Friday, November 14, 2008

Do you know who this could be?

Psychdoctorate posted a comment earlier. He says the use of the meditation techniques taught at SRF cause a condition called "hypomania". I'm not much of psychologist so I had to look that up.

Here is what I found describing hypomania.

Hypomania Episodes
According to the
DSM-IV-TR, a hypomanic episode includes, over the course of at least 4 days, elevated mood plus three of the following symptoms OR irritable mood plus four of the following symptoms:

  • pressured speech; rapid talking
  • inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
  • decreased need for sleep;
  • flight of ideas or the subjective experience that thoughts are racing;
  • easy distractibility and attention-deficit (superficially similar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder);
  • increase in psychomotor agitation
  • steep involvement in pleasurable activities that may have a high potential for negative psycho-social or physical consequences (e.g., the person engages in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments).
In the hypomanic state, people may feel like they can't slow their mind down, and that all these speeding thoughts are amazingly perfectly crafted. Some examples are speaking or writing in rhyme or alliteration without planning it first; quick responses to people talking; or the ability to improvise easily on the spot.

While reading this description, I had a sixth sense of sorts. That sense was telling me that I saw all that before.

Now, I am sure I've seen that somewhere before. I don't exactly recall with whom or at what time. But it seems like someone, somewhere did most or all of the stuff described at some time.

I'll send donuts to the first person to tell me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh all right! It's BILL DUBY!

    Geez. And I was ready to round up some Krispy Kremes for you.

    Now don't make me eat those damn things alone.


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