Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Academy for Psychic Studies - New Site, Same Shite
Has anyone else noticed that there are NO NAMES OF THE LEADERS nor are there any more pictures of the people still there. No leadership pictures either.
I think they are on the run, trying to hide from the evil in the world. That evil is all who would expose them to the world.
So actually, it's not the world that is so evil, isn't it?
There is little information there outside of them telling you to spend money on classes.
But the Clairvoyant Training Program is only 4 MONTHS long! Of course, that means only four months at a time, actually. Like us, the poor victims of this cult will find themselves renewing a session at a time until they wake up one morning to find a decade has passed by.
I know of some students in the Clairvoyant Training Program who have left because it took years to complete, with no end in sight. Of course, they were demeaned and degraded as those who "can't have the teaching".
Seems to me they did have it. And they had enough of it.
I've seen one who has set up a psychic reading practice. She's a very good person who does care about the people who call or visit her. I hope she does well with it.
Another has a bodywork practice and is highly rated for her effectiveness and professionalism.
They are both great people to know and are very talented. And neither appears to mention their time at this worthless cult - even the person who has set up a reading practice.
Maybe that's all you need to know about the Academy for Psychic Studies. If those who have been there don't want to talk about it and the Academy for Psychic Studies themselves don't want to talk about themselves, can you really say there's something of value there?
There's a new web site for the psychotics on Ellsworth Street. While I can't link directly to the Spiritual Rights Foundation's new web site, you can certainly Google them.
It looks better, I have to admit and I encourage you to take a peek at it.
There is a troubling bit of information, though. Look at the title. They are changing their public name to the Academy for Psychic Studies, most likely to avoid the bad publicity from the title "Spiritual Rights Foundation".
However, if you Google "Academy for Psychic Studies" you will see some important entries: the factnet page containing all those articles (and this blog) critical of the Academy for Psychic Studies, Joy's anti-Academy for Psychic Studies vlog and this blog.
They'll have to be more creative to duck the tomatoes coming their way. The public is more and more interested in knowing exactly what goes on at the Academy for Psychic Studies. So, you and me will be the ones to give the other side of the story. I pledge to continue to provide he truth for as long as it appears necessary (or as long as I can hold up). I hope you all will be there as well.
I had to point out the new SRF site to all. And I have to point out that the Academy for Psychic Studies is just another name for just another evil cult.
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I had a look at the new page, the name "Academy for psychic studies" is not a new name. As many cults have several names, so has SRF. Rev Moons cult also has names like Unification church and several more where they call themselves a studentgroup too.
ReplyDeleteIn SRF some of the ministers that left also changed names, so they can leave a lot of the probems that they have caused behind without being bothered about it again. All the people that they pissed on the head cant find them without a lot of effort. People they own money and people that have worked their ass of for them.
Im sure that if they dont find enough people to cheat and SRF have to close down, these people will split up and continue their buisness in several smaller units in the same mannor with new names of course.
Yes, no names is good for business! They want to make sure no one googles the name Angela Silva, Robin DuMolin or Debi Livingston and find out who they are dealing with. That way, if the google Academy For Psychic Studies they will get as close to generalizations of information about this cult. Names are more likely to scare them off as they will have a name and face and all the infamous and diabolical misdeeds they perform on the public.
ReplyDeleteI wish someone would be able to stencil a large sign across the gate saying "BEWARE!: CULT IN PROGRESS!!!"
These "Psychic Nazi's" need to be given the scarlet letter!