Thursday, November 11, 2010

Academy for Psychic Studies - Foot in Mouth Disease Part II

Dear Lord, I miss Buffy

I've been mulling over the concept of "Slaying in Spirit".

Bill Duby used that phrase often.  His Witches of Ellsworth did - once or twice before they went back to counting up the money they picked from your pocket.

Bill never really explained what the phrase "Slaying in Spirit" meant.  In fact, when asked he usually dodged the question by providing an answer that addressed nothing in particular (especially your question).

I think the concept was to avoid degrading, demeaning or otherwise attacking a person for his or her beliefs, comments, thoughts or anything else.  I had to figure it one out from the context he used that phrase - and from some of his writings that have survived the Academy for Psychic Studies attempt to purge him from their history.

Anyway, treating others with dignity is an honorable and admirable thing.

Too bad neither Bill Duby, Angela Silva or Robin Dumolin had ever followed that simple concept.

If you disagreed with any of them or even had a question (something like "How does this make sense, anyway?) you would find yourself in the spiritual shithouse coughing up toilet water, scared shitless and regretting your mendacity after a waterboarding at the hands of the above.

That's not a projection.  We all saw it over and over and over again.  Many of us experienced it over and over and over again.

While Bill and his henchwomen applied their evil brand of spiritual abuse to another hapless victim, they repeated to those witnessing this horror that the mental torture, the degrading abuse, the demeaning insults and the intentional use of personal humiliation was a warm and nurturing way to provide the healing necessary to a wayward soul.

Of course as men and women of the cloth, they had the power and approval of God behind them.

Uh.... sure.

Isn't it ironic (or more accurately: infuriating) that the above holy and unimpeachable icons of morality conducted their crusade of evil while exhorting their followers to refrain from expressing any kind of moral outrage or opposition?

It's clear: the slaying of spirit actually means you will be slain, reborn, slain again, revived with a bucket of cold water to be slain once more and resurrected so you may be beaten to death.

It also means: tell the truth about what happens at the Academy for Psychic Studies and we will slay your spirit by discrediting you, disparaging anything we can think about you and degrade whatever humanity you may have left.

They did it to Steve Sanchez, posting a degrading and potentially defamatory statement about him on their web site.

They attempted to sue me and my wife for libel, while demanding the names, location and other information of anyone who ever posted a comment here as well as the closure of this blog.  I beat them into a thin red patse but the fact they tried to close this blog tells you a lot.

Several ex-members who have spoke out publicly were branded as evil - their faces posted on the bull's eye of the Academy of Psychic Studies' dartboard.

I had personally witnessed Angela Silva threaten persons with loss of their church privilege, their church-owned apartment and even their children for infractions so petty, you would not believe someone would have even noticed, much less cared about it.

I've seen Bill Duby sit next to a man and explicitly threaten to ruin the man's livelihood, marriage and family, making the man suffer a long period of torture until Bill decided to apply a coup de grace - a simple "Fuck You!".  At other times, Bill would forget about the torture and would just threaten to kill the poor bastard with his bare hands or the rusty old revolver Angela kept under her pillow in case Bill came by for a booty call.

I guess in addition to slaying you in a spiritually acceptable way through mental abuse and exploitation, they would slay your worthless ass for real.  But you'd deserve it, of course.


All that is an introduction to the following re-post:  Foot In Mouth Disease Part II.

It's the infamous church service of July 2008 where Bill and the whole of the Academy for Psychic Studies is referred to the "the picture, the icon of Jesus.  ...Jesus Effing Christ"

Of course, the wacky Bishop who delivered this perverse sermon couldn't stop there.  She "slay-ed in spirit" a loyal minister for having said something to her she didn't like: I asked the minister to officiate at our wedding.  That's not part of this post but it is part of Foot In Mouth Disease. As she was addressing the wacky Academy for Psychic Studies church service, her method of slaying is somewhat more restrained than when only a couple of her most loyal followers stood near, rubbing their hands together for their chance to waterboard and beat her victim to near death.  However, the intent is the same.


So, some of you want to hear the recording of the infamous church sermon of July 2008. That's the one where the bishop of the Spiritual Rights Foundation elevated the status of SRF and Bill Duby to the level of "Jesus Effing Christ" and also informed the members they must avoid people who don't agree with their practices.

What I hear is members of the one of the advanced level mind-control classes asked their teacher why the Bishop of SRF said what she did. Instead of giving an answer, the teacher excused herself to check in with Angela Silva. Angela was said to have instructed the teacher to announce: "Angela reviewed the entire MP3 recording of the church service. There is no reference to "Jesus Effing Christ" in the sermon."

So with that, Angela pronounced the matter a figment of the imagination. A wild, fantastic claim. A projection of one's spiritual shortcomings on the beatific images of  Angela Silva, Robin Dumolin, Bill Duby and their henchmen.

I've got some excerpts of the infamous church sermon for your listening pleasure. But remember: according to the Spiritual Rights Foundation, this MP3 not only never existed, the Bishop never said "Jesus Effing Christ". Ever. And Angela Silva has decreed the Bishop never compared Bill Duby to "Jesus Effing Christ".

But as they say, "listen with your golden ear". See if you can recognize the voice in the recording. See if you can recognize the words that are spoken.

And decide for yourself how real these recordings are.

Because if you don't, Angela will tell you what does exist and it won't look pretty.

Bill Duby and SRF represent "Jesus Effing Christ":

Brush off your shoes and walk away from ex-members:

I'm sure if the internet nazis of SRF discover these recordings, they will have quite a reaction to them. They like to discredit those who expose their ludicrous practices and destructive relationships rather than address the issues directly.

That's not conjecture: the Spiritual Rights Foundation made an announcement on their website titled "Regarding Steve Sanchez" making claims that Steve, through his writings and objections to the improper and destructive practices at SRF, was mentally ill and in need of treatment. While SRF was eager to attack Steve personally, they never addressed Steve's allegations in any public publication, mass media or in any internal meeting or announcement.

It's much easier to kill the messenger. And SRF is quite accustomed to doing just that. I'm waiting for those threats and unfounded statements.

Just keep in mind these guys want you to think that they never said what they said. Or, they will try (with all the grace and aplomb of a crack addict) to spin their mendacity's into sacred prophecy or to turn themselves into victims.

They are victims, though - victims of the truth.

As more is exposed about the Spiritual Rights Foundation, the closer that organization will come to extinction. And certainly, it's not me who is doing the extinction. The public is smart enough to see a fraud, once a fraud is exposed.

So, I'll keep exposing the truth so the public can do as they should.

But even in the face of such negative publicity, could there be a hope for SRF to turn themselves around? It takes some amount of courage, imagination and intelligence to pull that one off. In the words of one ex-member: "They have only one problem - they have no imagination.". I'd add "no courage". I think I'd add "no intelligence" as well. Gee, that makes three problems.

Even the FLDS was smart enough to make a public mea culpa after their child bride fiasco saying that they will no longer conduct marriage of under-age girls. Whether the members of the FLDS followed through on that pledge is anyone's guess. But the point is that they publicly announced the abandonment of a reviled practice. Their single statement, about thirty seconds in length effectively ended the scrutiny and poured a bucket of cold water on the public's interest in the FLDS. As a result, they were left alone. And being left alone is what all cults really desire.

Would SRF even consider the same course of action the FLDS took? Probably not.

But there's no real point in it, is there? Why come to shore when you are swimming in the river named denial?

1 comment:

  1. During the ww2 some Christians even thought that Jesus was actually a nazi guy. In a small village I lived in some years ago, one priest was a member of the nazi party during the war. So many insane things have been done in the name of Jesus, so this is not the first time his name is misused. If they would read the bible right they would soon find out what it is about. Not just choose parts they like. As a Christian they are supposed to serve god, not make god their servant as they do all the time. As a true Christian you are not supposed to do readings, belive in past lifes, astrology and tell fortunes and so on. All this about chackras, kundalini and yoga are not part of the Christian teaching. There are morte things, I just dont remember all of it.


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