We should all look as good as Helen Mirren.
Some time ago, the Academy for Psychic Studies posted a hit piece on Steve Sanchez. It appeared on their web site soon after his tell-all expose on the perverse inner workings of the Academy for Psychic Studies revealed conduct that is so cult-ish, there could be no question that they are indeed a dangerous cult.
The rest of us thought differently. That's because we have some amount of brain power left.
Here's our thinking:
First, who at the Academy for Psychic Studies is so well educated and so lavishly trained in mental illness they can diagnose someone they haven't seen in years?
Second, think of this: the leaders of the Academy for Psychic Studies were infamous for their disdain of the mental health profession - unless the profession was their own ISHI Hypnosis, where you will be taught to sleep through life an $80 ISHI Hypnosis session at a time.
Third: Bill Duby (the founder of the Academy for Psychic Studies) was famed for waving his Medicare card in the air saying "I'm so insane, the government says I can't work!" Bill also spoke frequently of "rescuing" Angela Silva (another founder) from a "nut house" and of her history of suicidal thinking and other such emotional problems.
Looking at the statement released about Steve Sanchez, you'd have to say it was at best uninformed and stupid and more likely defamatory and potentially libelous.
They didn't give a damn about Steve's mental health. I know. I was there and I spoke to the person who created the statement and Angela Silva about the statements and my concerns about potential liability. The statement was said to be approved by the Academy's attorney, who's defamation complaint against me was DEFEATED quickly and easily - showing how much he really knows about that area of law (which, of course, is not much).
Basically, they defended their statement saying "We think it's true, and so it is - so fuck off, Kawahara. You don't know jack shit about Steve or the law."
It's a good bet the Academy for Psychic Studies considers all those who have departed to be mentally ill. Only this time, they aren't saying it publicly.
But I know from my experience with them, when someone asks about the less-than-flattering press, this blog's point of view, the truth known by ex-members and the compelling nature of our side of the story, Angela Silva (who would sidle up to you to mention she would be so very happy to "watch" your kids and take them to her special kindergarten while you are in class being pounded with a copy of "Cosmic Acid") and Robin Dumolin (who will speak with new members behind bullet-proof glass using an intercom, thrusting a bomb resistant tray through the pay-slot to collect cash), would certainly explain to the newbie in their own warm an nurturing way that you, me and all of us who left their petty tyranny belong in a mental hospital and they wish us well in our treatment and recovery.
Well you Witches: as you are so fond of saying: you read your own pictures.
And as I am fond of saying: he who smelt it, dealt it.
What does the news of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Academy for Psychic Studies moving closer towards oblivion say about their present situation?
Maybe the fact there are NO students in the Clairvoyant Training Program, fewer ministers than any time in their history, less interest than ever and more criticism than they can possibly fathom has something to do with their meltdown.
Or maybe it's because they are just plain storefront psychics who do little more than swing around a Foster Farms chicken for your $300 donation. Nah, they wouldn't do that. There are cheaper brands of chicken to swing around.
Beats me, but I would imagine losing the defamation lawsuit they filed against me, you and all the people who participate in this blog may have been the bucket of cold water that melted the Wicked Witches of Ellsworth.
I'm still wondering who's brave and knowledgeable enough to have posted the following comment:
...here is the truth about what Sherry was doing in her locked bookkeeping office. She was instructed to keep two sets of books for the church. One was the official set of books for the IRS and the other was what was actually going on, mainly all of the personal expenses of the leaders that were being paid for by the non-profit. How is that for the integrity of the spiritual leaders?
Now we know where the money is going
A lot of people that have been involved with New age and occult end up in mentalcare and there they dont know how to cure them. If you have been to SRF it is easy to become mentally ill for sure. The thing is, you cant just say that someone is mentally ill, you have to understand why, and what kind of illness too. There is always a reason and in Stevens case it would not be normal to be mentally sane after what he went trough, still he is doing quite well. Most people would be in a mental hospital after something like that. I have been to mental hospital after having been to SRF. In my country it is not a big deal to end up in a mental hospital at least not in the eighties when Sweden put away anyone that would annyone the "great" socialist society that they where trying hard to convey to the people here. I annoyed rev Bill and when I came home to Sweden I annoyed the socialists too, because they seemed to be to be quite the same shit to me. All about controlling others. So anyway, as SRF only say that people that leave them are menally disturbed they actually dont say a shit. They just prove that their healings dont work. If healing worked, shouldnt a person like Steve after so many years feel great actually? How come that I spent some years taking classes in healing and meditation came home, went to a mental hospital and then to an ordinary hospital and had eight hours of surgery on my intestines if healing worked. Yes I know they always have a special story about that persons spiritual status. I can really see the connection with scientology and Ron Hubbard who used to write about science fiction. I heard many amazing storys there.
ReplyDeleteWhile these people say they don't believe in insanity, Bill Duby proudly said he was "legally insane". The Witches of Ellsworth like to call people "insane" if those people disagree with the Witches.
ReplyDeleteThey never address the issues, but they do attack the messenger. They did it to a lot more than Steve, Janehellen and myself. They called everyone who left there insane.
So if the Academy for Psychic Studies is as healing and as warm and nurturing as the say, why are there ten ex-members for every member who are there today?
Why are there so many dissedents and so few supporters?
Why do they have to build a new web site with no names of the leaders, ministers or even a mention of their "beloved" founder Bill Duby?
Interesting, isn't it?
That the Witches of Ellsworth would continually use Bill's legacy to intimidate and force us into submission are now pretending he never existed to the public.
I'd love to see Jenny and Rick try to explain that one away to the new prospects.
I'd pay to see Debi try to explain it. I'd leave the room as Dan winds up to Karate kick the guy who asked about Bill.
What about you guys?
How has Bill's absence from the SRF web site seem to change the face of this idiot cult?