Thursday, September 5, 2024

Looks like the angels have a message
for Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin.
That should tell you who really
represents all that is holy.

Who in the hell is left at the Academy for Psychic Studies?

It's a question people keep asking me and one I ask often.

I joined the Academy for Psychic Studies just at the peak of its heyday in the mid-90's. Steve Sanchez made a monumental effort in directing his San Jose "parish" and was able to attract many of us to his church. Don't worry, I never held it against him. In fact, I count Steve as one of my closest friends.

We joined a thriving and apparently enthusiastic and vibrant organization filled with like-minded and seemingly supportive people. Academy for Psychic Studies headquarters seemed abuzz with the excitement and energy that only a happy and fulfilled congregation could have created.

For we newbies, it was a happy and wondrous time, full of exploration and sustained by the encouragement of Bill Duby, his wives and the people around us.

The end of the decade, though, brought about an abrupt and stunning turn.

Fathers were being marginalized and separated from their children. Women were being worked hard. One was worked so hard, she fell ill and eventually died. The excitement was waning. The happiness began to fade into a more sullen and somber mood.

The start of the 21st century ushered in even more discontent and for the first time, public exposure of the financial, emotional and even physical abuses practiced at the Academy for Psychic Studies. News coverage began in earnest - none of it favorable.

Legal actions over truancy, divorce and custody issues appeared.

SRF was embarrassed at the public exposure and their involvement in the legal issues of their members. In fact, many members cited SRF's involvement in their personal lives and relationships as one reason for taking legal action in the first place.

Over the years, the number of those remaining at the Academy for Psychic Studies has dwindled and dwindled.

At its heyday, there were nearly 40 people at the Academy for Psychic Studies.

Now there are only about a dozen two.

There were a good number of strong men to do the physical labor.

Now, there is hardly enough to patch a hole in the wall do more than complain about the work while they stuff a Big Mac in their pie hole.

Who's left?

Most of them are in middle-age or their golden years. A few are a little younger.  Two older dudes - a corpulent and maniacal sycophant beating the psychotic drum all by himself and one too beat down physically and emotionally to care.

But the youth, the enthusiastic and fearless ones - they are all gone. None are coming in.

The healing clinics attracted many from all walks of life. Today, a few middle-age women come in and turn their noses after seeing that the Academy for Psychic Studies isn't all it's cracked up to be.

ISHI Hypnosis is experiencing a dearth of new students. The last class (highly touted and endlessly shilled on the radio show "Total Propaganda") had a less-than-prosperous one student.  More recent classes were empty.

No one but those trapped in the Academy for Psychic Studies cesspool buys the Heath and Wealth items.

Only the faithful few two one none attend the Academy for Psychic Studies retreats.

The 90's wave of enthusiasm for the Academy for Psychic Studies has collapsed into a few drips of interest.

I hope it stays that way.


In the last few days, I've fielded more than a few direct accusations and subtle hints that I am behaving vengefully towards the Academy for Psychic Studies.

I'm not looking for vengeance. That kind of thing is the action of a person who wants to damage a person or organization for his own personal satisfaction or gain.

I have a mission. It's a mission to inform the world - to tell our side of the story.

I want to see no more victims of this spiritual cesspool.

I hope those who are young enough and have so much of their lives ahead of them see the writing on the wall and head out the door for good.  Thankfully, they have.

I pray those who have their golden years to look forward to turn their back on their abusers and live the life they richly deserve.  They did - for the most part.  Maybe a few years too late but better late than never.

For those who read this blog, I hope my information and my opinions help them see what we saw: the evil that permeates the Academy for Psychic Studies.  I hope our side of the story allows them the freedom of thought to decide for themselves when faced with a choice for their spiritual fulfillment.

I'm not interested in vengeance. I am interested in freedom and that is the purpose of this blog and what I say and do.

Of course, as the Witches of Ellsworth Street have been adamant this blog has been not only the bane of their existence, all things un-witchly, un-spiritual, un-psychic and unenlightening have emanated from here.  Of course, they predict the usual doom and gloom and have admonished their former flock of the witchly consequences of my expression of freedom.

The Witches or their mindless followers have engaged in several actions designed to isolate, demean and discredit Joy and myself in the most base and foul manner.  We know they have singled out their current and former members who have accepted an invitation to our wedding.  Visits to former members were closely monitored by the children of the former members at the direction of the Witches.  Appropriate responses such as insults to our ethnicity, personality and the basis of our marriage (that we want to grow old together without the influence of the cult - a stupid reason, I know) as well as the usual obscenities and epithets were delivered by the children in the name of the Witches.

It is no surprise to we Academy escapees to see the Witches of Ellsworth conduct their reign of terror and personal degradation through proxies.  Wives were turned on husbands and children turned on parents continuously during our imprisonment.  What the poor deluded followers can't reconcile is the Witches' conduct of delivering spiritually meaningful and psychic-ly warm and nourishing derogatory and dehumanizing personal insults were in fact, blatant attempts to extract vengeance upon those who dare to live without their influence and have the courage to speak out so no other will fall under their evil spell.

The Witches' vengeance is a subtle one.  They slowly and deliberately conduct a Chinese Water Torture of derogatory statements among the followers, the children and whoever else they can think of.  The continuous drip, drip, drip of their own brand of degradation continues until they find a new person to hold up as a scapegoat.

As our own quest for personal freedom and independence continued, the Witches were there at every step.  Even well before the publication of this now-famous blog, the Witches of Ellsworth used both Joy and myself as spiritually perverse examples of the consequences of engaging in a life and livelihood without the influence of the Witches.

As the Witches were unable to effect this blog and as they were unable to win their stupid and unlawful suit against me and all who read it, their credibility as truly warm and nourishing messengers of peace and personal freedom has been as well accepted as Herman Cain saying he never even heard of all those women.

As this blog and my own personal quest is to present our side of the Academy for Psychic Studies story and to give the public a more complete view of the goings-on there than the self-serving propagandists at the Academy would ever present.

What is presented here is as accurate as memory and recollection permit and at no time are the contents here knowingly false.  Therefore, there is no harm or libel to any person living or dead (especially DEAD).  Just search the blog for the post "Order! Order! Order of the Court!" to see the court agreed.

Anyone but the mentally deficient leaders and hangers-on at the Academy for Psychic Studies can see:  when an individual speaks his or her mind based on his or her truthful experiences and derives opinions therefrom, there's no vengeance involved.

However, I will grant you:  THE TRUTH HURTS, DOESN'T IT?


Monday, July 22, 2024

Repost: This is Your Brain on The Academy For Psychic Studies

I think we all looked like this after a day with the
Witches of Ellsworth Street.

Today I am welcoming two new commentators to the blog.

"Anonymous" and "A person of Interest" have deposited erudite and insightful commentary befitting themselves as thoughtful and peaceful persons of spirit. They are so thoughtful, I could have removed them for cause.

I also know the following about them:
  • They were online from about 10:00PM to about 10:38PM Saturday the 22nd of August, 2009.
  • They share the same IP address:
  • IP geolocation shows they connected from the East Bay area - from the Oakland/Berkeley area or thereabouts.
  • Their ISP is Comcast.
  • There appears to be two of them. One browses with Firefox 3.0 on Vista and has a screen resolution of 1280 X 1024. The other also browses with Firefox 3.0 but runs on XP on a screen resolution of 1024 X 768.
  • It looks like Windows XP guy was the one doing the commenting. Windows Vista Kid did a little reading.
  • Vista Kid kicked it off by looking up my Blogger profile then going to the blog's first page. Apparently, Vista Kid is someone who may know me personally. The only ones in the East Bay who would look up my Blogger profile then comment on my SRF-critical blog are current and former SRF-ies.
  • They only read ONE of my articles, ignoring or unable to understand the rest (this seems like a pattern for the naysayers, doesn't it?). The other was a re-print from Provender, where they spent six minutes time reading (it takes longer to read when you have to move your lips, you know).

Here is a link to the Nasty Comments file folder. It holds a text file of the comments as they appear on this blog and a file of the blogging activities our two friends.

Despite the nature of the comments, I will keep them on the blog, at least for now. In fact, I think these comments (which are here, as well as listed below) should receive the attention they deserve. So, I decided to post them prominently on the front page for everyone's enjoyment.

These two commenters never quite figured out that nearly a hundred people a day read this blog and their comments aren't read only by the author - everyone gets a chance to see them drool and defecate on themselves.

Reading commentary like those below is something like watching a drunk vomit on himself. One the one hand, it is disgusting and somewhat frightening. But on the other, it's just so damn funny to see someone defile and embarrass himself in public, you just can't stop laughing.

As these spiritual and enlightened people are anonymous, I really don't know who they are - their true identity can be only be disclosed through a subpoena. However, the tone is much more aggressive than the comments left by others. I would guess the commentators are either as a member, a relative of a member or spouse of a member.

That makes for a pretty small pool of people to choose from. Add to that the stupidity of posting aggressive comments in a way that leave a clear track back to them personally makes the pool of suspects, well, pretty much the same.

These comments are juvenile, sophomoric, ill-advised and ill-informed. There's not much more for me to say about them. However, they do fit the pattern the other adverse commentators have: attack the messenger and ignore the message. It's a pattern with the Spiritual Rights Foundation leaders and those affiliated with them. The addled followers have been under the influence for so long, they just don't have enough functioning brain cells left to construct any kind of response but personal attacks and insults.

Steve Sanchez was personally horrified when he realized that kind of conduct was not only sanctioned but was embraced as a core doctrine of SRF-ie behavior. The SRF belief that they are "the spiritual elite" empowers the leaders and members to belittle and debase anyone outside their circle (as well as those within it) as sub-human infidels, allowing the morally guided SRF faithful to pummel their opponents with verbal abuse while ignoring the issues at hand.

The below comments should amply display the effects of that organization on the human mind and spirit. While I have no way of knowing if the below responses are official commentary from the Spiritual Rights Foundation (and presumably, they wish they could do this and get away with it publicly - but they settle for demeaning you behind the iron gate of the cult compound instead) it looks to me exactly like the kind of writing and attitude that comes from a brain addled from too much Spiritual Rights Foundation detritus over way too much time.

Somehow, I feel excited and vindicated with every hostile comment from an SRF-ie. After all, while every one of the commentators shout and cry about me concocting ludicrous observations about the destructive effects of the environment at the Spiritual Rights Foundation on the human spirit, their own comments easily give us all the support necessary to show my observations are right on the money.

The Spiritual Rights Foundation has always said, "don't play prove it". Oh, and "if you want to blow your own horn, use someone else's lips." So, I would like to thank "Anonymous" and "A person of Interest" (who may be the same person, actually) for providing support to the cause of Truth, Justice and the American Way represented in this blog and for the erudite and insightful commentary befitting themselves as thoughtful and peaceful persons of spirit.

It that a horn, I hear?

Update: one of these guys came back to where he left his comments on Sunday the 23rd. I think he or she was hoping to see me or someone else leave equally crude and juvenile comments. There aren't any on that page. However, neither of them has bothered to look at this post and it's a sure bet they've since left the cult and renounced their affiliation with it.

Typical. Their actions, their words never fail to disprove their posturing as enlightened and divine angels in human clothing. I give them the chance to speak and they always wind up with a foot in their mouth and a "kick me" sign on their back or for these two, they give the finger, fall on their face then piss themselves.

I would like to thank those who support the Spiritual Rights Foundation for showing their true colors in this blog. You have allowed me to illustrate my point without playing "prove it".

Interestingly as there are only TWO lame and mentally deficient followers left at the Academy for Psychic Studies and the "kids" of former followers are for the most part disillusioned with Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin, the odds the persons responsible have left the cult or are in the throes of resolving their unrestrained and ill-advised support of the cult with their current disgust of the cult's practices are pretty good.  So once again, even while the addled and deluded brain-dead current  and former followers of this cult continue to jump up and down while running in circles shouting at me to prove all the things I say here, their behavior and the cult's circumstances provide all the support I need.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "How to gaslight for fun and profit. ":

You are a fucking Bastard! Go to hell bitch

Posted by Anonymous to The Spiritual Rights Foundation Cult at August 22, 2009 10:19 PM


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "How to gaslight for fun and profit. ":

Garbage, worst story ever, this is ridiculous, get a life!!!

Posted by Anonymous to The Spiritual Rights Foundation Cult at August 22, 2009 10:20 PM


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "How to gaslight for fun and profit. ":

I can't believe you've done this! Mike Kawahara, if you are so religious, why do you talk mad shit?

Posted by Anonymous to The Spiritual Rights Foundation Cult at August 22, 2009 10:21 PM


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "How to gaslight for fun and profit. ":

Posted by Anonymous to The Spiritual Rights Foundation Cult at August 22, 2009 10:25 PM


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "How to gaslight for fun and profit. ":

This is how we know you dont have a life "Posted by Mike Kawahara at 12:26 AM " That's dam early!

Posted by Anonymous to The Spiritual Rights Foundation Cult at August 22, 2009 10:27 PM


A person of Interest has left a new comment on your post "How to gaslight for fun and profit. ":

Why dont you write in a book like a normal person, instead of blogging about stuff that is not your business. Get the facts straight before you publish something like this to the public

Posted by A person of Interest to The Spiritual Rights Foundation Cult at August 22, 2009 10:33 PM
