Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Manipulator's Manual

Couldn't have said it better myself...

If you have had any kind of exposure to Rev. Bill Duby, you were one of dozens who have experienced or witnessed Bill's attempts to manipulate thoughts and actions in an attempt to fleece his wretched followers out of their worldly possessions, fill Angela Silva or Robin Dumolin's cauldron with cash or work their asses off to enrich the Witches of Ellsworth street for no pay at all.

When the warlock dropped dead long after leaving a wake of destruction, the Witches made their own attempt at manipulation - emulating the warlock's wicked and demented practices and idiotic, unreal expectations of returns on his investments upon the unfortunate followers. However, as Bill's sometimes-subtle and sometimes-direct threats of physical hostility could not be attainable by the Witches of Ellsworth, the Witches relied on psychological degradation, personal insults and not-too-subtle threats to whatever remnants of your own esteem may remain.

The Witches would also enlist as much help to conduct their warm and nourishing healing treatments as they could muster. You would find your children, your spouse, your colleagues, your pets, the rodents and other vermin scurrying around in your Witch-owned apartment would pummel you with the same demeaning and dehumanizing treatment as the Witches. We've all seen it and we've all experienced it. At the Academy for Psychic Studies, relationships are not intended to cement a bond between two persons, it's used to maintain the influence, control and exploitation an individuals by exerting as much fear and intimidation within the relationship.

Look at all the relationships that formed at the cult. Look again at all the arranged marriages ("arranged" by the cult leader Bill Duby himself) resulting from those relationships. How many of them endured? Uhhh... nearly none. How many experienced the kind of conflict that is even more extreme than any Jerry Springer couple?   I guess... all of them. How many of us found ourselves in the spiritual dog house for weeks, months, even years, after a "counseling" session conducted by the psychotic madman Rev. William Duby or one of his Witches? Ummmm... everyone.

Even alone, you'd find somehow the "right" person comes into your life - someone who urges your complete devotion to the church and the evil despots who lead it. It wouldn't take long before you find the affection you could receive in your relationship was somehow related to the time, money and free labor you gave to the Academy for Psychic Studies, Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin.

While we saw the connection, we never found the will, the determination to remove ourselves from the manipulation and find freedom from the perverted influence of Bill Duby and his Witches of Ellsworth Street.

Of course, Bill and the Witches do no wrong. Even when the Witches administer heavenly punishment to those who interrupt their Witch-ly cash flow or inadvertently make a statement that causes the other wretched and deluded followers to question the Witches motives, the verbal waterboarding, the isolation the Witches impose on their target, the process of tearing away every shred of that person's humanity through the Witches making none-too-subtle displays of hatred, the only path to forgiveness with the Witches is a public display of self-criticism, profuse apologies, the surrender of all your worldly possessions and an indeterminate sentence of reform through labor at their Blue Sky Ranch.

Of course, those who receive such warm an nourishing treatment deserve every bit of it. After all, no one should question the Witches' motives as they pick your pocket while they slap you in the face. None should dare protest as their children are slowly lured away then later snatched from their arms when the Witches need someone to demean a victim. Not a soul should ever speak of the Witches' mistreatment and exploitation because neither Robin Dumolin nor Angela Silva have so much as a slightly crooked bone in their bodies.

Even when the experiences of the Witches' victims point to maltreatment and exploitation the Witches continue to deny the followers were treated with anything more than warmth and nourishment. As the Witches conducted a rape, looting and pillage of their follower's personal resources, the observation that losses in follower's fortunes increased as the Witches' fortune expanded was denied by everyone under their spell.

So of course the Witches of Ellsworth do no more than support the well-being of their followers. As the Witches say they are such warm, nourishing, kind and loving fairy godmothers there would be no reason to raise any doubt or express any criticism for their humble and charitable efforts to enlighten those who can have the boundless generosity only the Witches of Ellsworth can dispense.

That is why the Witches of Ellsworth fight those who would tarnish their pure and benevolent image. The truth that the Witches cheat no one and deprive none of their assets or children, that the Witches have given so much to raise the vibration of those who can have their heightened awareness and spirituality is all you need to know of their kindly and beneficial motives.

If you believe that, I'd like to share whatever it is you have in your pipe.

Speaking of sharing, Steve Sanchez has contributed this addition:

Hi Mike, great post. Simple and clear. The information about manipulation is good advice. I valued not so much in regard to the cult, but from the way my wife after the cult treated me. It helps me and probably others to have this kind of information so we can identify better how to deal with it.

One of the hardest things for me to deal with after the PTSD of the cult is conflict. I am much better in many ways, but trauma and reaction cause agitation and fear, and i can't help feeling it. I can't help it when it is a personal real situation. 
My ex was a terrible, compulsive manipulator but hardly even knows it. it is true that you can't change the manipulator, but one can identify it and learn to not be inwardly manipulated as best as possible, or identify when we have. 
We all tend to manipulate when we are triggered, because we regress back to an emotional state of the past or childhood, where we are motivated by desperate self-protection and survival. So there is a very powerful emotional drive that keeps us acting out the same pattern and not being able to change it. The real trouble with this comes when we have such a addition to this emotion that it displaces our ability humble our self to something higher.


The Manipulator's Behavior Defined

Manipulators are very good at controlling others. Their behaviors consist of flattering, threatening, making you feel guilty, and demeaning you. You may get confused over a period of time because they use different tactics to best fit what they want at the time. If you often feel stressed and resentful after spending time with this person, you are most likely dealing with a manipulator.

The manipulator's behavior defined:

Flattery. Manipulators will pour on the flattery when they think it will help them work their way into a person's life. Manipulators use flattery to pull in unsuspecting prospects. Every time you turn around they pour on the compliments, sometimes to the point of being ridiculous.

Threats. Threats can be subtle or they can be severe. Some threats may include refusing to allow family members to see the children, divorce, and even suicide. In many cases these are just empty threats because manipulators are bullies on the outside, but cowards on the inside. However, never take a threat lightly and always take the proper precautions to protect yourself.

Guilt. Manipulators will make you feel guilty if you try to call them on the carpet. They are never wrong in their eyes and in most situations you cannot win against a manipulator. They play the victim and place the blame on everyone but themselves. You will find yourself constantly apologizing when you haven't done anything wrong. The best thing you can do is not deal with a manipulator at all.

Demeaning. When things don't go their way they will try to tear you down. They will call you names, talk bad about you to others, and sometimes even physical abuse is involved. The manipulator will try to wear down your self esteem so that you will become dependent on him/her. Most manipulators have terrible self-esteem issues.

Tips on dealing with a controller or manipulator.....

*When you recognize that you have been controlled or manipulated, distance yourself from the manipulator and his/her agenda.

*You should know that you cannot change them. You can only change your reaction to their bizarre behavior. (Many times you don't even realize how bizarre their behavior really was until you are away from it for a while.)

*Have the self-respect to stand up for yourself and do not let the controller take away your independence any longer. Life was meant to be enjoyed with a person who respects you and allows you to be yourself.

*Don't blow off the opinions of your friends and family. They have your best interest in mind. If everyone who cares about you is concerned about your relationship, trust them. You may be under such control that you just can't see it for what it is. Once you get away from the manipulator you will begin to see it for what it truly is.

*Know that people like this rarely change and probably the best thing for you to do is remove yourself from this type of relationship and not look back.


Just remember: the Witches say they learned at the foot of the master.  We all know who that master is and we know what he mastered.

Con men don't change their stripes and Witches never stop stirring the cauldron.  

That's all the reason anyone needs to keep their eyes open and keep their minds to themselves.  Relinquishing either to the control of the Witches and the last of their goon squad (you know who that is: the corpulent, rotund, baggy-eyed sycophant who tries to charm new victims while quietly seething about you, me and most of all - this blog) is the first step towards handing over all you have and all you may acquire.

Especially your soul.

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