commenters.  I would have given those commenters leave to continue their reign of terror, despite the danger.  It would be a visible public record of threats and it would be one of the best testimonies against joining the Spiritual Rights Foundation and for all that is written in this blog.

As Bill Duby himself said: if you want to blow your own horn, use someone else's lips.  The comments left by Bill's disaffected youth his henchmen and henchwomen were just the lips we needed to support our cause.

Thanks for the inspiration Bill!
To all my subscribers and channel viewers. I have received some threatening comments from my youtube and blog from some disgruntled members or affiliates of the Spiritual Rights Foundation. I felt in fear of my personal safety and decided to stop the flaming remarks in hopes of diffusing the mounting bashing and threats. I have deleted all comments that have yet been posted on this channel to be democratic and from now on I will approve all comments.
I have blocked several people from making comments for various reasons including inciting and flaming. If those viewers would like to be unblocked I would appreciate an email containing; an agreement to make no threats to my husband or I or any ex-SRFs or current SRFr and to please only address topics pertaining to content in video, personal experience and facts that can be instantiated. Thank you all.

I think the SRF-ies are so used to being treated unfairly by their leaders and each other, they can't recognize fairness if it dropped out of the sky and landed on their head.  It's part of their way of being - so much a part that they believe everyone will treat them unfairly and that any request for fairness is interpreted as exploitation.

So when Joy said: "Look guys, stop intimidating people with threats to their safety and stop the abusive language that makes you sound dangerous." those from SRF who engaged in that behavior were outraged at the obvious unfair and unreasonable request to tone things down and act in a civilized (but still passionate) manner.

And when Joy said later: you are banned for now but just promise me you'll not threaten anyone and I will un-ban you, the SRF-ies were even more aggravated at the further affront to their desire to engage in conduct that would result in far more than a mild reprimand anywhere else.

Yet to the Spiritual Rights Foundation, only they hold the keys to fairness - only they are acting within reason and are acting with the true guidance of holy law.

Bill Duby, the psychotic founder of this dysfunctional and worthless organization, was fond of saying "If God be for you, who can be against you?"

Well now - how many are against the Spiritual Rights Foundation?  How many are for it?

How many have left this psychic Bedlam?  How many people are left there?

How many of them really want to be there?   How many still there would like to get out if only they had a way?

Is God for the Spiritual Rights Foundation?

I believe He's not.  In fact, I believe He's the one behind the cult's current decline and troubles.

Gee SRF, I guess that's the real reason no one is for you...


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If you are a member of the Spiritual Rights Foundation (SRF) staff, are affiliated with its associated organizations (i.e.: ISHI, Health & Wealth, The Academy for Psychic Studies, Freedom Estates, Blue Sky Ranch, Sterling Rose Press, or others), a student of an SRF-related organization, a representative or agent of SRF, its directors, staff or students please identify yourself as such when you leave a comment. You may remain anonymous, if you prefer.

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This is an open and public forum. Please understand that persons with an opposing point of view may respond with a comment critical of yours. You may provide a rebuttal if you choose but keep your comment on-message. If you leave a comment that only insults or embarrasses a reader, your comment will be posted prominently so everyone can see you are a tool.

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