Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Academy for Psychic Studies - Before and After

At the height of Angela Silva's arrogance and overall mean behavior, she not only ran around in a fury angry at those who decided to give the finger when compelled to give a tithe.  She was also angry at anyone who might even think of doing the same - which would be just about everyone else.

Before this blog rolled around, Angela was pissed she couldn't get her hands on the home my wife deserved and the modest nest egg we had would be kept for ourselves.  So, when she discovered Joy and I were telling our side of the story in a manner totally protected by the First Amendment of the United States of America, Angela did the thing that just comes naturally to her:

Wicked Witch of the West Angela went to Nasty Nerd of the North Robin Dumolin and concocted a plan that would certainly bring their common enemy to their knees and make the Witches of Ellsworth Street even more feared, powerful and untouchable.

Too bad for them the following happened:

So with so many formerly-faithful throwing bucket after bucket of cold water on the Witches, how much of them is left to melt?

You'd think the Witches would get a clue and get on their broom and fly their asses to the nearest hollow tree.  

Not exactly.

They are still maintaining a presence in San Jose - maybe it's because the lease hasn't run out yet.  The Berkeley HQ is still operating with a skeleton staff (and if they are worked half as hard as we expect, they'll look like ones too - well one of them might).  The Blue Sky Ranch Rev. Bill Duby swindled from a widow is void of horses (perhaps other animals too) and is sinking into the swamp.

Why they are still at it beats me.  However, I am glad they are trying to keep this demented and useless organization together.

You are probably wondering just what in hell I am thinking.  It's this: the more they hang on, the more it will cost them.  The more they try, the more futile their efforts.  Of course, the more this blog and so many of the escapees of SRF speak out, the more prospective victims will hear our side of the story.

So, let's help Angela Silva, Robin Dumolin keep their Academy for Psychic Studies for a long time.  Let's also help them keep believing so many in the world love and admire them (and as long as there is one sycophant ass-kisser in the world, they will) while we continue to reveal the truth about their motives (which is pretty damn easy).  Let's let them believe the riches they deserve is around the corner, then laugh as they scoop up fool's gold.

The Academy for Psychic Studies is taking a standing 8-count and looks a little wobbly.  I think it won't be long before they are not able to answer the bell.

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