I'm not calling The Academy for Psychic Studies a den of murderers. In fact, while at least one person was driven to suicide supposedly as a result of issues related to The Academy for Psychic Studies I'm not aware of anyone else dying because of them.
What The Academy for Psychic Studies does do is humiliate couples, take their money, absorb all their time and even takes their children. Yes, you, your spouse, your bank account, your property and even your children are Academy property.
One couple I know recently escaped from The Academy for Psychic Studies. At the start of their relationship, The Academy was abuzz with their "blessed" and golden union. They a very handsome couple and it would not take long for them to marry. I was very happy for them both as they were (and still are) wonderful people who anyone would be thrilled to know.
The wife is African and the husband is Caucasian. Not a big deal these days. However, at The Academy for Psychic Studies heir differing family backgrounds were used against them in disgusting and degrading ways.
In accordance to church doctrine of "revealing", the wife said to the church founder (in a supposed private conversation) that her husband was less enthusiastic in bed then she would prefer.
The thought of discussing one's sexual relationship with a third party is pretty uncomfortable to most of us and is held as very private and confidential information by professionals and clergy. Well, professionalism and confidentiality simply does not exist at The Academy for Psychic Studies Almost immediately, the church leadership (at least Bill and his partner, Angela) were openly discussing the husband's low level of activity activity with the entire membership.
It gets better. On Monday evenings, the members would gather for a popular trance and healing session with Bill. To open the trance session, he generally makes jokes at the expense of one or two of the members. Not just a few simple teases, deep, and personal jabs that will make you cringe.
That evening was our star couple's turn. Bill opened by saying "'X' says her husband can't put that big snake in her and she's can't scratch that itch in her pussy. Hey there slave massa, take your nigger to the big house and make her sing some gospel or she'll get it from someone else!"
Uh... what?
OK, so being good members, they went right home and performed as directed. Not long later, in the same setting, Bill announced those assembled: "So, 'Y' is coming home for lunch and getting a blow job while he's eating his fur burger. That boy is a pussy addict and she's the pussy mommy giving him a taste any time he wants."
Uh... what?
So, the guy turns up the heat in bed - as directed. Then he's shamed for following directions. Changing their tune in mid-course was a very common way to keep you off balance and unprepared. If you followed instructions, as you were required, the instructions were changed and usually, you were never told about it. At least, not until you cross over that invisible line.
It wasn't long before the husband crossed the invisible line (while doing exactly what he was told - turn up the heat in bed) and was condemned by the leadership to move out of his home and into a motor home, apart from his wife and shunned by the church. I still can't figure out what he did besides do as he was told.
That marriage took years to get back to normal.
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