Thursday, June 2, 2011

Faith Under Fire by William Duby

Faith Under Fire
An Article by Rev. Bill Duby

The following is an article written by the founder of SRF Bill Duby in the year 2001 - the year God decided enough was enough then reached down and yanked up Bill by the ear. Where Bill went from there is pretty obvious.  Good thing he was wearing fireproof undies.

Bill wrote this mess in response to his chickens coming home to roost. Many of his formally loyal followers were departing.  Fewer students were coming in the door.  The school board was after his truant child, the county was after him for building code violations, he was named prominently in child custody cases, and piece after piece appeared in the news media; none flattering.

I saw Bill at that time. He was uncontrollably angry, frustrated and simultaneously depressed that his idiot behavior was coming back to haunt him at last. He was famous for lashing out at whoever was handy whenever he was frustrated. This time, he couldn't lash out at his victims - they were long gone and those left had nothing he could use to demean them. So, he wrote this collection of vomit and other bodily discharges in the hopes he could upset his targets.

It didn't work. They read it out loud and ridiculed it - just the same as they saw Bill do to so many others. I'm told it was a good time. Sorry I missed it.

This collection of hate and delusion is a perfect example that Bill Duby was either a consummate con man or a maniacal psychotic. Come to think of it, he was probably both.

The original article appeared in the print version of "American Spirit Newspaper".  While the Spiritual Rights Foundation still marvels at Bill's incoherent ramblings in their official print organ "American Spirit Newspaper" and other recorded materials, they appear to be ashamed of this article "Faith Under Fire".  Come to think of it, now that SRF has dumped all writings by anyone and the only recordings sold by the Health and Wealth enterprise are those read by or featuring anyone but Robin DuMolin and Angela Silva, I guess they are just trying to keep the skeletons in the closet.

When it was alive in its online version, American Spirit Newspaper proudly displayed many of Bill's writings. However, Faith Under Fire was conspicuously absent. If this article is such a truthful and honest disclosure of the reprehensible and obviously vengeful behavior of injured ex-members, why not post it prominently?

I think we know why. Just read a couple of paragraphs. It will make itself plain.


A scan of the original print version can be found here on MSN SkyDrive:

From the June-July 2001 Issue of American Spirit Newspaper: 
The above art accompanied the following article.
Actually,a judge advocate is a military attorney.
Who knows what they meant.

"My Little Corner of the World" 
Editorial column in "American Spirit Newspaper" June/July 2001
By Rev. Wm. Duby, Founder & Pastor of the Spiritual Rights Foundation

Faith Under Fire

This article is study material. It brings to light psychical energies that influence everyone. It reveals truth and as Jesus said, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

I consider my life worth nothing to me. If only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
- Acts 20:24 NIV

I know a foolish group of ministers who have thought to become an unfaithful lot. I was their teacher long ago. We laughed and played until they took life too seriously.

We once walked together in our mission to uphold the faith of Jesus Christ, and the power of his Holy Spirit to work things out through love for the truth, so help us God. This was our bond and the royal purpose of ordination. I haven't seen some of these people for five years and others for ten to fifteen years.

Some may feel I should feel sorry for these lost souls. What good would it do? I am not their judge, jury or executioner. What they have done, and what they continue to do, is done with malicious intent to do injury and harm. Spiteful people are vicious. Wherever they go they bring pain, dissension and discord for all to experience.

I loved the tabernacle of their soul nature in the many yesterdays of long ago, and today they hate me for it because they live in the memory which will not bring them happiness until they reciprocate. So they stay stuck where they thought to be, and this is their diabolical work. . .

For the past five years I have been the target of their rage. I guess I was an outrageous kind of guy, and they couldn't handle it. What I suspect their problem with me was that - I didn't do things the way they thought I should have. I didn't think, act or do it their way. Holding such an insane notion in their mind is ludicrous. Listen! If I should have, I would have, because I could have. But I couldn't because I shouldn't and the God of my heart made sure I wouldn't - so that they would learn to grow up and get over their problem with authority figures.

This group of men and women have disgraced themselves by prefabricating lies and deceits, intentionally becoming fraudulent in their demonic activity because of their treacherous hearts. Each knew better than to do what they did inasmuch as they were well taught, nevertheless they did the unspeakable, the impious, knowing they were without excuse. Irreverent men and women turned the holy into the unholy, soiled the holy cloth of Christ by treating it as though it was a filthy rag, thus defrocking themselves in their insubordination to dare and serve the anti-Christ in their secret plot.

My life, my past and my way of being was clearly exposed to these people while they were with me. I hid nothing from them. I found heartless people with twisted minds who bent the truth to justify their cause. I am reminded by them why I was born with panic disorder. You should be afraid of such people who are like "wolves in sheep's clothing."

What was said in private and in the confidence of the sacrament of confession was gladly taken to the public and twisted to disgrace me.

Deciding to humiliate me is proof they don't want me to have the grace they now lack.

My name was slandered and my devotion desecrated in private and misrepresented in the press. Yet, I do nothing except what I am now doing because there is nothing else I need to do. I have the faith that they do not and I certainly keep my place in it. Why? Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. Someday they may come to learn this important lesson. Until then I am sure they believe they have been given a great mandate to protect society and its people from the likes of me. Good! I am confident that those who would listen to them should stay away from me else risk awakening to the light of the truth that could burn the hell out of them. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows well that my battle isn't with these lost souls. It may look that way because they want to make it a personal fight.

A war between good and evil is taking place. I look into the world of the spiritual. I did a good deed in getting through to them. I AM DOING IT NOW, AS WELL! The way I am, shook the very foundation of their existence. I didn't even try! I just knew BS when I heard it. All I did was stand up for the truth the best way I knew how at the time. In seeing my integrity they threw away their own. What a foolish thing to do. Why do it? Theirs wasn't grounded in the sure foundation of the Word of God. They were swept away by their own conceit that they knew better.

Misguided faith is powerless in slaying me, or anyone else - in the spirit - because it is speaking on behalf of self. On the other hand, bringing glory to the very One that brought us both into being is a true and grounded reality.

I am doing what I was ordained to do. I am getting even by keeping the faith rather than going mad, by getting mad. I have presented my case before the heavenly. As Jesus said, it is not I but the father within me that doeth the works. Isn't it true for all of us? So let's give credit where credit belongs - to Him!

Without boast or brag about the majesty of the Lord, I am safe because I keep the faith by working my heartfelt conviction. There is One greater than I who has forgiven me, as I have forgiven others long before they dared to ask. This has blessed me with the power to forgive myself for the past, present and future. Without such grace I would remain the wretch I was before I was saved from the disgrace of not knowing myself like my elder brother Jesus knew Himself. My victorious spirit belongs to Him alone - for it is He, not me, that does the work of lifting me up into the consciousness of his glory.

I am clean in my heart because it is in alignment with the grand and glorious One. Confession is good for the soul. I did mine before this bunch and they made a mockery of me in public for personal gain. Under the authority of moral and legal law they should have kept their tongue from being unruly; and if they were to speak they needed to speak the whole truth so help them God, else remain silent to keep in good standing with themselves. But they didn't and that's that. So now they are held in bondage under the karmic law they sought to use to persecute me. When you exercise an "eye for an eye" mentality you don't see clearly because you are dying to live in darkness of the lie. I am not at liberty to work out my karma. I have none. Karma has nothing to do with me. I don't play in the chaos of duality. I am a free man. I live under the law of grace. I work for all humanity to freely have what I have been given freely, the elegance of HIS GRACE!

I am contrite today as I was when I was with these complaining people. I dare say that my volunteer work is my witness of being true to my word. I never said I was good in any sense of the word.

There is none good but God! It is my job to know this truth. I shared it with them as well. I told them that I could not enlighten them. I could enlighten me, and they could do the same, enlighten themselves as well. I believed they could have done so by studying the Word of God. It worked for me, why not them? But they didn't study it enough to realize that it isn't open to private interpretation. They sought their own way. The "turn the other cheek" mentality was rejected by them else they would think foremost about forgiving me. But they can't because they know right from wrong, and the wrong they do isn't right. Absent of the compassion of Christ for His Humanity they set off to do their dastardly deed, powerless to discern the truth from the lie - and fell head first into a living hell that they have yet come to see!

I am without fraud in representation of myself. I was their mentor for a time but only one of many they came to know. I was a friend instead of an enemy. There wasn't one of them that I didn't give my all to. I walked and talked with them, Out in the open. I didn't hide anything from them. I lived as a man, walked and talked as a man. I didn't try to act good and perfect.

Let's say for the sake of argument that their hypothesis is true - I am a shady character! That I am a terrible and wicked influence. That I have wronged them. Well then, let's look at it sensibly! Two doors are open to them. The legal door opens when they have found factual evidence of proving it in a court of law. And in that case, I have the right to see the face of my accusers. I have seen none. In a cowardly manner they have maligned me because of their malignant intent to pervert the truth. Where are my accusers? Where are these so called "defenders of faith?" They are nowhere to be seen, probably hiding in the closet with all their skeletons and reading their quotes in the filthy rags of yellow journalism.

Now the second door! The moral door opens when they pray they are rightly used by God to bring me back to my senses through repentance to make restitution for going astray. But they can't do that when they have left the faith by being faithless in their own right - to wrong another they are in competition with and jealous of for Christ sake! If they had walked through this door I'd discover I was forgiven before I dared to ask. But such is not the case.

So now these people stand for nothing worthwhile. None of them can go through either door. Each is stuck on the picture of thinking they know better but the fruit of their labor stinks to the highest heaven. They are self righteous hypocrites!

It took nine (9) months of investigation before these people wrote their scathing article. From December unto September they searched high and low for dirt. No criminal record was found. You can't find what doesn't exist. All they found was hearsay. You know how gossip works don't you? You tell a lie and I tell a lie and that's how we become "fair weather" friends. This is what they did to paint a horrific picture for all to see. Defamation of character was their fixation. When they came up empty handed they created a composite image of themselves and called it me.

Allegations are not charges, and charges are not convictions.

My Judge Advocate rules the heavens and the earth. All power is His Own. He is letting me know that He is allowing me to be used by his Grace to let the likes of such people put themselves into heaven or hell by how they treat me.

I offer them this writing as a treatise for peace. Yet, I know it shall be rejected because Jesus was rejected in their heart before they rejected me in their mind.

I have let them down. Good! It is high time they learned to quit expecting of others what they would hate to be expected of them. I told them early on that I was not the one t look to as their role model. Their problem is with Jesus not me. Blame Him for how I am. I am only as God created me to be. I can be no more or less. I work for Him to be alive in my life, not what others think should be. I teach up front that I believe it is far better to go this way in your thinking than what these people have lost themselves in. If these people did believe in Jesus they'd listen to me; they didn't listen to me anymore than who they said they believed in. Therefore their faith is a faithless faith.

Can you imagine the chaos in every college if students were allowed to persecute the teacher because they didn't learn what was taught?

I am only responsible for teaching the subject matter. It is the students responsibility to learn what was taught. Like the song says, "I never promised you a rose garden."

I am a volunteer worker. I have handicaps like many. Some volunteer to be a fireman while others volunteer to work in a hospital. I volunteer to minister when I am welcome to do so. I work for free because I want freedom. I know the law and I live under rule of law. It is my religious belief.

Jesus didn't need payment as a member of the clergy. In fact, He wasn't even accepted as a member of the clergy of His day. Yet, He knew that all belonging to His Father was His, and He shared it all with those who were in agreement with Him. I follow the law of man, as I have come to know how to do, because the Spirit of God has taught me well to do so. Do I eat of the show bread? Did King David?

I have become an icon for evil to those who have lost their way. Good! Now they will come to learn that what they thought was their way is not their own. When the heart isn't in an upright condition the mentality of the mind is unsound. In such a state one becomes a stumbling block preventing others from coming to their senses.

The news media wants us to lose ourselves in sensationalism to sell us their newspapers. This is their fiendish reasoning for fabricating a story long before they twist the truth of it. This is why the statement was coined: "The pen is mightier than the sword." The pen can kill you just as easily as the sword without it leaving any trace of blood evidence. Making the news and reporting the news are two different things. The men and women in the media need to report it instead of making it.

Journalism often destroys the journalist and leaves in hell the corrupt reporter who without conscience dreams of tearing another down to build up himself in personal fame and glory.

Here is what I know to be true for me. This group is pleased to ridicule me in public. To do unto me wheat they would never want done unto them. Yet, I did them no wrong. But there is a wrong doing. Let me explain!

I am being troubled because I reached out and helped block a woman from further abuse. One of the men was betraying her trust in him as her husband. He went so far as making sure she couldn't ever again see him in that light.

I was asked to talk to him on her behalf. I talked to him about the marriage he so desperately needed for well being. But he was so cock-sure of himself that he thought he didn't have to listen. This man heard from me what he couldn't hear from her. He didn't like hearing it but he heard it. And as a result, he has continued to do to me what he can no longer do to her. For this, I am glad because she is free of his tyrannical rule. She has a new life. She is independent and a God fearing woman. He, on the other hand, has gone mad. Mad at me for what he failed to do for himself, get humble!

I speak the truth for God is my witness, and he left behind a large body of people who watched him terribly assail her beliefs and quality of self worth in being female.

Here is where I stand with the truth. I am only guilty in giving a helping hand to a woman. But to this man, and his group of cronies, I am guilty of breaking up a family. This is untrue! It was me that helped him get married. I warned both of the pitfalls beforehand. I am the one who encouraged them to have a child. I helped them in many ways. In fact, I helped all the others as well.

I didn't break up their marriage. I don't have such power. I did what I could to try and prevent the inevitable.

You can never lose what is yours!

If this man was truly her husband he would have kept his peace by keeping his place with God. He wanted to be right rather than in love. He wanted to control her! Her indomitable spirit demanded equality. He didn't realize she was unyielding in her need. She had something to say. She wanted her voice to be heard. This why they constantly fought.

All she asked him to do was quit the abuse. It was too much for her to bear. She was always a nervous wreck after dealing with his screaming, ranting and raving. She couldn't handle his "back-mouthing" her when she spoke. She asked him to stop it, and to put away his bad-temper! He couldn't respect her wishes. It was too much for her to ask!

He said he couldn't live her way, he couldn't live like that. He left her - she didn't leave him. He destroyed her trust in him. He did it to himself. He destroyed what could have been a wonderful marriage. He couldn't see she was doing what she could to save their marriage. He saw things differently.

He thought we were conspiring against him. He saw it that way because he was bent out of shape. He wanted to believe the lie else he'd have to clean up his act. Here is how I see it! If he couldn't control and continue his abuse of her, he didn't want her. He couldn't blame himself because that's the manly thing to do. So he blamed me. Good! Now he can live in self denial, and suffer as a consequence of lying to himself.

Pain is a good teacher. Pain is his teacher now. When he grieves enough he will see what he lost by what he took for granted, namely, the beloved mother of his child.

He has labored greatly since the fateful day he walked away in to the darkness because of lacking common sense. He has worked diligently in being crafty in his machinations, conniving day and night, consorting with others to appease him.

I have heard he has spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $40,000 dollars, to convince the family court that the church is a wicked cult, and that I am a horrible and terrible ruler from the nether world. He believes I control and dominate the life of everyone around me. He gives me far too much credit. I will admit that we all influence each other. But Jesus taught well that nobody has any power over anyone except that it be given to them from heaven; therefore; God is in control.

He had half legal custody of his child but that wasn't enough. He wanted more. He hungered for total custody. It was his way of teaching his wife she had made a mistake in demanding equal partnership in marriage. Holy wedlock, he couldn't stand; locking her into pandemonium by taking away the child was what he sought. This was severe enough and just punishment. He would teach her who was the master. So he fought the fight of the dirty who soil the cloth of righteousness.

He went after me with the prayer and hope the court would use his negative image of me, as posted in the newspapers, to steal away custody of the beautiful child they created together in lovelier times. His prayers weren't answered, and his hope was hopeless because the Almighty knew better.

He failed himself miserably in his pursuit because he didn't understand the concept of jurisprudence. He took his fight to the wrong court. You don't try religious liberty in family court. The man with genius leaves the civil liberties of another alone unless he risks losing his own.

His disbelief in me and my ways are litigated in the Presence of God, not man.

He needed to prove his lovely wife was unfit. He couldn't do that because he knew better. The angelic face of his daughter revealed that truth, and the psychologist chosen to look at her in depth was mesmerized by her beautiful way of how she was at home with herself. So the mad man lost his case for he tried to make the lie the truth but that's what liars do!

I warned him about trying to take his daughter away from her mother. He had to prove me wrong. In his impudent posturing to be stupid he has attained the impossible, and made himself look idiotic. The court didn't care about me. It cared about what was right for the child without stepping on the civil liberties of its citizens. The mother had done the proper thing in her rearing of the child. The court validated this truth. It didn't matter about my image to begin with. Surely then, it didn't matter about my image to end with. Either. So, his efforts were a waste of time, energy and money. But what did come out of it was good for all to see. He has become an example of what happens when you mock God. You go mad because blocking yourself from the truth is self damnation.

I unequivocally state that God is in control; only the deranged would think otherwise; doing so because they are other than wise in their undertaking and their foolishness ends in the office of the undertaker when you become a member of the dearly departed.

Taking upon ourselves the mantle of Deity is what the psychotic do when the wicked spirits enter the psyche and cause the psychosis of dementia. The self righteous become prey to madness by thinking they are right while working like the devil to disgrace another who reached out to help them know better for Christ sake!

He has been so busy digging up my past he's become a garbage collector. He judges the hell out of me. The more he hates me, the more free I am of the influence. His mind is consumed by my image. He can't get me out of his mind. I am his icon for evil. Yet, I am used by His Holiness to help him get over what this man has yet to discover about himself for well being.

He has gone out of his way to find other souls who have lost their way over the years. He has played upon their sympathies, and taken advantage of their ignorance. The evil in this world order perpetuates itself because the politics of the day are designed to thrive upon rumor and innuendo.

Newspapers sell because of the titillation of sensationalism that the authors of scathing articles premeditate. The same female reporter was met by this man and his child at the airport, long after the insulting article was published. His child made the comment to their mother. It was stated something like this but don't quote me. "We went to the airport to see our friend..." (the reporter)?. Friend! What does that tell you? Both knew each other. A little hanky-panky?

It started with him seeking her out. He had to find a sympathetic mean spirited individual like himself. Like attracts like. It was him looking for an unsuspecting soul to fabricate a best seller. She fell for it because she doesn't know firsthand how to prevent herself from becoming pretentious in the face of a stupid person. She has no God given reality she can honestly ground herself upon. That's what happens when you lack awareness. YOU become a fool so someday you will learn to become wise. If what the child said was true then collusion took place to concoct a story, believing if they wrote a contrived article the judge in the family court would give it credence because it was published in a mainstream newspaper.

If you ever failed to see the face of evil then look at it now!

Writing a slanderous article when your mind is already made up isn't journalism. It is evil doing. The female reporter was given plenty of evidence that what she was told was untrue but she chose to disregard the truth. She wanted to believe what she heard because it fit into her scheme of things. She printed lies or twisted truth. Yellow journalism.

St. Paul and Moses started their walk with the Lord as murderous men. He lifted them up in spite of themselves. He does it for us all when we come to the end. I haven't reached the darkest valley of St. Paul and I am not as good as Jesus. I can't be the Chief Sinner like Paul, and I can't be the Chief Savior like Jesus. I can only be the way I am. If the way works for God, He will save me for it. It is my faith that He has!

I have been put into my place by the founding Father of the Universal unknown. I know myself to be ordinary. It is my ordination to remain that way. I am just a guy who puts his pants on the same way as every other guy, one leg at a time. In fact, I am a repentant man who needs all the help he can get to make certain he doesn't fall in to the trap of trying to become good and perfect to please others. Trying to do so - be good for others sake - is an impossible task. It hurts like burning hell fire! Only the Lord can be good, and He did it already. If what He did isn't good enough then we have no hope.

What would the purpose of faith be without His Work?

The belief system of Jesus Christ has come to my rescue. I share it with you. It has saved me from the disgrace of trying to look good in the eyes of people.

I owe nothing to anyone for nay reason whatsoever because they damn well didn't create me. I have one Lord, and I have one Master. I do what I can to keep in touch with Him, and He does what He can to touch me with his Gracious and Glorious Spirit; and, if some are jealous of our relationship then they can just go to hell. If they want to use me to do it then what can I say? I am sure they will make me their icon - the symbol of the devil! Why not!

I am a spiritual teacher. I don't know everything but what I do know will save your soul for Christ sake! You may not agree with me but you can't help realize my faith is of a convicted sort. I don't ask that you believe in me. I do ask that you believe in yourself for that is the true doorway to your Maker.

Jesus took the inner path before you, and Christ met him in His heart with a compassion for the humanity. If you do the same you do yourself well, and we are friends. If not, well not!

I'll never be good enough for some and I'll never be bad enough for others. And neither will you!

I proclaim the gospel of peace. I am in quiet meditation.


To the end, Bill denied everything. He said he had nothing, says nothing, did nothing and was responsible for even less.

Well, we will see about that.

Here's to the hope the Spiritual Rights Foundation will continue to do nothing, say even less and victimize no more spiritual seekers.


  1. His faith was constantly under fire, because he was giving himself a hot foot continually by his words, actions and deeds within the church itself.
    He mentions about the ministers who had left, "We used to play together until they took life seriously." Well, we were played by you (Bill Duby) as you were dead serious in abusing us in your so called musings. We were your moving targets to your constant rages of petty indulgences. If we got in your way, you shot first then asked if we were alright later. Then you pretended to heal us by keeping us up for long periods of time to so call heal our soul of our supposed misery.
    The reality was, you were a beligerent soul disquised as a human being. Your human frailties were put on display but you made sure no one did anything short of praising you. You on the other hand couldn't wait to rip and tear, then exploit until you got our time, energy or money out of us. Thats what evil does.
    God made sure he stopped you, and sure enough he made sure there was free speech that can't be stopped unless you are still trapped or under the delusional spell of the witches of Ellsworth street.

  2. I never met Bill, but I knew Lewis. The writings of the two of them are similar to a degree but there is a clear demarkation between Psychosis and Sociopathic behavior. Lewis was psychotic, Bill is clearly Sociopathic.

    The self righteousness, false humility and egocentrism that is reflective of Bill in this writing makes it clear to myself that Bill was never sane or safe to be around. He went far beyond "certainty" he moved into the realm of omnipotence. He truly believed himself to be "above it all". He was never wrong and anyone who said that he had problems was immediately an evil individual. It is clear that Bill never took any personal responsibility for his actions or behaviors.

    He said that he had the right to face his acusers. Well he could have faced them in court, but like all true sociopaths, they will never put themselves that close to a group of individuals who might see through their facade. Especially a group which he has no control over. He calls them cowards, yet he refuses to defend himself or to be truly transparent. Every bit of this line of "verbal vomit" is a complete attack of character towards others.

    As a student of critical thought, I have this to say, read the writings of your teachers and compare them to those of contemporary religious and or spiritual teachers. You will see soemthing astounding. You will see clearly the mind of your teacher. What one writes, reflects how one thinks!


    A simple but profound truth I have learned not from religious or spiritual teachers, but a writing teacher who has helped me to learn how to write clear, concise and to the point. Although many things I may write still come out raw sometimes, the more I write, the clearer my thoughts become!

  3. Of course, since I can't tell a psychotic from a sociopath I call them both psychotic. Good thing we have Jeff here to set it straight.

    Bill being a sociopath makes sense. Until he was exposed in the media, Bill only wanted it one way - his.

    Steve Sanchez's book well illustrates Bill's maniacal behavior. "You only have one problem - I come here first." was a typical thing Bill said to anyone who dared stand up to him. And Bill used everyone he could - even the children, to demean and intimidate any of his victims.

    He did that Steve and he did it to me.

    Joy too.

    And all of the "Anonymous" commenters.

    After his exposure in the media and all the legal confrontations Bill faced, he took more time to re-position himself to his flock (I once saw Bill running around saying "Those damn people are saying I am a child molester" and "now all those dads are acting up and complaining I took their kids").

    Bill was certainly a maniac and if Jeff says he is a sociopath then he's that as well. The most frustrating thing is that Bill's women followed along and held Bill up as God Himself. Any of Bill's flights of fancy, whims or really weird ideas were indulged fully.

    And even now, they believe Bill Duby is alive in them and it is his sacred knowledge that guides their warm and nourishing hands.

    I think I'd rather go fishing than be guided by those hands. Anyone want to head out for some Sea Bass?


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