Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Burying Rev. Bill Duby in a really deep hole.

Some things are best written by others.  This happens to be one of them.

In "Spiritual Perversion", Steve Sanchez writes about his experiences with the Spiritual Rights Foundation and its so-called seminary The Academy for Psychic Studies.  The tales Steve tells are not only absolutely truthful and accurate (I have witnessed many of the events Steve wrote of and many of the others were SRF legend, related to we fresh meat by the haggard and worn old-timers) the tales are told in a manner that is chilling and re-creates the anguish, torment and personal humiliation that he and so many others experienced.

Bill Duby not only angered those who attended the below gathering, those who awoke from their somnambulance sometime later (like me and Joy) found themselves hoping to bury the dead bastard even deeper in the grave he dug for himself (after we got the dog to take a crap on him first, that is).  Unfortunately, his two wives decided to cremate him and scatter his ashes all over the SRF Farm - sorry, I meant to say Robin and Angela's farm, so he can be among the animals he didn't get a chance to murder.

Those who left long after this FUN-eral ceremony for Bill have to be content that the son of a bitch's ashes were being trampled, pissed and shit upon by close relatives of the farm animals he killed.

For us, that is sweet justice - and for the farm animals too.

I am generally a big supporter of maintaining the dignity of the dearly departed and the solemnity of the proceedings.  But in Bill's case, I think he truly deserves the be the butt of a FUN-eral ceremony, given all the abuse, manipulation and overall bad behavior he suffered upon all his devoted followers.  I heard is was a good time.  Sorry I missed it and could not contribute my two cents.

In fact, I am surprised the group didn't break out in song:

Oh shit.  I was saving that number for another witch.  My bad...

Anyway, here is an excerpt from Steve Sanchez's book "Spiritual Perversion" generously contributed by the author.


The Funeral Ceremony

Opening Poem by Mike Schemel and Steve

The lover-raper: Duby’s Eulogy

Bill Duby’s dead

Wicked-warlock, relationship manipulative reign over
Family rights disruptive and power trip corrupted
Separating children from parents 
twisted hypno-con man,
crackpot deluded utopian visionary,
smooth sharp-talking money-hustling,
freedom-squashing confidence man
Lover-raper of the wounded and impressionable

The card-mechanic preacher played his last hand
on a wednesday night, December 5th
Dizzy-fast and decisively, a non-choice to escape made
the matrix of lies crushing through his Holy persona, he collapsed

The creator of continual crisis in the 
lives of the pain-taking,unquestioning flock
Charismatic, religious fanatic, cult leader came to an end
Taken out by God for being Jesus Christ pretend

Boxing members into a brick cage, one half truth at a time;
Blocks full of lies, of psychic intimidation and fundamentalist hell
The unsuspecting walking into inner walls in every direction,
numb feet shaking on the mushy-soft underbelly of the unacknowledged horror.....
A foundational reign of spirit terror put to final rest
May love and healing spread 
through all the muddled mess he meddled in
It is unconditionally for the best

       There was astonished silence. Each of us reviewing our private anguish in our mind. We expressed our admiration to Mike. The group continued to sit in silent reflection staring at the three candles lit on the coffee table in the center of the room, many thoughts and emotions stirred in each persons mind.

       Mason spoke. Everyone listened in intent silence. “I am glad Bill is dead. It is such a huge relief. He is an evil man and hurt a lot of people. This is best thing for everyone, even him. Personally, I’ve been through hell. It has been a nightmare. Being the first one out who fought back they have considered me the most evil, and I took the brunt of their hatred. I loved seeing others come out. When Steve came out it was so wonderful to see how he grew and prospered and stood up to them. I loved it. I obsoletely loved it. Now I think he may be the most evil. Ha, Although they blame me for a lot of the things he did to expose them. They blame me, Steve, Harpreet and Our lawyer for killing Bill. Kory told me Don said that at the funeral. She said when she asked Don about why Bill died he got all agitated and pissed off and blamed us for killing Bill. Ha-ha. That cracks me up. We must be pretty powerful people huh?

       The most important thing now is that I have my daughter back. For almost a year I lived in a mobile home with rick and I only saw Christina once a week for a few hours when Annie would bring her to visit. We would mostly just sit and hug. It was bizarre. She would just look at me with this question in her eye.” He became very emotional for a moment.

       He continued, “I want to tell you guys about the day my mind flipped. At the end Bill was mercilessly berating me in every in Revelation class, and any other chance he had. Bill had suggested we go to a therapist but he told Annie to choose this woman therapist who came into the academy. It was bizarre because Bill always talked about her like he had the hots for her and she had the hots for him. It was supposed to be a set up where they both ganged up on me but it back fired on them because she saw what was going on and supported me and me having a relationship with Christina. They put a stop to this and I went to a new therapist to try and express what I was going through. I let the new therapist talk to the old therapist and the next day Bill says to me, “So you are seeing another therapist. I understand the therapist is affiliated with Margaret Singer who debunks cults.” This was a mind blower. I didn’t know my therapist was associated with Margaret Singer. At the time I still believed in Bills authority and didn’t think SRF was a cult, though I knew I was being abused and would have to leave. One day I went into Black Oak books and found a book called ‘Cults in our midst’ by Margaret Singer. I sat there and read almost the whole book. It was shocking how it read like an exact description of SRF. I went and got other books on cults at the library. It was astounding how they read as a description of Bill and SRF.
       A couple of days later in class Bill was berating me as usual then he said, ‘if you are really spiritual you will give up your daughter on a faith action and give up full custody. If not you are a total wretch and a loser.’ That is when it happened. It was like a light switch turning on. I totally saw threw him and knew I could never trust him again - at all. I knew he was not a holy man or a genuine teacher. I knew I was in a cult and that I was being completely fucked over. This was the single most important moment in the whole saga.

   The conversation continued on without skipping a beat but I had this new awareness. It was totally surreal. I told him the courts frowned on what he was asking me to do. I remember I turned to Steve and asked him a  commonsense question about if he would give up custody of his child. Steve was about to answer but Bill forcefully changed the subject to diabetes because he knew Steve was going to say something that would hurt his position. Evil bastard.

       After that I kept going but only for the sake of keeping tabs on my daughter and gathering information. Every night I was there I argued with Bill but it got to be useless and awful, because he constantly used everyone against me. I was afraid I was getting mentally and physically damaged.

       I don’t have any problem saying I am totally happy Bill died. He was an evil man - totally psychotic and pathological. I met with Margaret Singer several times and it was such an eye-opener. Everything he did was classic cult techniques he just made it seem unique. And all the stuff he taught he took from other teachers and books, and just made it seem like he had the higher perspective of what they were teaching. Remember all the stuff we used to do. It never worked.

       Remember one where we attempted to lift tables by getting in touch with disincarnate beings and having them move the table. It was sort of like a seance. Rev. Bill did not actually participate in it. Everyone else did. It was unsuccessful, but everyone still said it was wonderful. And he led a workshop on how to have an out of body experience, basically astral projecting. He taught it as if he had the experience many times, but he never demonstrated it. No one in the class had the experience.” We all burst out with laughter.

       “Another time there was a book by a man named Dr Moody who did a lot of work with near death  experiences. He did this thing with a very dark room and a mirror, where he claimed he could get in touch with people who had died through the mirror. What happened at SRF is that the ministers had to purchase the materials to set up a room and create the environment the way Dr Moody had stated in his book. Then we were to come in and do his methods. Many of us did this over a few week period. Moody said that the method was sure fire and almost foolproof. Of course, no one had the experience at SRF.  Not once.  It too, died out never to return.” We all laughed in a cathartic fit of laughter.

       “I believe Bill had such an addiction to dominating and separating families and relationships because of his upbringing. His mom died when he was seven and he claims to have been a wide open psychic even then - like he was better than anyone around him. He was basically poor white trash, and man he hated it if anyone ever said that. I remember Debi’s father called him a 'Mick', which is lingo for Irish white trash, and man, he turned white he was so pissed. But he couldn’t yell at the old man. He talked about that one for months.

        Bill was brought up in around 20 foster homes in the bay area you 
know. He always talked about how he had to keep his foster parents from fighting so they wouldn’t break-up and he and his sister could stay there. He blamed it on his sister or the foster parents low consciousness that he always had to leave, but it had to be his fault too. It happened over and over. The same crisis. He projected the fear of that scenario into every relationship in SRF. Lisa said it perfectly. she said, ‘He made all of us members pawns in acting out his own psycho drama.’ He had no conscience about fucking with other people’s lives. I remember when I was being mercilessly berated at the end I said to him one night, ‘no matter how much you council couples in SRF they all end in failure. Look at your fruit.’ In the next couple of days three couples that were estranged were miraculously back together - it was suck a joke. He orchestrated it all. After I left they all fell apart again.

       Of all of us the one who suffered the most abuse was Harpreet. One of the worst things Bill ever did to a relationship was when he manipulated Harpreet and Sandy in to getting married. It was so insane. I hated it because I was part of doing it to Harpreet. At the time Harpreet was considered a total low life scum because he  was fighting to bet back with Deb and especially his kids, which meant he was constantly in conflict with Bill. They didn’t want to get together but for months Bill played on their weaknesses, and just kept working it.  Every class he would talk about it till they started to think about it. At the time I was the golden boy which means I was the attack dog on Harpreet. Bill used me to convince Harpreet he was wrong and to make sure Harpreet did what he wanted. I took Harpreet to buy the rings. Harpreet didn’t even want to go but I was told to ‘escort’ him to do it. I have to tell you Harpreet I am sorry. I hope you forgive me for that man.”

       Harpreet said, “I forgive you mays. It’s okay. We were cult freaks. Now we are former cult freaks.”

       Mason said, “Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay, anyway....I remember Bill saying to me in confidence once when I was a golden boy, ‘those two deserve each other. I am just trying to show I can get them together because both their hearts are like ice cubes. When two ice cubes touch they freeze together. That is Harpreet and Sandy.’ So they finally got married and when they did the first time they had sex there was a horrible uproar. Bill talked to sandy and made her the victim and told everyone else that Harpeet ‘fucked her with anger like a beast’. A month later they got annulled, and Bill Said to Harpreet, ‘I hope all that was worth one fuck Harpreet’. To Bill it was like a sport. Sick bastard.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a little revision of the poem:

    Lover-raper of the innocent and impressionable
    Teacher of secret teachings? Ex-ray seerer?
    Or blinder of sight, and thief of life,
    Yes, a self-proclaimed warlock (but only in the dark of night)

    Wicked-warlock, relationship manipulative reign over,
    Family rights disruptive and power trip corrupted
    Separating children from parents,
    twisted hypno-con man,
    My-way-or-the-highway utopian visionary,
    smooth sharp-talking money-hustling,
    freedom-squashing confidence man

    The creator of continual crisis in the
    lives of the pain-taking,unquestioning flock
    Charismatic, religious fanatic, cult leader,
    came to an end, Taken out by God for being Jesus Christ pretend

    ...lover-raper of precious gifts,
    selfish-hater of people's time and innocence.

    Boxing-members-in to a brick cage, one half-truth at a time;
    Brick-Blocks of compounded lies, of psychic intimidation
    Mortar of salvific fantasy, and fundamentalist bull,
    His victims walking into inner walls in every direction,
    Their unsuspecting feet shaking on the mushy-soft underbelly of the unacknowledged horror...touching their toes to the hidden undercurrent of their own river of rage!

    Lover-raper of the wounded and vulnerable
    The card-mechanic preacher played his last hand
    on a wednesday night, December 5th
    Dizzy-fast and decisively, a non-choice to escape made...
    The matrix of lies crushing through his Holy persona, he collapsed...death made its bust,
    and we can only suppose,
    hell received its kind with insatiable lust.

    A foundational reign of spirit terror put to final rest by the abusers death.
    Survivors left to sort the truth, the shame desperately clinging-on, to reclaim their shaking souls.

    May love and healing spread
    through all the muddled mess he meddled in,
    Courage to face the pain of the remains...And land on their feet, in the hands of their maker
    And in the end let there be no revenge, but a hard won...forgiveness.


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