Monday, April 29, 2013

The Academy for Psychic Studies - It's not made up.

Dammit, Robin!  Get a wax!
...and hit the gym while you're at it!

One of the things I noticed very strongly when I see any videos, publications, web sites or any other damn publicly available promotional crap from the Academy for Psychic Studies is the dumpy, frumpy and unimpressive appearance of the unfortunate members thrust into the public eye.

When preparing for the all-important public display, Witch Angela Silva and her counterpart Robin Dumolin benefit from shopping sprees at Macy's, mani-pedis at the day spa, botox, cosmetic surgery, the finest make-up and only the most skilled hair stylists, affording them the most angelic and divine countenance for their photo or video shoot.  

The followers, however, are left to their own devices.

Most All of them have far fewer resources than the Witches, so their method of preparation for their public appearances is pretty much brushing the dandruff from their well-worn secondhand shirt, wiping their hair with gasoline to remove the grease and hoping the camera won't pick up their blemishes.

Take a look at the current Academy for Psychic Studies web site (and this link goes to the appropriate Google page - not the actual site you fucking SRF troll).

It won't take long to view the remaining staph members - there are only a few of them.  However, you'll notice something very similar about their pictures and very different about the Witches' pictures.

While the Witches have benefited from their image consultants and on-call makeup artists, the followers' appearance is nothing more than whatever they threw together in the 30 seconds they had before their picture was taken at gunpoint.

I'll have to say, one woman looks fresh-faced and takes fair pride in presenting a pleasant appearance.

The rest look like they rode a motorcycle through a hailstorm.

It's so illustrative of the vast divide between leaders and followers or in this case, Witches and their victims.

When you have the resources to present the kind of public image you want and have no responsibilities in the world except to beat your deluded followers into keeping you as carefree as you desire, you'll look as fresh as a newborn baby.

That's not just what we see in the Witches - it's an accepted scientific theory backed up by research.  I even wrote about it.

So it's no wonder that the followers look beat down, downtrodden and decrepit.

Wouldn't an extreme makeover been helpful?  Sure, if you could afford it.  These people not only cannot, they have been so brainwashed into thinking their outer appearance is meaningless they actually make their outer appearance as meaningless as it could possibly be.

Well in the warm and nourishing environment of the Academy for Psychic Studies, wouldn't the Witches of Ellsworth Street have been as charitable as they say and spent a few of their hard-stolen dollars to revive their flock and give them the appearance of vitality, prosperity and the attractiveness of, you know, living people?

As that would cost the Witches a few dollars on some nice clothes from the discount store, a beauty school student to practice makeup and hair styling on them and the annoyance of having all six of the fuckers in SRF HQ at once while a professional photographer worked magic, it was a non-starter.

Once again, the Witches of Ellsworth have used the whip when they needed to offer a carrot.

The small investment in clothes, makeup, a decent haircut and style have cost them more than the would have gained.  With the repulsive images of the followers in such contrast to the fresh-from-the-spa appearance of the Witches, more prospective victims will turn and vomit into the nearest trash can than reach for the phone for a reading or click through to a class signup.

As for what they might have gained, with appearance being important with the segment of the public interested in their targets, the frumpy and backwoods presentation of the staff members projects an image of lackadaisical and careless attitude to the public.  In the mind of the public, those who do not care for themselves would not care for the public.

So by their own public presentation  the Academy for Psychic Studies have shown once again how little they care for the welfare of those they serve and how much the Witches care for what they can get.


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