Sunday, July 11, 2010

Follow the money

We all know we paid those leeches a ton of money in the past.  Many of us are still shaking off the after-effects of that exploitation.

But still even after all this time, I have to wonder:  Where did it all go?

We all know that every penny that came in was under Robin's watchful eye.  But who's eye oversaw the pennies going out?  And who's pocket did it all go to?

Well, we do know that the "SRF" farm isn't an SRF farm at all.  Robin and Angela own it.  For what reason?  I think for no other than to give them money, property and power.  Giving them the farm helped Bill secure their loyalty in a way he could not do any other way.  He put their power over the freedom of his followers.

I personally did not know anything about the true ownership of the farm until well after I left.  I happened to be looking up SRF real estate holdings and discovered the SRF Farm was actually the Dumolin/Silva farm.  I never really looked up the rest of them, though.  I was too shocked at the time.

And for all the money that is brought in, and the few expenses they have every month, where is the profit going?  Who's really benefiting from all that money?

We know who.  We know that the people on top live any damn way they want, buy what they want, and vacation any time they please.  The problem is, they do all that with other people's money.

If Robin and Angela were ever out of that environment, I doubt they would survive it.  Neither would Bill's child.  They have been sucking the life out of people for so long, making an honest living is just impossible now.

As Debi appears to be anointed to take charge, does the cash flow change?   How much of a tribute payment will Robin and Angela demand from the new organization?

And how does the "ownership" of the SRF assets change?

Are there any assets of SRF still in the church's hands?  I have no idea.  Will some of the assets suddenly change ownership to two familiar persons?

And is that fair and legal?

I'm not sure.  I do know this:  if they are cheating on their taxes, if they are using their non-profit, tax-exempt status for their own profit, they should be held accountable.  After all, we would.  Every American would.  If crooked preachers like Tony Alamo and so many others have to serve time or pay penalties for enriching themselves on the backs of their followers, why shouldn't anyone else convicted of doing the same.

Would the Anonymous commenter who pointed out those abuses stand tall and confidentially report his or her discovery to me, to law enforcement or anyone who might bring justice to this situation?

Would that be a basis for a class-action against SRF?

I know that there are no limitations on action if you could file action in Federal Court.  You case could be years old and would still be valid.  How long for State Court I do not know - it depends on the kind of action.  

I know they are struggling and on the ropes.  Would now be the time for a head-long charge into the legal breech opened up after our decisive victory?

One thing is for sure, it takes a certain amount of bravery to undertake that charge.  It takes people who would stand up for justice and for their fellow man.  No one person should be the sole beneficiary of legal action.  It should be everyone or no one.

When SRF filed their lawsuit against me and Joy, our attorney said it would be a fight, but a really fun fight.  And it was.

The cult was ridiculously easy to defeat.  It was hard to collect our damages, but we got them.  I think any offensive action against them would take similar hard work but it would likely be a satisfying fight that can be won.

I'm not concerned that we may be telegraphing information to SRF.  In fact, I think they will treat this information as they always do: with disdain.

Are there people out there with the personal conviction and inner strength to join a fight to slay the dragon?  I don't know.  But if you are, you can raise your hand (without committing yourself to do anything or actually joining a lawsuit).

I would just like to know if anyone would, if they could.

And if you could, you just might.

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