Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tell me about the rabbits, George...

Uh... I guess there's not much I can say...
except I'm tired of seeing you dicks
searching for Kim Kardashian's ass.

There's something I just heard about lately.  Honestly, it's serious this time - although the outcome makes me laugh my ass off.  It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect says something like: the dumber you are, the more confident you feel in all you do.  Conversely,the smarter you are, the less confident you are.

Here's an example: some dummy in Pittsburgh robbed two banks in a single afternoon.  He did not wear a disguise nor did he do anything to hide his appearance.  When he was arrested moments after the second robbery shocked the police found him, he muttered over and over: "but I wore the juice".

It turned out the man spread lemon juice over his face, believing it would prevent the bank's cameras from photographing him.  In his case, belief was actually a delusion.

You see, the incompetent have no ability to recognize their own mistakes.

So how about we just rub their faces in it - show them their mistakes and they'll realize how stupid they are?

That actually had the opposite effect.  Dunning and Kruger tested that theory with students.  As expected, the incompetent thought they performed well above average while the competent well underestimated their performance.  Dunning and Kruger found when the incompetent students were shown how well the competent performed vs. the incompetent, the incompetent thought they performed even better than estimated earlier.

It turns out the incompetent were unaware, oblivious to what a good result looks like.  So showing the incompetent his actual standing vs. a real result just reinforced the incompetent's delusion he did well.

Don't think grabbing the incompetent by the shirt collar and giving the idiot a good shake around the room will help, either.  The incompetent have no way to become aware of their shortcomings until they become more competent.  All you'll do by arguing with him is reinforce his belief he's a lot better than he is.

How about that?

Now how about the most incompetent of all:  The Academy for Psychic Studies.

Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, The Academy for Psychic Studies presses forward with their own brand of psychotic information and their own brand of delusion.

Yes, they fervently, devotedly and unfailingly believe in all the things they teach.  Their confidence in their teachings are so strong, so sure that the teachings must be true and they must have a warm and nourishing presence here on Earth.

If you believe that, I have a few lemons you can squirt on your face.

Look at the facts:
  • Membership has dwindled from nearly 50 active members to maybe 14 8 2 or maybe just the old guy who curses while he sweeps the grounds - and only a few none of them take part in Academy-sponsored activities regularly.  The rest are just too weary beat down to keep marching stick around.

  • Public interest in the Academy for Psychic Studies is at an all-time low.  How many students attend the Clairvoyant Training Program?   How many attend the ISHI Hypnosis Training class?  How many members of the public attend any damn classes at all?  Nearly none.

  • The Academy has been pulling back their public outreach efforts.  Their newspaper is no longer published, the blog is abandoned, the YouTube videos are erased, the public-access cable programs are gone, the website says even less about them and presents them as even more secretive and isolated than ever.  Their silence leaves this blog as the main source of information on the Academy.  What idiot would want to do that?  Oh, right... the Academy for Psychic Studies.

  • People are listening to our side of the Academy story.  Despite the passage of time, page views on this blog have remained steady.  There is just plain nowhere for the Academy for Psychic Studies to hide.

Of course, those facts are meaningless to the Academy.  In fact, they are fully aware of all of the items I listed (how could they not?) but they remain ignorant and as unaware of their plight as an ostrich hiding in the sand.

Sure, reality has kicked them in the head and shook them by the collar.  They lost their lawsuit against this blog.  They face the reality that almost no one is interested in their poison.  They are feeling the effects of mind control going out of control.

But like the idiots Dunning and Kruger encountered - hell like that lemon-fresh bank robber, the Academy for Psychic Studies are ever confident their psychosis is the right psychosis for a world in need of the psychosis only they provide and they are carrying on peddling their poison to the unknowing public as if they are more popular than ever.

Not only are they carrying on pretending nothing has happened, they remain iconoclastic and unwilling to make even small adaptations to their approach to make them more relevant and accessible.

Is there hope?

Well, Dunning and Kruger took those same confident but incompetent students and taught them how to solve the tests and problems given.  It was like a light bulb turned on.  The students finally realized how dumb they really were.

Only when the incompetent became, well, less incompetent did they begin the step of realizing their real standing in the world.

With some simple learning and education, the incompetent were able to embark on a path that would help them increase their awareness, raise their skills and become competent, humble, even considerate.

So I guess in the Academy for Psychic Studies' case, there is no hope.



  1. I had a bit of exposure to the Krugger Dunning effect in my Social Psychology class. However, one piece of information asside from the Krugger Dunning Effect is that of belief perseverence.

    Belief perseverence is the inability to let go of ingrained and entrained deluded beliefs even in the face of contrary evidence. More often than not, I saw belief perseverence in action at BPI. They refused to accep the facts and they kept closing themselves off to the real world.

    On the BPI website there are two videos from outside sources, one from Dateline. In all due respect the videos show the institute in the worst light possible and show just how deluded people can be. Yet they are right up there.

    Guess you can't show an old horse new tricks, they still think they will recover financially and they will be "prosperous" in the "New Age". Have fun BPI, soon like SRF you will close your doors to the world as more people see you for what you truly are, a deluded belief system and practice that is nothing more than hypnosis in action.

    Once the insitute went more public and exposed its teachings, it shot itself in the foot. The one thing which keeps places like SRF and BPI going is the secrecy. Now I do not support secrecy, but if you want people to buy your stuff, you have to keep them in the dark a bit. Especially if it is so out there!

    1. It's a difficult balancing act to be both public and secret simultaneously - especially when the true experiences from insiders is so easy to find.

      Before publishing in the cloud was an easy thing, you really had to look hard for real information on these organizations. Today it's so easy to do, you've got no excuse to not have done your homework before joining SRF or anything like it.

      So really, only if the Witches of Ellsworth are able to sneak away, re-invent themselves, re-name themselves and re-establish themselves in a place far away, maintaining the secrecy they require to advance their perverted agenda is just plain impossible.

      Even if they succeed in pulling up stakes and pitching their tent elsewhere as whole new personalities, it would not be long before they are found out.

      So what's the solution? Just be public. Confront the issues head-on. Be honest and direct with the public. Tell them what happened was a very bad mistake and tell them it won't happen again. Take responsibility for your impact on society.

      Yeah... that will never happen.


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