Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Academy for Psychic Studies - Church Funny Business

So, it's a fact that the Spiritual Rights Foundation and its Academy for Psychic Studies are set up as a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt religious organization - which is a description of a church only the federal government could concoct.

I started to wonder what a real church does vs. what the Academy for Psychic Studies does.

I took a look at a couple of them, mostly from memory.

In the church I grew up with, we gave our time and money to help our seniors live a better life.  My dad (an architect) designed a residence for our community's elders who needed assisted living.  No, he didn't do it because he was getting a wad of Benjamin's.  He did it because he wanted to give to our elders.

We also did things to help the community.  Things like rushing to repair the leaky roof, peeling paint and decrepit floors of  a community action group's building.  This  group was key to our community receiving legal justice, fair representation in Congress and the Legislature as well as pushing for the repeal of the executive order that imprisoned thousands of our ancestors.

Without beating this like a dead horse, the church supported the community that supported us.

Today with my wife dragging me to the Unitarian Church by the ear, I see a whole different side of things vs. SRF.  The Unitarians are very politically active and do expend funds and volunteer to support many worthy causes.  They support social justice as well as the usual charitable activities churches tend to do.

Now, neither the Buddhist Church (where I grew up) nor the Unitarians act like a holding company for a conglomerate of "businesses", "institutes", "seminaries" or special massage specialists who give extra-special happy endings like the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

Instead, the congregation disbursed some church funds to support worthy causes.  We gave to the church and only the church.  The church gave as the church and never had to hide behind a wall of bogus companies.

Rev. Bill Duby, the Witches of Ellsworth, the Spiritual Rights Foundation, the Academy for Psychic Studies and (aw fuck, I can't keep typing) never gave a dime of their own money to any worthy charity besides themselves.  They did, however, create several bullshit companies for the purpose of sucking their followers dry.

And I do recall that Bill once told me he set up his multinational conglomerate for the purpose of concealing that his bogus church was the real owner of the companies.  He said his reason was because the world would not accept a business owned by a legitimate church.  Yep.  Nor would the world accept a business run by psychotics, con artists and greedy witches.

Let's look at the structure.

First, why does a "legitimate church" like the Spiritual Rights Foundation need to name their "seminary" The Academy for Psychic Studies?  To say it's a separate "company"?  We paid them with checks made out to "SRF".  How come they have to hide behind a fictitious business name?

Second, the Spiritual Rights Foundations "owns": "Health and Wealth", "Freedom Estates", "ISHI Hypnosis", "Liberty Construction", "Sterling Rose Press", "American Spirit Newspaper",  "Blue Sky Ranch", "The bookstore that kept so damn much porn there were more people coming by to get off than buy books." and of course the infamous "Academy for Psychic Studies".

OK, so I'm a business major.  I've studied this and I've lived it IRL.

The organization of the Spiritual Rights Foundation looks a lot more like The Donald's company portfolio than any church I've ever seen.  It's utterly unnecessary to build a labyrinthine conglomeration of companies for a small church.  The administrative effort is an order of magnitude higher than a simple ownership structure.

My investigation showed a not so surprising thing:  licenses, DBA filings, corporate name filings and more are out of date and expired.  The legal registration for these companies is no longer valid.  The only real effect of that is someone can go in and reserve those business names for themselves and the city will just get pissed that the business licenses aren't paid.

The real point (for you guys splitting hairs over details that aren't relevant) is: there is so much administrative work to keep up this delusional, complex, idiotic and unnecessary structure the Witches of Ellsworth can't keep up.  That they could just have someone in charge of it doesn't occur to them.  Still, the complexity of the organizational structure is clearly to conceal activities, hide true intentions, and cloak the true ownership of the companies in secrecy - which is perfectly in character for these psychotics.

Even now, the Witches of Ellsworth maintain this structure.  Why is unclear to the true business person.  It costs more money to do business like that. So, they are either too dumb to figure out it's an inefficient structure, too lazy to fix it or they like knowing it's harder to figure out who really owns these various companies.  I'm betting it's all three.

And, as we proved in the legal system, you can build a wall of companies but you can can't hide from the truth.  And you can't skirt the law, either.

The truth is that all those companies are ultimately controlled by two of the Witches of Ellsworth.  And control it, they do.

Steve Sanchez said it was standard operating procedure to peel off a percentage of the company revenues and hand it to Angela.  Another cut went to Robin.  He had to peel off yet another cut as a "donation" to the Spiritual Rights Foundation.  I don't know how many other cuts he had to peel off but there's only so much you can peel a banana.  Whatever was left was the thin operating margin the company had to work with.  No wonder there wasn't any money for worker benefits or even to improve and modernize the equipment.

I also am certain "donations" to SRF was made by all the other companies.  Bill declared proudly that all "his" companies tithe 10-30% of the take to his Spiritual Rights Foundation so SRF could have tax-free money.

And once in SRF's hands, that money can go to Angela and Robin as their church stipend, church vehicle, church housing, church food, church clothing allowance, church credit card, church (crap, my fingers are getting tired again but you get the idea).

So because SRF has all these companies squeezing all that money from all those people over the years, I guess I know why it was set up that way.

So you'll never know where the money is really going.

Do you have any ideas why?  Or did I just state the obvious.

Wow, a real estate holding company - owned by a "church"!
So, what's a church doing with a real estate investment company?

Buy an SRF CD, DVD or Book!
Don't ask how many are on the payroll; no one is.

For only 499, you can be a psychotic hypnotist!

The only "liberty" this company created was the liberation
of the company manager of his hard-earned money.

Total Relaxation sleeping on the floor, eating the greasiest food
you'll ever see and it only costs some $300 a weekend!

Who knows what the hell this was.  It crashed hard.

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