Monday, September 19, 2011

Reverend William "Bill" Duby's Duby-ous Achievements at the Academy for Psychic Studies

 Yeah, I know it's not St. Paddy's Day
but a pic like this make me want a Guinness.

In honor of the Academy for Psychic Studies' attempt to re-write their own crooked and perverted history, I thought I would recycle an older article describing just a few of the outrageous and unlikely miraculous accomplishments claimed by the Academy's founder.

Bill Duby (Reverend Bill to his followers) made several claims that were dubious.  He claimed to have once de-materialized with Angela Silva.  Of course, he did it before any of us met him and he never did it again because we would disintegrate if we knew the truth so there was no way he'd show us how it happened but of course, he did it and you'd better not question that fact or even joke about it or he will completely destroy you because Bill was a minister of peace.

Yeah, right.

Bill claimed several accomplishments that were miraculous or very difficult to have attained.  It wasn't just one or two of them.  He had a whole bunch of them.  Anyone who questioned his dubious achievements were relentlessly hounded, demeaned and pummeled into submission before being dragged out the door and dropped in the gutter.  While Bill's claims of great accomplishments were questionable, that he would utterly destroy anyone who doubted them, wasn't.

Still, Bill Duby was honored and deified as the psychotic founder of his psychotic church, the Spiritual Rights Foundation.  Bill's visage was plastered all over the building and on the web site, newspaper, audio recordings, video recordings and anything else where he could be seen.

SRF headquarters looked like Pyongyang (that's the capital of North Korea, you fucking SRF troll) with the portrait of Bill displayed just like portraits of Kim Jong Il.

Today, there's a whole different face of the Academy for Psychic Studies presented to the public.  There's no face displayed.  Look at their web site: a few names, no pictures and no personal stories from the trained psychotics of the Academy.

Most prominent:  no pictures of the psychotic founder.

What's that all about?

It's the Academy for Psychic Studies trying to un-ring the bell they started clanging so many years ago.  While it's nice they finally stopped all that racket, it tells you something about them.  After the Academy assaulted our hearing with their long and annoying testimonies of the benefits of all they have to offer, they have been falling silent.  They are sounding more and more ashamed of the perverse legacy of their founder, Reverend William (Bill) Duby.

I'm not the first to write about Bill Duby's odd and utterly destructive manner of psychological manipulation.  I'm certainly not the only one who has exposed the crazy practices behind the iron gates of the Academy for Psychic Studies.  I'm just one of many and I am one of a few who are writing about this crazy group online.

But to the Academy for Psychic Studies, when their own history is exposed the only response is silence.  In fact, their silence is so strong those who are looking for information on the Academy have nowhere to look but right here.

The Academy for Psychic Studies has completely eliminated all reference to Rev. William (Bill) Duby from their website. They have also removed all reference to Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin.

The Academy's commercial site offers audio recordings, videos and books on meditation and spiritual matters.  Materials featuring Rev. William Duby are still offered for sale.  Recordings featuring the soothing presence of Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin are very absent from the product line.  Why is that?

When Bill Duby was still around to annoy us he presented Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva as not just heads of his psychotic church, he presented them as the embodiment of his psychotic church.  Any affront to the perverse belief system he presented to us as divine information found only through his personal interpretation of the Bible and his ability to channel the spirit and presence of God Himself and Jesus Christ was also a personal insult to Angela and Robin which would be punished with water boarding and crucifixion.

Despite the above women holding prominent positions at the Academy for Psychic Studies, they choose to hide in the shadows.  They would rather pretend their founder never existed.  They hope that people would ignore what is being said about them here and choose instead to ring the bell on the iron gate in person to experience for themselves the warm and nourishing love and acceptance of the Academy for Psychic Studies.

The folly of the Academy's response is pretty clear:  by not getting ahead of the story, by not defining themselves in the public eye, they are allowing this blog and the others who write about, collect stories about and otherwise document what is said about the cult that is the Academy for Psychic Studies to provide un-challenged opinions and they are allowing themselves to be defined.

And that definition isn't always something they'd like to see.

When any interested party Google's the Academy, the Spiritual Rights Foundation, Rev, Bill Duby, Angela Silva or Robin Dumolin  they wind up right here on this blog.  And this blog isn't exactly their friend.  They've gone so far as to remove their Facebook page.  There's no Twitter feed for them but I guess there never was one.  The public access TV talk show has been removed and so has the infamous radio show "Total Prosperity".

After so many years of blasting their faces online, in print, on public access television, on the radio and everywhere they can try to look good, they are now pretending to have never existed.  As far as Bill is concerned, he has gone from their beloved founder to "who's that?"

Well, none of his followers knew much about Bill - he never told the same story about himself twice.  All I know is that Bill claimed to be a lot of things - things he could have never been.

As for his Witches of Ellsworth Street - it's pretty clear who they are and what they are feeling right now.  They are empty shells of themselves in fear of the world and in fear of the things said by the people they have touched with their gnarled hands.

The time has come for the Witches to close that den of perversion, greed and spiritual dominance.

Closure would be the decent thing to do but when was the last time they ever did a decent thing for the people around them?  Would people who will host anniversary dinners, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas dinners demand the food be purchased by the ministers and staff who serve them (purchased with the personal funds of the staff and ministers' personal funds - not SRF's); people who demand their followers say nothing but praise for them and people who chase all their flock for the lunch money in their pockets do the decent thing for those who serve the church?

Well, I think we all know the answer to that.

As we wait to see how this nightmare will end, I'll dredge up some of the crazy and impossible achievements of the founder of the Academy for Psychic Studies, Reverend William Duby.

And as the Spiritual Rights Foundation, the Academy for Psychic Studies or whatever the hell they are calling themselves today, remains silent, they can't ignore that they were the ones who started all the noise.  They were the ones who contributed to the nutty and demented visage that is their public persona.  They are the ones who have the ability to rehabilitate themselves.

This is a open and public forum.  Despite the wailing of the Witches of Ellsworth, not one person has been banned from this blog.  No one.  Blogger doesn't allow for the exclusion of any individual commenter anyway.  And only one comment has been removed for cause.  That cause was because the commenter made a personal attack on a reader that did not advance debate or present a cogent and relevant position.  You may notice that I have retained several intelligent comments such as "fuck you" that are directed at me. I allow attacks on myself and will retain them and display them prominently.  Attacks on other readers are not allowed.


  see the link at the bottom of this post

Rev. William Duby made several "Duby-ous" claims about his background. He claimed to be Psychic, Father and Husband, Soldier, Computer Programmer, Government Employee, Card Room Worker, Preacher, Construction Worker, Card Cheat, Stand-Up Comedian, student and simultaneously disabled for insanity all in a 16 year span of time.

In that period, Bill claims he took 7 years off (so the above actually happened in 9 years) to study all nine of the great scriptures. If you can name all nine, I'll give you a dozen Krispy Kremes. He also spent most of these 7 years meditating.  In bed.  In Bill's words: "I only got up to eat, sleep, shit and fuck."  So I bet he studied by putting the "scriptures" under his pillow so the words would float into his brain, then wiped his butt with the pages.

He also claimed to have healed some 25,000 souls while carrying on affairs with hundreds of women - far surpassing Tiger Woods' Duby-ous achievement.

Bill speaks of a close relationship with Lewis Bostwick, founder of the Berkeley Psychic Institute (BPI) saying often "Lewis took me under his wing." and that "Lewis" blessed him with the blow-off: "Now go out and learn."

According to those who saw it, Bill was near Lewis Bostwick only long enough to be considered a pain in the ass (who says they weren't a good judge of character?) and get dragged out of BPI HQ to be banished to the Walnut Creek facility and far away from Lewis Bostwick permanently.

We could confirm some of the things William Duby claimed (he was certainly married, a Soldier and a pest at BPI). Some we just knew was true - like his claim of insanity.

The rest of it was all blather. Mere fantasies of Bill's damaged mind intended to make him the holy man he could never truly be.

Maybe he's no different from the rest of them?

At any rate, Reverend William Duby exaggerated his background and applied a spin to the key events in his life to entrance and impress his followers and to trick them into elevating him into the spiritually superior, holy and blessed leader he never really was.

So if you can see Reverend Bill's Duby-ous achievements as what they really are, you might find a series of events that only a loser, a con man, a charlatan could have experienced.

Instead of idolizing losers, how about we all recognize the hero in all of us? Why not create a miracle of your own?

Do something simple: help a kid with homework. Feed someone. Pick up trash. Say good morning to your neighbor.

I'll bet your grandkids will idolize you for it. So will your neighbors.

What Duby-ous achievements do you know about?  Feel free to leave them in the comment field.  Let us know!


Below is a link to another infamous article in American Spirit Newspaper describing having an experience called "the light".  An experience with "the light" was said to be the defining experience of spirituality, the holy grail of enlightenment and the peak of one's spiritual openness.  Despite that status, the spiritual significance of "the light" was never explained (not, at least, to anyone at the Academy for Psychic Studies) and whatever relevance this experience had to your belief in the things Rev. William Duby taught was never explained.  It was said that the experience was all you needed to believe.

Read this mess carefully.  If your brain cells are still alive you'll see a shocking thing: the people in this article are describing their own dissociation from the real world (which can be a real mental disorder) and Angela Silva at least, describes what seems to be an LSD trip.  How do I know this?  Well, in speaking with people knowledgeable in psychology and with people experienced in taking LSD, I found that their descriptions of those events match what those in the article describe - especially the LSD hallucination.

And as one guy said, "Look at the guy in the picture.  He's gone.  You can see it in his eyes."

Bill being the ever-crafty con man, probably slipped Angela some LSD in a drink so he could impress her with his psychic prowess.  Who knows what else he did to her but if it all happened, it would explain a lot about them both.


  1. Good Post Mike, you can add to his 'false acheivements' this: He claims to have dematerialized, not only himself, but he managed to take Angela Silva's rotund body with him. He stole this idea from Dan Millman who had his protaganist dematerialize from behind a door, only Dan's guru left for good, while Bill re-materialized along with angela. He told this story hundreds of times untill it make 'SRF lore', and was believed by all of his deluded followers.

  2. One more Duby-ous achievement I totally forgot: one time Bill Duby and I were talking about something or other. Bill mentioned his "time" with Pastor Gene Scott, the rambling, psychotic, maniacal TV preacher who had a TV station of his own so he could annoy you 24/7.

    Bill said he was in Gene Scott's church in Los Angeles "studying" for some number of years. After telling me a tall tale of a close student-teacher relationship with Scott, Bill said "Gene Scott is a lot like me."

    Well, I'm not sure I'd want to admit that but Bill did. And I'd have to agree, Bill was a rambling, maniacal psychotic who annoyed you 24/7.

    But nowhere in any of Bill's amazing and impossible biographies is there any mention of him studying with Gene Scott. None. He does admit to using Gene Scott's philosophy on tithing (giving 10% to 30% of everything you own EVERY DAMN YEAR as well as a huge chunk of your paycheck). But that philosophy was vomited on the airwaves on Scott's TV station all the time.

    My theory: Bill had no special relationship with Gene Scott nor did he ever study at Scott's church. Bill probably got his "education" by tuning into Gene Scott for just long enough to pick up the gist of Scott's psychotic drool then used it to victimize his own followers.

    Only a psychotic madman would deliberately pick out only the items he needed to fleece people who followed him out of loyalty and affection. And only the deceitful, dishonest and mentally deficient Witches of Ellsworth would continue his evil legacy no reason other than greed.

    After years of strangulation, the golden goose of Bill's followers looks like it is losing feathers and coughs every time it lays an egg. What will it take to stop the exploitation and put an end to this evil organization?

  3. Looking at the fact the leaders of the Academy for Psychic Studies have retreated and are hiding themselves from public view is saying something about the effectiveness of the discussions here.

    Any of the old-timers from the Academy should look at the Health and Wealth offerings. The recordings from Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin are gone. They sucked anyway but at least now they are gone.

    And all reference to Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin have disappeared from the web site.

    I am sure they blame the whole thing on me.

    As usual, the leaders of this psychotic organization are looking for a scapegoat to blame their current troubles on.

    So the current travails of the Academy are just one more thing to blame on those with bad energy.

    Bad energy does not de-list Angela's recordings.

    Bad energy does not remove Robin's Facebook page.

    Bad energy does not delete Bill Duby's name from public view.

    People do that. Only those who sit in the SRF leadership throne can direct such actions.

    But as they continue to blame their own activities on others, and as they continue to blame all the troubles they created for themselves on the legions of those they cheated, they hope silence for them will be golden.

    It will be - only if we are also silent.

  4. In my opinion into the light is a training class by the two witches to the two con men in training


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