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Monday, February 6, 2012
Academy for Psychic Studies and Scientology
And related to that, wasn't there a plaque with a black background and etched golden lettering on a medium brown wooden base that honored both Lewis Bostwick and L. RON HUBBARD?
Or maybe that is one of my projections...
I know people who swear they heard Bill Duby say he was teaching Scientology. I recall it, but maybe not as clearly as they.
Any of you who do recall, please leave a comment. It will make a lot of things make sense. And if Bill did indeed teach Scientology, I don't know what to say about THAT.
I'm hoping you would. Leave a comment. And let's see if there really is an SRF/Scientology connection.
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Just a quick and friendly reminder, there is a slight connection between SRF and Scientology at least indirectly. Bill learned a lot of his things at BPI which was founded by Lewis S Bostwick. Although Bostwick did not openly admit that he was a former Scientologist, it is documented and it was even spoken about within BPI repeatedly. I have even had other people who have posted comments on my own blog to that fact.
ReplyDeleteOne of my former contacts within the church told me that everything we were taught was based on Scientology tech. When I was looking at Scientology stuff a few years back before I started realizing that BPI was indeed a cult, I was astounded at the fact that almost all of the verbiage and other stuff I learned at BPI did indeed come first from Scientology.
Nah its not just a coincidence!
Oh and one might wonder, why is such a small place like BPI on Scientologys suppresive persons list? hmmmm.... makes you wonder.
I remember Linda Anast saying that they had some of that in the teaching at SRF. I asked her about what she thought about Dianetics, the bible of Scientology.
ReplyDeleteI know that the guy that started scientology, Ron Hubbart did a lot of detox programmes that are very good for people that have either been poisoned from chemicals or drugs. Otherwise it is a cult, and they have some healings very similar to what they teach at SRF.
I have heard that Ron L Hubbard was a great guy, but his consept was stolen by those who made it become a destructive cult. It is always so that a cult can give some good or true stuff, mabye about 30 % and then the rest is just a lot of control and problems that comes later as you get involved of course. This is they way they can exist, otherwise nobody would join them.
The plaque you refer to only had Lewis Bostwick's name on it. L Ron Hubbard's name was not on it. It was put up after Bostwick's death because of Ang's supposed deep love of her teacher.
DeleteI have done extensive research on Scientology after leaving SRF. The majority of the concepts we learned at SRF had their origins in Scientology. The majority of the concepts of Scientology came from ancient Eastern religions, Magick and Aleister Crowley, Christian mysticism, Carl Jung, etc. Scientology is a mishmash of spiritual and religious beliefs taken from a wide variety of sources. All filtered through the mind of L. Ron Hubbard who was a science fiction writer with the mentality of a used car salesman. But all religious founders are ultimately used car salesmen.
Scientology: Engrams
SRF: Mental image pictures
Scientology: Present Time
SRF: Present time
Scientology: body thetans
SRF: spirits running the body like ancestors or whoever wanted to jump into your body
Scientology: Suppressive Persons (SP)
SRF: Invalidators or those who can't let you have it.
The point of Scientology is to neutralize your engrams or take the charge off of subconscious beliefs you either inherited or gained through life experience. As you advance in Scientology, you get to the level where you realize you are not living your life, but become conscious of the body thetans who are posing as you. The point of neutralizing your engrams is to finally kick these thetans out of your body, so you as the resident spirit can actually be the one running your body. That's the whole point of the OT Level III where you learn about Lord Xenu and how he vaporized spirits and bound them to physical bodies.
Sound familiar? De-energize your mental image pictures so you as the resident spirit can come into your body and kick out the influence of all of the spirits who reincarnated into your body and your ancestors who are really the ones running your body.
The whole story of erasables is pretty much a similar story as Lord Xenu: exploding planet, aliens coming to Earth because they don't have anywhere else to live, these spirits living within bodies without people being conscious of them.
There are so many parallels. Bostwick simply took what he learned in Scientology and gave it a psychic twist. And L. Ron Hubbard was a student of Aleister Crowly and was involved with psychic stuff and magic before he started Scientology.
The point of
You're thinking of a different plaque.
ReplyDeleteHere's something from PsychDoctorate's YouTube Channel:
I was involved with the Spiritual Rights Foundation years ago when I was far more naive, though not involved as deeply as those training to be 'reverends'. I remember a plaque on the wall dedicated by Rev. Bill to several of his "teachers", the only names of which I remember were GENE SCOTT, Lewis Bostwick, and L. RON HUBBARD.
Now, I'm not sure who cryptsub is but I can say he recalls seeing the same damn thing I did. I saw the fucker in a storage area, long forgotten. He saw it on the wall.
That the psychotic teachings at SRF have more than a passing resemblance to Scientology is clear from your comparison and it's a great illustration on how a perverse aggregate of religion, sci-fi and pure BULLSHIT can be used to fleece the unsuspecting.
I've heard of a few people who made the comparison between SRF and Scientology.
Here's someone who also recalls the SRF/Scientology connection:
I think you are right cryptsub. In one "advanced" class I was in Rev. Bill actually talked? about Scientology and the aliens, the millions of aliens in our bodys which we were suppose to give a healing and send on their way which parallels "clearing".
I was a minister at the Spiritual Rights Foundation and was in it for 14 years. I witnessed extreme mental, spiritual and psychological abuse. I remember at least once Rev. Bill letting slip that the teaching at SRF was bassed on Scientology. I have talked? to someone else who is still there and they said they had heard Rev. Bill say the same thing. He did not want people to really know this fact but would occasionally let it slip on one of his rages. Keep up the good work PsychDoc
I was around SRF when Bostwick bought the farm. I think there was a plaque in his memory displayed at this psychic sewage plant. I would guess it came down as quickly as it was put up. That accounts for few remembering it, I suppose. I guess it would also account for an L. Ron Hubbard plaque being put up then abruptly taken down before too many people noticed.
Honestly, I do distinctly recall the head psychotic making a statement after one of those late-night sessions where he fried our brains after cleaning out our wallets. After putting us into a trance where we forgot he picked our pockets, the psychotic said "You guys didn't know you were learning Scientology, did you?"
That had to come from SOMEWHERE.
I think, like his imaginary education with Gene Scott, Bill Duby saw "Dianetics" at the bookstore then imagined he was L. Ron Hubbard's star pupil and heir to the Scientology shitheap.
Berkeley Psychic Institute members stated Lewis Bostwick ordered Bill be kept as far away from him as possible and allowed to stay no longer than necessary. It was well understood at BPI that not only was Bill Duby a pest, Bostwick was inclined to shove a boot up Bill's ass on sight. So, Bill's delusions of having a close relationship to psychic and spiritual luminaries who never heard of him or didn't like him was pretty much a pattern.
Please be advised that Hubbard's detox regimes are NOT HEALTHY. The dosages of vitamins (in particular niacin) far exceed toxic limits. People with compromised livers, etc have been horribly sickened and even died from the regimes.
ReplyDeleteGoogle 'David Love' and his lawsuits against narconon in Canada.
If you feel a need to detox, use dandelion, burdock, etc. Avoid extreme vitamin dosages. Your body will thank you later.
about the only thing that is good about srf and scientology is that they can both be identified as sewage. unfortunately people have paid money to learn this fact. rev dubious would wait till they the wee hours of the morning after you had to listen to his ranting and you were worn down to reveal his affection for scientology and for bozo bostwick and was only done with his reverends, when he was recruiting you would not hear of this.