Thursday, November 13, 2008

Trading Places II

PsychDoctorate originally left the below as a comment to the Trading Places post. He's got a lot of experience with Michael Tamura, it seems.
I thought that, as it is related to how Bill felt about me vs. Michael Tamura, PsychDoctorate's comment deserved its own entry.
Still, even if Michael Tamura's behavior at BPI was as described by Bill and PsychDoctorate, how is it that I get to be the guy who gives Bill a "healing" by letting him get away with me what he wanted to do to another guy?Blogger

PsychDoctorate said...

Although you might not have much information on Michael Tamura, I actually do. I am a former graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute. Michael was not the most profound teacher you would think of him as.

He had and was well known for "digging" into people through his readings and often brining a person to tears. He enjoyed brining people down despite the image of being such a nice person.

He expelled many people from the Church often for no reason other than "their energy was bad."

On the business side of things, he had no qualms about spending church money for almost anything. I worked for the church and they paid for almost all of his expenses, including housing while paying him a rather larger salary. This is substantiated fact.

The amount of money he used to eat out and claimed as "business expense" was astronomical. His credit card bills for the church (which I saw and wrote checks for) showed that he had at least one meal per day which was "church expense" since there was another church "minister" present.

Oh and not many people know this, but he was having an affair with his now current wife Rapahelle, while he was still married to his current wife Kay. Raphaelle was a meditation teacher at the Palo Alto Psychic Institute, before it closed.

The whole scandal was covered up and no one talked much about it. Shortly thereafter, Michael started working on the Anaheim Psychic Institute.

Coincidence? We really do not know. Michael was Lewis Bostwicks protege. I would call him more of a project than Protoge.

He is now fully indoctrinated into the psychic cultic mindset which besets those who begin doing this work. One must always remember, Lewis Bostwick was a former Scientologist and all of his teachings are based on Scientology.

People who teach these tools, like Michael are completely unaware that they are using mind control techniques to slowly alter a persons consciousness and program them with a delusional belief system.

November 12, 2008 2:44 AM

1 comment:

  1. really glad I stumbled across this info, I feel almost liberated


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