Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Academy for Psychic Studies - The Dead Zone

I found this piece online just recently.  Well, it was like, two minutes ago.  It started me thinking about the way the Academy for Psychic Studies is organized and run and especially about who's left and what's left of their assets. 

The writer was asked about the likelihood of Scientology ordering a mass suicide.  I agree it's not likely to happen at Scientology for exactly the reasons he states but whether the Academy for Psychic Studies will conduct a mass revolutionary statement that results in suicide of those who aren't in the inner circle isn't so clear:

    Despite there being no classical earmarks of the likelyhood of mass murder/suicides, there does seem to be a set of requirements that cult followers adhear to before such incidents happen.
    Scientology holds most of these requirements except for one; a major one: followers are usually in the criminal cult for less than 2 years. There's a constant flow of financial swindles and victims of fraud among the 99% of the rubes that come in, empty their pockets, twigg to the fraud, and then move on, poor but much wiser. Contrast that to cults which experience mass murder suicides. They have larger percentages of followers that have been in for decades with small percentages of short-term financial victims. Even with the horribly debilitative braiwashing that Scientology forces its victims to pay for, only a small percentage of their victims become so far gone as to fall into a mindset which would allow themselves to kill themselves or others on order

In the case of the Academy for Psychic Studies, I won't say there is no possibility of a mass suicide or any kind of violent action.  After all, there are members of the Academy who own firearms and they do insist on feeding you special meals.

Think of this: if it is in the best interest of the current leaders to pack up all the available cash and assets of the Academy and steal away into the night (leaving the current hapless membership to fend for themselves) what would the excuse be for that midnight escape?

Certainly they would point to this blog and me as the culprits.  I am sure they would haul out a list of bad guys and enemies to the sorry state of SRF and parade us in effigy in front of whoever is left.

Would that action cause a spiritually revolutionary act?


Because who is left at the spiritual cesspool are the people who have been there the longest (most being there for one or even two decades) and with their entire lives bound and entwined in the SRF way, I would bet there is at least a thought of drinking the Kool-Ade for real.

Think about it: the leaders pack up and run, leaving the members some old buildings and no real income except for their own.  When the last of the deluded followers realize their decades were nothing more than a scam and that we were more right than wrong, you know what they would feel.

And of course, as I wrote a piece called "Psychic Suicide"  the spectre of suicidality is strong at SRF.

You might think I would welcome a Jonestown-like massacre.  I don't.

The followers are good and decent people (well most of them are anyway).  I don't want to see them in that desperate of a situation.

I don't know what to think, actually.  I am sure there is some talk about who they would take with them if they wanted to make their final exit.  I am sure there is a lot of fear of being tossed into the real world if SRF were to implode (as it probably will).  However, I am also sure at least a few will bail out before the Kool-Ade is served.

I just wonder who will drink it and who they plan to eliminate before they do.

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