Friday, June 8, 2012

Off With Their Heads!

This last year (which started in June 2011 with the departure of the SRF Bishop) the Witches of Ellsworth Street were pwned so hard they had to be running in circles looking for someone to blame for all the things they brought upon themselves.

I'll bet it looked something like this:

I wonder what they did as they screamed "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" and found no one who's head they can remove?

I mean, look at their mass departures.  Everyone left because of the Witches.

Look at the reason the Bishop bagged it - the Witches.

How come there's no on interested in their mind control training - oh yeah, the Witches are too lazy to conduct them

Why is the Blue Sky Ranch being bulldozed?  Oh, it's because the Witches built illegal structures.

As Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva are so accustomed to laying blame on those around them, the people they screwed and anyone they saw on the street corner, there's little doubt the last year set a new world record for the people those two blamed for the collapse of their empire.

There's also no doubt none of those usual victims were around to feel the Witches' wrath.  The rest didn't give a damn if they were blamed as they were long-gone and glad to see the Witches feel the kind of fear, uncertainty and doubt they doled out every day.

Since the Witches were always quick to lay blame and demand retribution, an outsider might think their behavior is out of ordinary and there may be something wrong.  To the deluded followers, the Witches' conduct is a result of their superior spiritual and psychic knowledge and unimpeachable ethical purity.

To us, it's the same old shit.

Another interesting thing:  some time back the Academy for Psychic Studies issued a statement on their web site concerning complaints against them made to various regulatory agencies - like the Berkeley School Board.  The Academy idiots pointed out (not terribly accurately) the following:
SRF has been throughly (sic) scrutinized and investigated by multiple governmental agencies, and no agency has ever found any basis for any allegation or complaint, and no agency has ever issued any penalties, fines or charges against SRF for any reason.
Well, the District Attorney's Office was pissed off when it was discovered the kids were being sent to a non-existent SRF school and several agencies investigated and most did find good cause to advise SRF to correct deficiencies (which good inspectors do instead of immediately issuing a fine).  One such agency was the Berkeley Housing Authority who found deficient conditions in one of the SRF flea-bag apartments.

Another agency is one that may possibly be the match that finally burns down the Blue Sky Ranch - the Contra Costa County Building Inspection Division.  That agency is charging them fees for a long list of non-permitted work.  As the non-permitted work is specifically forbidden (and is therefore illegal) I would guess you can call those fees a fine or penalty or charge.

Given that the Spiritual Rights Foundation never challenged the citations and other enforcement actions they faced, you would have to say their record in the legal realm is pretty much zero wins, all losses.

So, when you are told how morally pure the Witches are and how the Spiritual Rights Foundation is legally clean, you might just want to ask them why their Blue Sky Ranch is getting plowed and how come the SRF Rose School for kids suddenly stopped operating.

Better yet, ask the Witches who's really to blame for their sins.  I'll bet you'll hear names that are anything but their own.

1 comment:

  1. The long list of violations at the farm, including having to remove the whole downstairs of the main building, is a huge problem for the cult. They cannot sell the property until all of these things are repaired satisfactorily, or demo-ed. This means, first, all the money they put into these 30 or so items is a loss, and, second, they will have the expense and hassle of removing, or improving them. Dealing with the inspectors will be no picnic, especially because the city has known about it for years, but couldn't get their teethe into them. (I am guessing to make proper improvements would cost over $80,000.00). But when the cult tried recently to sell the farm they opened the door to the law that before it can be sold, these things have to be dealt with. What is worse the property, as is, is insellable. They bought it for about $180,000 and have put at least 250,000 into it in the last 17 years, probably a lot more than that. It has produced a minimal amount of money from animals mostly, and has only survived by free labor, and donations from members. Now they have neither of those. If the property were fixed in a sellabe state it might sell for 370,000 I am guessing, but they will never get that. They have not the patience, savvy or will to prepare it under the scrutiny of the county officials. They whole thing is a loss for them.
    The good news is that they will not be able to deceive and dump the farm problems onto some unsuspecting victim as they had hoped to. The county wont allow that now. What most people don't know is that the county was pushed to confront the violations at the farm, (especially the dangers to children), because of the leadership of this blog and its dedicated founder. The cult then is out more than 400,000 in assets and will have to put out some cash to resolve it. Of course it is really all their own doing, for negligence, arrogance, and taking advantage of people.
    They caused these kind of financial problems in many people's lives in more ways than I can go into. Mike has told many of these ways, and so have I. It was a nightmare of stress for their victims to deal with these problems. They pushed women onto welfare improperly, advised people wrongly about child support, forced people to pile up credit card debts to pay the cult classes and tithes, hyped people into failing businesses, conned people out properties, got some people to get rid of their social security numbers so as not to pay taxes, received members inheretances (instead of letting it go to the person's family), and many other things.
    Now they are under the gun themselves. Even so, this wont hurt them too much. They will probably just let it foreclose and take the loss. They will most likely not be humbled by this; they will not acknowledge how they caused problems for so many people. Which in reality is their worst loss. They will go into retirement and to their graves, hard-hearted, thinking they are elite; secretly delighting in the pain they have caused others and all the deceit they have gotten away with. This is their loss.
    They have gone cold to the fact that humility and loss bring us closer to God if we suffer ourselves to be humbled. Many of us who left eventually learned to do this, take our suffering to God. There is nothing wrong with expressing and defining the cause of our justified anger, and working to protect other potential victims. When it comes to the Lord, He can only be approached in humility; (we all know this intuitively, what are we going to do, approach Him with pride and boasting). We do well to dare to reveal our true internal will inside, even if it is full of hate, (especially if it is hate), so that we can start again on a true foundation and be changed.

    I do so love and adore the Lord, Steve


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