Thursday, May 17, 2012

Taken Care Of

Here's what's left of The Blue Sky Ranch

I've got to post up this comment.  It's from a guy who would have been engaged as the Blue Sky Ranch caretaker.

AnonymousMay 2, 2012 10:28 AM
I was going to live at Blue Sky Ranch as sort of a caretaker/tenant with my pets at the beginning of 2012; and before I knew any of this about Angela and her followers. The only contact I had with Angela was negative and she was very cruel. A realtor gave her false info about me and the way she terminated our agreement was one of the RUDEST encounters I have experienced in my (so far) long lifetime. I now realize that God/My Good Fortune, was looking out for me. Wow! The Blue Sky Ranch on Bethel Island, is now for sale and is actually a very lovely place. Of course, the cult is now gone and they only appear when there are break ins or general maintenance. Apparently, they have a lot of problems with vandals-not surprising given their history of dealing with people. I appreciate the blog, enlightening.

This comment tells quite a bit in such a small comment.

First is that the Witches of Ellsworth Street have found their membership decline so low, they had to look for someone to live at the Blue Sky Ranch to maintain it while he pays them for the privilege of never being able to satisfy them.

Since we have all seen Angela Siva in action, we can commiserate with this guy.  Her summary expulsions of dozens or more confused or wayward followers whose only crime was they didn't have Angela's tribute money or was still not fully consumed by the perverse Academy for Psychic Studies were legend at the Academy.

We thought Angela's habit of impulsively removing a person or three with the wave of her hand was one way to control the "energy" within our beloved Academy.  Judging from this comment and from encounters Angela had with others either peripherally or not at all involved with the Academy, I'd say her actions are just a part of a mean and vindictive personality.

Where that came from beats me.

What I do know is the founding psychotic, Rev. Bill Duby, would often elevate Angela's nature into a warm, kind, nourishing soul who wouldn't hurt a fly.  Simultaneously, he would strike fear in the hearts of his followers by relating stories of Angela turning to a follower and telling the hapless soul to get his ass out of her cesspool - and he wasn't the only one.  Bill related story after story of the people Angela expelled from the Academy for unexplained reasons.  Other stories of Angela pulling a gun on her ex-husband, cursing people on the phone, snapping at men, women, children and animals and other aggressive acts were told by Bill Duby and became part of the Academy for Psychic Studies warm and nourishing way of keeping people compliant and in line.

Of course, there were several people who were turned away from the warm and nourishing environment of the Academy.  Those people were generally visitors of the Academy or the more casual members of the cult.  One casual member was said to have been pulled aside and told to enroll in all the mind control classes (costing several hundred dollars a month) start handing over 10% to 30% of this person's earnings or leave and never come back.  Oddly, that person still believes the poison they were fed and makes transparent attempts to "heal" wayward ex-members (which I guess would be almost everyone they ever knew there).  Another was told they were "too powerful to teach" before being shown the door while we were told that person was more interested in buying clothes and taking vacations.

There were others who were suspected of committing high treason and other crimes against Angela.  Two were new students in the Clairvoyant Training Program.  These two were pretty street/working class types. That's not a disadvantage in my book, nor is it a criticism.  It's a description.  You'll see why.

One day, Angela said she received a call from a home loan company who said her application looked good and would she like to close the loan. 

Now at that time, the mortgage dust-up was just getting into high gear.  I'm not surprised a mortgage guy decided to give her a call as it was a sure thing anyone would be funded.  After all, she owned the Blue Sky Ranch in Bethel Island and was thought to own other properties so that made her a great prospect.  No wonder someone thought she would want to get a home equity loan.

Using her advanced psychic skills, Angela determined the call was a scam - which it likely was.  However, instead of thinking mortgage brokers in the overheated home loan market was just trolling (which was common) and called her based on that, Angela decided the two new students were the culprits.

The reason she gave to us was there was mail for her accessible in the facilities.  Some of this mail was solicitations for home equity loans.  The new students came from working class backgrounds (which many of the current students did as well).  Therefore the new students were thieves and were trying to cash in on a bogus loan made in Angela's name.

What was not said was how Angela determined she got a loan solicitation from that particular loan broker in her mail at the exact time the two new students were in the facilities - without seeing the mailing before the alleged theft.  Also, since the new students were never left alone and the area where the mail was kept was always attended by a veteran student or staff member, how the opportunity to commit such skulduggery was not explained.  Why also would two people would make the up-front payment to attend the CTP and continue to pay for it for some number of months for the opportunity to steal mail was not explained.  At that time, there was a number of easier ways to steal mail and numerous ways to easily make a fraudulent mortgage.  Why someone would go through the trouble of enrolling in a psychic cesspit to steal mail makes no sense.

Also making no sense at all is that the mortgage guy called Angela - not either of the two students.  If you wanted to abscond with the proceeds of a fraudulent mortgage, why in hell would you tell the mortgage guy to contact the victim?  Why would two persons so clever to engage in a fairly complex fraud scheme make the fundamental of having the loan company arrange to send money to the victim?  If there actually was an attempt to make a fraudulent mortgage, it would be more likely Angela would have never found out until some collection agency guys showed up to confiscate the SRF headquarters.  Gee, I wonder if we could still get away with a scheme like this one?

Of course, no one asked questions because no one asks Angela questions of any substance unless they wanted to get a spiritual smack in the face.

As a result of Angela's enlightened and divine insight, the men in the Academy were told to monitor the iron gate for the new students and tell them to go away as they were "too powerful for the Academy" and to go attend the Berkeley Psychic Institute, if they know what's good for them.  I was one of the guys notified.  Fortunately, I didn't have to throw them out. Some other guy chased them out to the street with a torch and pitchfork.

So what does this all have to do with the plight of the abused but relieved prospective caretaker?

If Angela really did have the advanced psychic and predictive powers we were told she has.  If she actually was so spiritually enlightened and wise so as to know who is telling the truth or not.  If she was the epitome of wise and measured leadership Bill Duby made her out to be, wouldn't she have known what was said about the prospective caretaker was somewhat less than the truth and that some further interviewing and consideration should be made?

Well, she didn't, she isn't and she can't and that says all you need to know about that.

Now as the Academy for Psychic Studies has taught the law of attraction (where you get what you imagine the universe will give you) what does that say about the frequent vandalism of the Blue Sky Ranch?

When you are two paranoid witches who simultaneously fear the world they live in while being totally dependent on attracting people into the warm and nourishing environment of the Academy for Psychic Studies, what kind of things would you mock up?

Well, if you hear from the Academy's lone sycophant, hit man and mumbling mouthpiece, there would be prosperity aplenty with dozens of devotees who find growth and unfoldment through working their asses off for no pay at all.  You might hear there would be instances of spiritual healing so numerous and profound, there isn't enough time in a day to describe them all.

On the other hand, if you were an observer, you might see empty class sessions, a dark and foreboding location in San Jose, silence and emptiness where there was once great joy and excitement.  And if you looked a little deeper, you might find two women hiding in the shadows in fear of what might happen if you saw them.  You might notice how they see conflict and strife all around them and how they are barely able to contain the hate and contempt for those who have betrayed their evil empire to embrace freedom and the life they were meant to live.

They continue to hold contempt for those who no longer want to submit to their exploitation and silently seethe at the thought that former members will tell the truthful stories of their experiences.  You might see how they dread the next chapter in the long and woeful tale of our experiences with the Academy for Psychic Studies, believing it is the truth that has reduced their prominence and has given them the kind of exposure that paints them with the scarlet letter of shame.

So if they do believe in the law of attraction, you'd have to admit they are manifesting exactly what they are putting out to the universe.  

Or they might just be pissing people off.  Your choice.

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