Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Academy for Psychic Studies - relationship control, mind control

Yeah, and I had two of them pissed at me - at once.

Be sure to read the comment by
Steve Sanchez at the end of this post!

Most of you know that Bill Duby frequently arranged relationships in a flash of spiritual inspiration - and later un-arranged them in one of his spiritual temper tantrums.

Joy and I both were long aware of how many of the Bill-inspired and blessed couples wound up in divorce and bitter rancor over division of their meager assets, spousal support and child custody.  It scared me so damn much, I was determined to keep the pot-bellied bastard out of our relationship.

But before all that, many of you are aware of my own Bill-arranged "marriage" to another woman.  I won't name her here (out of respect for her as an individual) but if you were present at SRF at that time, you'll know exactly who I am talking about.

Bill was excited about the union.  He dragged us in front of one of his perverted trance "classes", put us both into a deep trance and performed the equivalent of a "spiritual marriage" at that time.  Nearly simultaneously, he put Joy into an even deeper trance state forcing her to separate from me, being present during this new "blessed" union and always showing support for it.

Basically, Bill put Joy into a state of continuous torture.

Bill bragged often to his congregation that his prediction was that he would turn this arranged union with a woman I had no long-term plans for to convert into a real, legal marriage in two years.  He also bragged that she and I would be the "power couple" of SRF and he had plans for us.  I don't think those plans involved him giving us a church wedding and reception at a pleasant venue.  Probably it had more to do with dog collars and whips.

But his message to us both was consistent:

To me, all he said was "Follow me and I'll get you laid."

To her, all he said was, "Keep your knees together, you whore."

The rest of Bill's behavior is just too perverse, too deranged and depraved to describe.

It was a rocky relationship.  I mean, why wouldn't it be?  Here I am listening to Bill tell me I can get my sausage in the bun at last while this gal is practically having her legs tied together.  I was told later Bill would gather the ministers around him and tell tales of his perverse mischief and how well he is manipulating my "relationship".

I didn't need to hear that to sense something was up.  That gal would get her mack on me so hard, saliva would soak my shirt and my lips would become numb.

Knowing what he set up, Bill would come up to me and tell me "You know, she wants someone who's going to take charge in the bedroom. Do you have what it takes? You have to whip it out and slap her in the face with it. If you can't take her, I know three guys who will."

But getting past batting practice with her was just plain impossible.  It took a number of weeks for me to figure out I had been played for a fool and the whole congregation was holding their sides in laughter as I danced the hokey pokey with a girl who wouldn't put her foot or anything else in.  But I guess that's what it's all about.

Obviously that relationship ended.  Badly.  I was pissed at her and she with me.  But oddly, she remained interested in me even afterwards.  It was then I finally figured out what in hell that perverted and sick bastard Bill Duby had arranged.  He arranged a marriage for his own pleasure and entertainment.  He impacted three lives - the son of a bitch separated me from the gal I eventually did marry.  Fortunately for her and me, we were able to conduct our relationship on the DL for a while and establish ourselves on firm ground before the tidal wave of disapproval washed over us.

Our marriage is in its fourth year.  Even though we have known each other for 15 years and have been a couple for nearly a decade, our marriage seems as fresh to me today as our relationship did ten years ago.  In fact, every one of our vacations seems like another honeymoon.  I doubt I'd be saying that about my arranged "marriage" to the cult devotee.


I ran into the following online just today.  This is a tribute to the Late Rev. Bill Duby by the same woman who is keeping her knees together to this day.  Not just for me (and if I were stupid enough to do a Tiger Woods, I'd have hell to pay) but for everyone.

I didn't know what Bill said other than telling her to squeeze her knees so tight that a dime could turn into foil.  I believe he promised her power and status within the cult (which she got without me anyway).  But this article is revealing.  Bill really worked her over.  Perversely, he positioned love as hate and characterized this woman's brief relationships as destructive, even though young women and young men naturally tend to have short relationships anyway.  Only Bill could take advantage of a young woman to turn her against her own nature and entangle her into his own perverted world for his own strange purposes.

Now long after the psychotic charlatan has kicked up his last daisy, this woman has her own business (which by all accounts is doing quite well) but is still without a life partner - man or woman.

The tragic part of this sad tale is that she and I might have been where Joy and I are today - or at least she and someone would.  There's not a damn thing wrong with her personally that a little exorcism or de-worming couldn't fix.

The tale of this woman infuriates and deeply depresses me.  I mean, I am pissed that Reverend Bill Duby did what he did to manipulate and exploit the emotions and affections of a young woman and it's depressing to see the effects of that perverse effort alive and well to this day.


Finding My Life
by (former cult member)
I would like to share with you my story of how I found my life, my self, and my love at the Spiritual Rights Foundation. It's the story of my relationship with Rev. William H. Duby, the Founder and Pastor of SRF. I came to SRF through its Santa Clara branch in 1994. I enjoyed learning in the beginning classes, hearing things I had always known but never knew how to express, and having somewhere to make sense of things.
I met Rev. Debi as my teacher who encouraged me, and got me on my path without me even knowing it. She made it so easy, that I was regularly attending church in Berkeley once a month, seeing this guy everyone called "Rev. Bill". I sometimes stayed for his meditations, which moved so fast that if I realized one thing he was saying, I was reflecting all week.
I didn't get it though, that I had "FOUND IT!" as the buttons say. (I) was still going to get ahead and do all the things she had been told would make her happy, and that was one long list. But I kept coming to Berkeley, taking classes, coming to Healing Clinic.
I remember Monday Night Trance experiences the most, where all I knew was that my heart glowed whenever Rev. Bill talked, and I wished he would never stop. (He still hasn't, by the way.)
I was lucky enough to join the Clairvoyant Training Program with Rev. Angela Silva, and to begin reading and growing and all the wonderful things the Program entails. I was definitely at home.
Before I came to SRF, I had been fiercely self-destructive in relationships, on a downward spiral that put me where I hated myself, and was unable to do anything but hate others as a result. 
Regarding relationships, Rev. Bill showed me and taught me many invaluable things. He showed me that what I thought was love, was really hate in disguise; that I had been tricked and enslaved by energies that weren't mine, and had taken this on to do to others. Rev. Bill did this and much more in hundreds of hours of working with me I had learning opportunities so I could see the truth about energy and myself. It was a war for my soul and my decency, and it saved my life. I am eternally grateful to Rev. Bill for this alone.
There were many other times that I learned and was healed from his teaching, but also from spending time with him, and watching his interactions with others. He showed me what was Truth, what was Love and how to discern these vibrations from all others. He made certain I had the teaching, that I did it to the extent I could never doubt its reality in this life and for eternity. He recognized what God had written on my heart, which I always thought were just the daydreams of my soul, and helped make them a reality. He showed me and made available to me opportunities for these dreams to come true. He saw, said Hello to, and loved God in me so much I could do it for myself. 
Thank you Rev. Bill. I love you.

I think several others wouldn't thank Bill nor would they express any emotion for him even close to love.  I think it will be closer to a felony count.  Me - I had go pray to the porcelain god after reading it and finished with a phrase that contained the word "you" but certainly not the words "love" or "thank".

Anyway, read it carefully:  Bill grabbed hold of this young woman's mind and implanted himself permanently.  S
he is currently a devoted, faithful follower of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and is prominent in the Academy for Psychic Studies.  Not anymore, thankfully.  Who knows if Bill Duby is still crawling around this young woman's noggin like a tapeworm, though.

It's also a great example of why I can't spend my time pulling people out of there, even if I wanted to.  There's so much control and so many tricks the leaders pull on the remaining followers, yanking them out is just impossible.

The only way to help is to stand by, available with a helping hand if needed.  There's just no way for anyone, even we who want to help those trapped behind the iron gate of the Academy, to fight the mind control that grips the members of the Academy for Psychic Studies.

Mind control is strong.  To see so much of it even after the perpetrator is long dead is eye-opening and frightening.


Below is a great comment sent by none other than Steve Sanchez, author of the book "Spiritual Perversion" - an amazingly accurate account of day-to-day life at the Academy for Psychic Studies and its impact on the emotional and mental well-being of its loyal followers.

[the unfortunate current cult member] writes her statement very well. She does a good job of selectively saying the right things, and using inspiring phrases. It can't hide the basic reality.
Bill's constant advantage was that he didn't allow anyone to look underneath, to see the nasty-nitty-gritty world of manipulation that he lived in, and the cruel narcissistic motivations that fueled him.All the cruel things he did and said go unseen and unaccounted.
[the unfortunate current cult member] is in the euphoria of dissociation. She is using all the wonderful things she says to dissociate from rage and anger underneath at being led away from her own life. She is in a salvation fantasy where Bill is the hero. All her talent is used to fight fiercely for the reality of the fantasy. That is how her life is taken away. There is truth in her saying that she came out of self-destruction no doubt, but this truth is used to make the lie more real.
With the first shock of trauma we react from a default place of emotion, and thinking from appearances. The natural reaction is felt in this way: if no one cares about me, then I don’t care about you or me. This is a cut-off, and feeds the forsaken feeling that ‘God is punishing me’. This may explain what is happening in the two stories above. These feelings are not necessarily bad.
As I said above, often after the first shock people are put in a position to wrestle with God, and are able to incorporate a more spiritual perspective. They re-define and deepen their connection. But other times the pain of trauma is too deep, people have erected hardened barriers around it, and will not let their position be budged.
Swedenborg gives us a great framework for understanding this subject. He writes:"To think and conclude from the internal is to think from ends and causes to effects, but to think and conclude from the external is to think from effects to causes and ends. The latter progression is against order, but the former is according to order; for to think and conclude from ends and causes is to think and conclude from goods and truths clearly seen in the higher region of the mind. Such from creation is the nature of human rationality itself. But to think and conclude from effects is to conjecture causes and ends from the lower region of the mind where are the sensual things of the body with their appearances and fallacies." (CL, 408).
Feeling God is punishing us is an example of coming to a conclusion from external thinking. We see the evidence of, lets say a stroke; we appropriately feel anger and pain and loss, and from appearances conclude that God is punishing us.
But this is from natural thinking. As we process the situation spiritually we can see that our experience is part of the human condition, and that God is the foundation stone that we can trust in our hearts. Healthy anger springs from the desire to find, establish and reclaim our identity.
When we feel grief there is an opening up, because grief is a form of love; it is love when there is the pain of loss. Bitter, hardened anger concludes that ‘no one cares, and therefore we are not going to care’ (although this is, of course, never true; it is either defiance, or a cry for help).
It is my experience and observation that, quite often, the cause of the stuck place is unresolved emotion from trauma. The unresolved emotion drives a wedge between our selves and our loved ones, between God and us. To maintain the wedge requires dissociating from what we really need to deal with, which manifests in all kinds of addictions, and evasive behavior.
It also causes us to use ideologies as dissociative tools, such as using relativism to justify any position we want so as to not facing our self, or using the dogma of religiosity to avoid vulnerability and pain. If the dissociation becomes chronic, it causes a distancing from the foundation of our being - God. The anger and pain don’t go away, and the wedge displaces our ability to receive the Lord in our hearts.
Many people have suffered trauma in their youth. The trauma could be at the hands of religion, one’s parents, political organizations, schools, relatives or any number of things. Trauma due to abuse causes a deep emotional imprint in the heart, and in the neuronal networks of the brain. It can also be added to by ones own misbehavior, which compounds self-inflicted hate and poor identity. These experiences cause disillusion, suffering, and despair.
People learn strategic ways to protect themselves against these emotional scars. Even those who do a lot of processing work around the issue often don’t get to the core of it. Intense emotional experiences of injustice become internalized, held in a place where they can’t cause further pain. If this kind of emotional hiding persists the ‘underground’ emotion can displace our reception of good. The stuck emotion inside feeds off polarized feelings from childhood that habitually dart between helplessness and omnipotence. These are dramaticized childhood feelings.
Self-protection around the underground pain has been made a matter of survival, leaving us with un-resourced places inside, at least when it comes to certain matters. When triggered, we regress back to this place and react from it, unconsciously employing tried and true self-defense mechanisms, or escaping through some form of dissociation.
The stuck person protects this emotion at all costs, even if they unconsciously hurt others. It sometimes doesn’t matter how much psychological or religious information a person has gained in their life; in fact the more they have, the more sophisticated the self-protection mechanism, and the more elaborate the intellectual framework that is used to mask it.


  1. I just dont understand who in this teaching that can like this, mabye the leaders, but who else? When I found out that Bill decided who was in love with who, I started to get sick, this is when I started to understand that it was not ok to be there. I tought mabye this was just a misstake, because of the name ``Spriritual Rights Freedom``. I tought from the beginning that it would be the ultimate free place to explore yourself spriritually, nor to be told what you think and feel. I did think that the name was a little neerdy though, ``Spiritual Rights Freedom`` is sounds weird actually.

  2. Steve Sanchez, the author, student of Emanual Swedenborg and chaplain has sent a great comment on this post. I've added it to the end of the article.

  3. The above comments by Steve, don't just apply to Jenny but all of us. I was looking at the reasons why we reject God and hold on to anger.


  4. Read this article guys, there's a great addition to it written by none other than scholar, author and chaplain Steve Sanchez.


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