Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Friday, June 10, 2011
ISHI Hypnosis and the Cult of SRF - what happened after World Hypnotism Day?
World Hypnotism Day.
A day for the world to embrace and celebrate the wonder of hypnosis. A day to discover hypnosis. A day to worship ISHI Hypnosis and join them in a day of hypnosis demonstrations and presentations of the ISHI Hypnosis hypnotist training program.
It's another fake holiday. Fake like "Buy Your Mate a Vacuum Cleaner She'll Just Smack You Up The Side of Your Head With Day".
What is World Hypnotism Day all about anyway?
Judging from the ISHI Hypnosis website, it's pretty much the usual thing you expect from hypnosis: stopping smoking, losing weight, keeping those New Year's Resolutions and so on. It also appears to be a way to introduce the ISHI Hypnosis training program. The same training program I took when I received my hypnotist certificate. That's the certificate I received despite not answering a lot of questions on the certification test - enough that it would have ensured failure.
[note: in their legal complaint against me, ISHI Hypnosis did NOT disagree that I was granted a certificate although I FAILED the test. In essence, since they did not say my statement is a lie, they are saying they think my statement is true.]
Anyway, a few years ago World Hypnotism Day was inaugurated and covered in a breezy morning news report on San Francisco's KRON TV. The main instructor was interviewed, the students of ISHI were interviewed and a schedule of events was broadcast. The reporter, crew and everyone on camera had a great time laughing and extolling the virtues of ISHI Hypnosis (ISHI Hypnosis being so much better than any other hypnosis, of course).
Once the segment was over, the crew went back to the station and everyone went on with their day.
There were a few people in the audience ISHI Hypnosis didn't count on, though. Those people were the ones who knew "The Secret".
No, not THAT Secret - the secret that ISHI Hypnosis doesn't want you to know. A secret uncovered by the same TV station just days later. A secret that puts the credibility of ISHI on the table.
The Secret: ISHI Hypnosis was born from the Spiritual Rights Foundation Cult (SRF) and that it conducts itself and organizes itself in the same manner as the Spiritual Rights Foundation. [ note: since this article was posted the first time, official county registration documents were found showing Spiritual Rights Foundation had registered ISHI Hypnosis as a fictitious business name. ISHI Hypnosis IS the Spiritual Rights Foundation in every legal sense.]
The secret that the bishop of the Spiritual Rights Foundation conducts herself as the primary instructor at ISHI Hypnosis. The secret that she stood idly by as the founder of SRF used hypnosis to induce her children to hate their father. The secret that the leaders of the Spiritual Rights Foundation benefit financially from ISHI Hypnosis [note: ISHI Hypnosis is registered as a fictitious business name for the Spiritual Rights Foundation, therefore all ISHI income goes to SRF]. The secret that the members of SRF were led to attend classes at ISHI (at ISHI's regular price) to learn hypnosis for the purpose of perpetuating mind control conducted by the leaders.
Those individuals with "The Secret" contacted KRON TV after watching the ISHI Hypnosis segment in horror. They were able to speak with a news reporter giving them details on the relationship between SRF, at that time widely recognized as a cultic organization, and ISHI Hypnosis, at that time a new and little-known school of hypnosis.
KRON TV began a follow-up report. Eager to gain publicity, ISHI readily agreed to an on-camera interview.
The trap was set.
KRON arrived and began a light, breezy interview on ISHI Hypnosis and World Hypnotism Day. They beamed with pride as always.
Then, in an abrupt turn, the reporter produced the book "Spiritual Perversion" apparently out of nowhere, surprising them, and asked if they had heard of "Spiritual Perversion" and its author Steve Sanchez.
You'd think that being the psychic bishop of a psychic church, she would have seen it coming. Not her.
She sat there, wide-eyed with that deer-caught-in-the-headlights look. Frozen. Stunned.
Then from off-camera, a voice boomed "THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER!". And that was that.
At least on that day, that was that.
KRON aired the report a few days later. They began with imagery of Jim Jones, bodies in shrouds waiting for the UFO they wanted to board. It went on to interviews with ex-SRF members and cut in scenes from the first World Hypnotism Day. And, yes, there was the non-interview.
All the secrets of SRF were revealed. The abuse. The misuse of therapeutic hypnosis on children for the purpose of emotionally separating them from their father (a situation their mother proudly announced on the SRF radio show "Total Prosperity"). The use of false information to deliberately cause tension in otherwise happy spouses. Forced separation. Arranged relationships. The psychotic drive of the leaders to control all aspects of their member's lives. All told by former members who had experienced those things first hand.
Did I mention the non-interview?
Only one thing, though: Those events were not what Robin Dumolin and that off-camera voice represented to the members of SRF.
It was class night for the Clairvoyant Training Program. Robin was at the front of the familiar center room. It was a night where the beginning class and the advanced level classes were combined. They started with a little talk about psychic abilities. It moved on to grounding and what can cause one to lose that grounding. Then the talk moved to the news report.
The teacher explained that the KRON crew asked for an interview and she knew intuitively that they were up to no good. She never explained why she missed a golden opportunity to avoid a bad situation she saw coming a mile away.
The teacher went on to explain that in the middle of the interview, the reporter asked if she knew a man by the name of Steve Sanchez and did she know the contents of his book. The teacher went on to say that she chucked a bit then deftly and skillfully answered that Steve was just a publicity-seeking author and disgruntled former member with mental health issues concerning an unhealthy fixation on the founder of ISHI. She went on to explain that she was in the middle of setting the record straight when the booming voice ended the interview.
Robin continued to say that on the day of the KRON report's broadcast, they practiced "energy techniques" to disrupt the grounding cords of the reporter, anchor person, broadcast equipment, electric supply and probably the donuts in the green room. Robin proudly stated that their energy work was so effective in disrupting KRON and its on-air staff that the negative report on ISHI Hypnosis was aired a long time after it was scheduled - I believe it was claimed to be more than an hour. She then gave herself, the teacher and the booming voice much adulation and praise for having accomplished such an amazing feat.
Amazing but for one thing: none of them said that the report aired nearly on schedule despite the energy work. We were never told there was a delay in broadcasting due to a minor problem with some equipment delaying the report only a few minutes after its scheduled time, non-interview and all.
We never heard from them the teacher was caught flat-footed and speechless.
Apparently, their diligent efforts to stop the report were no more effective than sticking their tongues out in KRON's general direction.
Perhaps mooning KRON would have worked better.
If I were going to the World Hypnotism Day and if I were considering a training program from ISHI Hypnosis, I would wonder: knowing all that I have written today, would I want to engage in training from there? Would it be beneficial to be trained in hypnosis by a woman who sat idly by as her children were scooped up, placed in hypnosis and induced to reject their own father - a man who did nothing but provide love, care and guidance to them?
Would you feel comfortable knowing the head of the ISHI Hypnosis school made such a wildly exagggerated description of events her motives, her credibility appears (at the very least) questionable? Does their claim of triumph in the face of personal defeat seem like the kind of behavior you would find in a person you would trust?
Never mind if hypnosis works or not. Never mind if it is good, bad or otherwise. It's the quality of the organization. It's the veracity of the staff. It's the sense that the hearts of the staff are as good as yours.
You might want to ask about that after this year's World Hypnotism Day.
You might get the same answers KRON got.
But you'll more likely be told the same things we were told.
And this interview with that local news station was the last time the Spiritual Rights Foundation ever participated in any kind of media coverage. That was some four years ago.
I have to ask you, why is it an organization that feeds on new recruits, an organization who goes through people as quickly as a slaughterhouse goes through pigs can't manage the media like so many others do?
Why is it that the Spiritual Rights Foundation can't participate in public media as even Scientology does?
It's simple: first, they have too much dirty laundry and too little skill in presenting their message.
And they are too cheap to hire PR experts and marketing consultants to re-position their image.
Worse, they are just too detached from the world to make any kind of meaningful communication with it.
As always, after hearing my side of the SRF story, go ahead and find there side of the story and make up your own mind.
If you do find their side of the story, please tell it here. We've been waiting to hear it.
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Please, no promotion of products or services unless you have obtained permission from the blog author. Please ask first. You may find the answer is "yes".
If you are a member of the Spiritual Rights Foundation (SRF) staff, are affiliated with its associated organizations (i.e.: ISHI, Health & Wealth, The Academy for Psychic Studies, Freedom Estates, Blue Sky Ranch, Sterling Rose Press, or others), a student of an SRF-related organization, a representative or agent of SRF, its directors, staff or students please identify yourself as such when you leave a comment. You may remain anonymous, if you prefer.
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The blog author has cooperated with law enforcement investigations in the past and will continue to do so in the future.
I'm so sorry you feel the need to do his. This is not helping you towards your own personal healing and growth. I think that the ISHI school is great.
ReplyDeleteI pray that you will find something better to do with your time like taking care of yourself and healing from your past.
A very factual account, yes this actually happened
ReplyDeleteBe sure to read my response to the first commentator's ramblings at:
Just be sure you have seen both sides of the story and make a deliberate and well considered choice before you join ISHI, SRF, the Academy for Psychic Studies or any other organization.
You know what's funny? The first commenter on this post has herself left the cult after she became cognizant of all the things we have been saying about it.
ReplyDeleteAs the Head Psychotic Reverend William Duby would always say: if you want to blow your own horn, use someone else's lips.
So to the commenter: thanks for blowing my, uh... well, thanks.