Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Academy for Psychic Studies - Forced Feeding

Here's what the Academy for Psychic Studies contributes to their annual Thanksgiving Dinner.
What, you expected them to feed you?

During my internment, at the Academy for Psychic Studies, I attended their annual Thanksgiving Dinner.   It was a large affair (well, large for them), where a ton of food was served from huge foil trays by smiling people.  There were several turkeys, some ham, salad, vegetables and all the trimmings served.  Dessert was served as well.

For this spread, our captors at the Academy for Psychic Studies didn't make us pay a dime.  Honestly. The damn coffee still cost a buck, though.  So to so many who experienced this bounty of generosity, the dinner seemed to give them a softer side, a generous, warm and nourishing appearance.

It took me years to finally realize this dinner as well as the food served at each of the church services was not purchased by the Academy for Psychic Studies itself.

The ministers had to buy it with money from their own pocket.

They had to cook the food as well.

And they had to go to the store, then take it to the church.

How in the hell did I know this?  Because my wife was told she and a minister were assigned to purchase items for said events.

No minister was recognized for providing the food.  In fact, no one was to even ask for recognition.

The Academy told the ministers to bring the food because it was the ministers responsibility to nourish the congregation with food as they do with spiritual and psychic mumbo jumbo.

That each minister also ran up bills of hundreds or even more than a thousand dollars a month payable to the Academy for Psychic Studies didn't matter.  The fact that the couple of hundred or so a huge Thanksgiving dinner for your congregation would be affordable to the Academy given that they rake in a enormous profit every month didn't deter the Witches from forcing the ministers to buy the food for the church's event - then break their backs serving it up.

Well this year, you can enjoy your Thanksgiving meal.  Unlike the unfortunate souls remaining at the Academy for Psychic Studies, you can be thankful you aren't feeding people because you were forced to.  You can be thankful that you are serving yourself and your fellow man and that the light of freedom is shining upon you.

I'm really going to enjoy my dinner.  Hey, it's cooked one hell of a lot better than the crappy, salty, greasy, overcooked and otherwise deficient Thanksgiving meals the Academy served.

And that's because our dinner is cooked in freedom and served with true love for our fellow man.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

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