Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Who do I care about?

So, I get asked frequently, "what the hell are you dong this goddamn blog for?".

Good question.

I'm also told by a few my blog reflects deep-seated emotional issues which must be addressed.  Issues such as anger, resentment and all the things the New-Age nitwits like to point out as the flaws inherent in all but themselves.  Sure, I am pissed I lost more than a decade with a cult.  Wouldn't you?  I lost out on a lot of life. I lost a lot of opportunities that will never present themselves again and I lost out on relationships and social events that will never happen again.

I am sure you all think that makes me a really pissed off son of a bitch.

Well if you do, fine.

If you believe I need to conduct therapy through writing about my own trauma (such as it was) in front of everyone, well what in the hell do you think I have been doing all this goddamn time?

But honestly, my goal is not so much to help myself (although that has been a benefit) my goal is to allow the many of potential followers to see the other side of the Academy for Psychic Studies story and make up their own mind.

While I would like to enter deep thought and reveal a side of myself that is totally unexpected and worthy of an episode of Oprah, or more likely, an ass-kicking on the Maury show, that isn't the purpose of this blog.

I can tell you with all candor I am NOT writing just to hear myself speak.  I wouldn't need to risk the Spiritual Rights Foundation/Academy for Psychic Studies filing a bogus lawsuit (which I defeated in spades) to do that.

And I'm NOT doing this to help anyone remaining at SRF to break that bond of slavery.  Even if they read this blog, there's no way anything I say will help them.  Besides, I have a strict policy to NOT assist or directly enable any current SRF member to leave the cult UNLESS that person comes to me for help.

I can't nor would I help disaffected SRF members to leave the cult.  That takes my role from writer to exit-counselor or rescuer.  I'm not about to go there. 

I am open to speak with anyone who has "made separations" from the Spiritual Rights Foundation cult or is strongly looking at getting his or herself out of there.  We have coffee and donuts at the ready at any time.  I can also help those who need support to find professional help for their mind, body and living needs.

I'm not available to current, former or waffling members of the cult to listen to apologies for SRF behavior or to listen to their fondness for any of the leaders.  I just don't have time for that.  Besides, I have my opinion and I am sticking to it. 

Those who remain and those who are creating defenses for the Witches of Ellsworth Street's behavior (albeit strange, selfish and really weird defenses like "your blog hurts people like me" - just wait a couple of years and you'll see how the Witches of Ellsworth Street can lay down some real hurt) are so unclear in their defense they not only cannot see the error of their ways, they are beyond help.

I think those remaining at the Academy for Psychic Studies have been in it so long and got so deeply involved, they are unable to conduct a normal life outside the context of the cult.  There may be a few exceptions.  But what I can see is a group of people in middle-age and their medicare years who are proceeding on inertia alone still unable to create their own sense of self.  They'll never leave no matter what I say.  And if they do, their minds are so enmeshed in the debris of the Academy dogma, life as a real member of Planet Earth may be impossible and they are at risk to run right back into the clutches of their tormentors.

So, if I'm not writing to help those left. then who am I writing for?

It's those who are looking for a spiritual home.  I'm helping those who can think for themselves.  I am informing those who want to know and chose their own direction; not those who want to get along by going along.

We call came into SRF with wide-eyed wonder.  We never thought there could be a place for us, dedicated to help us, committed to serving us.  All we needed to do was make the donations, take the classes, buy the recordings, buy admission tickets to the retreats, pay the tithes, pay for more classes, pay for more retreats, pay more tithes and on and on and on.

We hoped for all the things SRF promised us:  material prosperity, spiritual enlightenment, superiority of our soul.  We were the elite, learning at the foot of the cosmic master, who in turn, channeled God Himself.

People seeking their own shining star of spirit are searching and hoping for the same.

But there is one thing available to them that we never had the chance to hear:  the other side of the SRF story.

It's easier to hear that story when you have made no ties to SRF of any of the unfortunates who have succumbed to their evil ways.  It's easier to walk away when you haven't even reached the front door.  It's simpler to "cut cords" when there aren't any to cut.

This blog is a service to those who haven't heard OUR side of the story.  It's here to help those who have not become committed or who have not yet made up their minds to find the information they need to make a decision.

This blog serves those who are on the outside looking in.  If they care to know more about the Spiritual Rights Foundation from the perspective of those who have been there, they have the whole picture and the whole story from both sides.  With that information, they can make up their own minds.  Without it, their minds are made up for them - and you know what happens then...

Without the power of the blog and the internet there isn't anything I could have done for them anyway.

Happily, I understand that most people read this blog and take away a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of the Spiritual Rights Foundation.  It's great they can learn in a few minutes or hours what we victims discovered only after years of struggle.

But those who are not out are reading this blog.  Many who have been there and departed read as well.  Some ex-members, though, while physically outside the iron fence of SRF are still mentally trapped inside.

They fear everything non-cult like.  They think as they did before.  They still chase the demons to blame for their own troubles.  They still look for the devils to blame for their shortcomings and hail the Witches of Ellsworth Street as saviors, messiahs and anointed messengers of the undisputed holy champion of the world: Bill Duby.

I don't have time for them.

Nor do I have any desire or need to address them.

I have always asked ex-members to come to me if they like but come clean.  Before you read this blog or even attempt to contact me, you need to have a real separation from your cultic experience.  You will likely need professional help to make that transition.  You'll also need to have cut any contact with the cult and with current members. 

That's a tough stance, I know.

But that is the only way this blog can be protected from those who are still trapped in cult thinking and imprisoned in the deception and fear engendered by the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

What could those poor, lost persons possibly do to this blog?

First, they distract those who need to express their outrage from having their own voice.  Second, by standing in the shadows watching us put ourselves on the line, in the public eye, they are reducing this blog and our own participation in our recovery and my mission to inform the public to nothing more than a spectator sport.

They are content to watch those of us working towards normalcy, holding our heads high and standing as tall take the brunt of the attack from the cult while they do as they always had as cult members:  thank heaven it's not them and point a finger of condemnation at us.

It's not them I care about.  In fact, it's not even me I am writing for these days.

The lawsuit the Spiritual Rights Foundation filed against me galvanized me to hone my mission and focus my efforts to one goal:

Inform the public and tell the ex-member's side of the SRF story.

As far as my personal needs go:  thanks for your concern.  However, this blog will continue to be written in the manner and style it has established. 



  1. Thank you so much for these blogs Mike, they are so helpful as someone who has left the control of a BPI member, I have already contacted your comrade about this matter, but it may be helpful to others like me that have been taken on by an individual teaching private lessons instead of actually attending the church there are many of them trolling the streets and internet in California just waiting for perfect victim (oh right, no, they created me and I created them) right.. BS . This is just as harmful, I am so glad my brain kicked in before this went any further, I was really being sucked in and fast. Thanks again, very informative.

  2. Thank you for reading. It's great to hear that you mind came back to full speed before you suffered any long lasting damage.

    Good Work! You have all my best for you and yours.


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